Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 311: Clowns vs Mama's Boys

Chapter 311: Clowns vs Mama's Boys

Cricket is fighting, no, playing with Oven right now because Oven is an easy opponent for him. This guy is like an open book and his attacks are easy to predict. Oven only has a strong physique and good devil fruit mastery. But his fighting skills are garbage compared to Cricket.

"It seems you never met strong opponents that forced you to fight better. I guess all good opponents were taken care of by your brother and mom. That's why you are weak like this. Such a disappointment for Katakuri's triplet brother," says Cricket as he parries Oven's attacks.

"Bastard!" curse Oven angrily and he gets even hotter now that the floor starts to burn.

Cricket smirks because this guy is very easy to provoke. Then as he predicted, Oven charges at him and attacks him again with his hotter fists. Cricket simply uses his Armament Haki to counter Oven's attacks.

Oven doesn't realize that he is being used by Cricket to train. To block Oven's max heat power fully, Cricket needs to use his Armament Haki to the max too. Cricket hopes that by using his Armament to its limit, he will be able to reach the advanced level, just like Buggy.

Palu watches from the side as Cricket taunts Oven to use stronger attacks and sighs. Then he jumps away to avoid a lot of candy arrows falling from the sky. He lands and looks at Perospero who shot those arrows.

"Hey, I was still watching a show here. Can't you just wait for a moment?" asks Palu.

"You Clowns are really as irritating as the rumors that I heard. I'll wipe the floor using that arrogant face of yours, perorin~," says Perospero while keep smiling as his big & long tongue hangs there.

"Why don't you wipe it with that tongue, Candy Licker? I'm sure the dirt will taste sweet for your tongue," says Palu while smirking.

Perospero just smiles, he isn't as hot-headed as Oven. Then he shoots a candy wave at Palu and Palu gets ready with his Warhammer. Palu then swings his Warhammer at the candy wave while smiling.

When the hammer hits the candy wave, some ripples appear between them. Palu uses his Hasshoken to block the candy wave. He is the best Hasshoken user in the crew right now, surpassing even Cricket who starts to rely on physical strength, haki, and other martial arts.

Palu's Hasshoken attack breaks the candy wave into pieces. The vibration even flows through the candy and almost hits Perospero. But the Candy Licker jumps away before it hits because the destruction is visibly coming toward him.

"As I thought of candy, so soft," says Palu while smirking.

"You sure like to talk," says Perospero rather pissedly.

"Of course, I have a mouth, after all, although not as big as yours," says Palu before rushing at Perospero.

Palu jumps and swings his Warhammer at Perospero who makes a candy wall to block Palu. The Warhammer hits the candy again and Hasshoken ripples appear again. Of course, the candy wall breaks again even though it's harder than before.

Then Palu keeps moving toward Perospero and attacks him using Warhammer. Perospero blocks Palu's Warhammer using his candy cane coated in haki. Ripples appear again from Palu's attack, and the floor around them is cracking.

However, Perospero's candy cane is fine because it is strong enough as it is, and his haki makes it even harder. Still, Palu's attack is strong too, and Perospero can't fully stop it. Perospero gets pushed back and almost flies out of the ship, but he stops it using his candy.

"Quite persistent, aren't you?" asks Palu who has caught up to Perospero.

Both of them clash again and exchange their techniques. They seem to be equal with no one overpowering the other. The same thing happens on the front deck where 2 giants are fighting each other.

Big Mom Pirates don't have any giants, but they have Daifuku who can summon a genie. The genie can grow big enough to match a giant's size. Magnus is currently fighting against Daifuku's gigantic genie.

Unlike his usual calm self, Magnus is very serious right now. He has been silent since he knew that Big Mom Pirates were attacking their base. No one talked to him too because they know that as a giant from Elbaf, he has a deep hatred toward Big Mom.

Magnus wanted to fight Big Mom himself, but he knows that he isn't strong enough for that. So he fights whoever it is that gets appointed as his opponent. Cricket chose Daifuku to be his opponent because of the genie and Magnus accepted it without any complaint.

Right now, Magnus is just focused on fighting Daifuku. He doesn't care about anything like trying to improve his abilities. His only concern is winning and damaging Big Mom Pirates even for a little by defeating one of their high-ranked officers.

Magnus is still in his normal form and uses an Axe to face against the genie that uses a big halberd. They are quite equal, but then the genie suddenly gets stronger, and Magnus is getting pushed back a little.

Magnus doesn't want to play anymore, so he transforms into his full Asura mode. He holds another Axe using his 2 left arms while the previous Axe is in his 2 right arms. He still has a free arm on each side and he bumps both fists

The genie also actually grows bigger as Magnus grows a little bigger. Daifuku keeps rubbing his stomach to keep the genie out there. If Magnus can stop Daifuku, then the genie will disappear. But he doesn't care because he will destroy the genie and Daifuku to show them a giant's strength.

"Giant, you should've joined our crew. You are the one who Mama got interested the most. You will get special treatments in our crew," says Daifuku.

Magnus isn't in the mood to answer, but he still says, "I'm not interested in joining that monster's crew."

"Then I will force you to come," says Daifuku.

"Try me, if you think you have the capability to do it," says Magnus with a low voice.

Daifuku controls the genie to swing its halberd at Magnus. Magnus also swings his left Axe to counter the attack. He blocks it and then swings his right Axe at the genie. It gets blocked by the genie's halberd's handle, but then the genie gets hit on the stomach by Magnus's free right hand.

"Don't forget that I have 6 arms now," says Magnus as he grabs the genie's head using his free left hand.

Magnus pulls the genie's head down and kicks it using his right knee. He is getting more versatile at using his devil fruit abilities now. The battle then turns one-sided as Magnus starts overpowering Daifuku & his genie.

"Ooh, he's really angry. Having 6 arms gives you a big advantage in a battle. Isn't that right, Charlotte Cracker?" asks Mantis while blocking a sword using her staff.

She is fighting Cracker who also has 6 arms and wields 6 swords like Magnus now. Of course, it's Cracker's fake appearance, but no one in the Clown Pirates knows it except Buggy. He didn't tell them because their intelligence team hasn't discovered anything, so it will be strange if he knows.

Besides, they will fight better if they think that the 6-armed man is Cracker. Although Cracker isn't as strong as when he fight Luffy 19 years later, he is already strong enough now. Big Mom Pirates haven't made Sweet Commanders positions, but Cracker is already one of the strongest among Big Mom's children.

"Mantis 'The Dancer', Clown Pirates' cook. Why don't you join our crew? We have the best cooks in the world. You can learn a lot of dishes and improve your cooking there," says Cracker.

"Why are you guys keep trying to recruit us? Does Big Mom stops making children already?" asks Mantis.

"We simply desire talents like you," says Cracker.

"Hah, you only desire talents that have shone. We were found by Captain and he was the one who polished our talents. People like you who can only have talents when they shine won't interest us. You are simply no match for Captain," says Mantis.

"Hmph, he's just lucky to find you," says Cracker.

"Yeah, and you are lucky to be born of that hag. You will be nothing if you aren't her son," says Mantis as she attacks Cracker.

He blocks her staff and attacks her using his 6 swords. She evades them all gracefully with dance-like movements, showing him why she is called The Dancer. They keep fighting and the war continues.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 335 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 346 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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