Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 310: Clown Fleet's First War

Chapter 310: Clown Fleet's First War

The war finally started for real now because The Clown Pirates have reached Queen Mama Chanter. Their subordinate crews, however, are still attacking from afar using their long-range cannons. They are still outnumbered by Big Mom Pirates that have thousands of homies.

So they focus on attacking from their cannons' max distance just as Cricket instructed. The Big Mom Pirates' attacks can't reach their ships because their cannons can't shoot that far. Their weapon technologies' levels are too far apart.

"OI! COME HERE, YOU BASTARDS! FIGHT LIKE REAL MEN!" shouts one of Big Mom's officers.

The Clown fleet ignores him and keeps shooting from afar. They've damaged and sunk a few of Big Mom's ships using this strategy, so it's very effective. When they run out of ammunition later, they've sunk more than half of Big Mom's ships, which reduced the enemy's number too.

Now, they can only fight at closer range, so they get closer to Big Mom Pirates' ships. But it makes them enter the enemies' shooting range. Big Mom Pirates shoot their cannons, but the Clown fleet can defend themselves because the cannons that Big Mom Pirates use are just normal ones with normal speed, which don't pose a big threat to them.

The Clown fleet finally gets close to the enemy ships and each of them gets between Big Mom's ships. But they put some tens of meters distance to those ships. The distance prevents Big Mom Pirates to get on their ships, but they also can't get on the enemy ships.

It's not a problem though because they have another weapon type. From the sides of the Clown fleet ships, many normal cannons suddenly come out. Big Mom Pirates are very surprised because they thought that the Clown fleet has ran out of ammo.

"Haven't you run out of ammo?" asks a Big Mom officer in disbelief.

"We have run out of ammo, for our long-range cannons. But we still have our normal cannons and the ammo for these cannons is still full. Now, feel despair! FIRE!" shouts a fleet Captain that has been pointed as the raid leader by Cricket.

All Clown fleet ships shoot their normal cannons at the same time. Their distance is close enough, so no one misses their targets. Each ship shoots the enemy ships on their left & right.

The bombardment destroys Big Mom's ships, but they also retaliate by shooting back using their cannons. However, as the Clown fleet is the one that attacks first, they've inflicted more damage. Many shots hit Big Mom's ships' cannon chambers, so Big Mom's ships lost a lot of cannons first.

In the end, Big Mom Pirates lost 80% of their ships in this confrontation. They brought 20 ships excluding Queen Mama Chanter, so they've lost 16. While the Clown fleet only lost 2 out of 10 ships, excluding Black Pearl.

So now, there are 4 remaining ships on the Big Mom side, and there are 8 ships on the Clown side. The table has flipped in a short time because of the Clowns' excellent strategy and weapons. But they can't get relaxed yet because Big Mom Pirates still have more members on those 4 ships than the Clown fleet on their 8 ships.

"The real war starts now. We have truly run out of ammo for our cannons and so are they. The only choice left is direct confrontation. Let's show those Mommy's boys our power! Show them the power of Clown Pirates Fleet!" shouts the fleet leader.

"OOUUU!" The fleet members roar to increase their own morale.

Both sides get closer to each other and then they jump on each other's ships. Melee weapons, ranged weapons, or even bare hands. They all start to fight using their battle skills and blood starts to shed.

The Clown Pirates also have started to fight on Queen Mama Chanter. The executives & stronger members are fighting against Big Mom's children & officers. As for the weaker members, they are fighting against homies or weaker members too.

Enel is fighting against Katakuri right now even though the plan was for Cricket to face Katakuri. He should be fighting against Oven, but he used his lightning power to overtake Cricket and attack Katakuri first. Cricket is pissed, but he needed to attack Oven because Oven almost attacked their men.


Cricket hits Oven's face from the left, flinging him onto the main mast. "That bastard needs to be disciplined later," says Cricket while looking at Enel who fights Katakuri, ignoring Oven that he has just hit.

He knows why Enel wants to fight Katakuri. It's because Buggy told them that Katakuri has a strong Observation Haki and can see a glimpse of the future like Buggy. So Enel who has the strongest Observation Haki after Buggy wants to face Katakuri to improve his Observation Haki.

To get a better result, Enel attacks Katakuri using his lightning-covered gold staff. Katakuri fights him using a trident just like what he used in his battle against Luffy. Fighting at a close range will force him to use all his Observation Haki because a shorter range means shorter reaction time.

Enel shapes his staff into a spear before thrusting it at Katakuri. It's very fast and almost hits Katakuri's face, but then his head disappears, it turns into mochi. Enel grins excitedly when he sees it because only Buggy could react this fast before, not even Cricket or Palu can do it.

"YAHAHAHA, FINALLY A WORTHY OPPONENT. OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY," says Enel excitedly, using a line that Buggy taught him.

"God of Thunder, Enel, it seems the rumor about you isn't exaggerated. You are indeed fast, maybe almost as fast as Marine Vice-Admiral, Borsalino. Mama is quite interested in you," says Katakuri.

"I'm not interested in an old woman. Maybe I'll consider it if it's one of your sisters. By the way, I prefer Smoothie or Cinnamon," says Enel.

"I'll give you a chance to talk with them as long as you join our crew," says Katakuri.

"Just a chance to talk?" asks Enel.

"Whether they accept you or not is their choice. At least I can give you a chance which not many men can get," says Katakuri.

"Well, I don't need a chance given by you. I will get that chance when we destroy your crew," says Enel while grinning.

"Then you'll never have it," says Katakuri while thrusting his trident at Enel.

Enel doesn't see it coming and almost gets hit on the face. But he has a very good reflex because of his lightning power and evades it by flashing away using his lightning at the last moment. The trident still graze his left cheek, making it bleeds.

"You're better than I thought," says Enel while grinning wider before rushing to attack Katakuri again.

Both of them then exchange moves using their weapons. The pissed Cricket is still looking at them even though Oven is walking angrily toward him. Oven gets angrier because Enel ignores him, making his body gets hotter.

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME, YOU BASTARD!" shouts Oven as he sends a punch at Cricket.


Oven scoffs, but then he widens his eyes when he sees Cricket catches his hot fist with his bare hand. Cricket only uses basic colorless Armament Haki to catch his hot fist.

"Sorry for ignoring you, someone is pissing me off. But man, I heard your devil fruit is Heat Heat Fruit, so I thought your fist will be hot, not warm like this," says Cricket with a disappointed tone.

Oven gets even angrier and his body becomes even hotter. Cricket grins as he pulls Oven's hand and headbutts Oven's head. Oven gets pushed back and almost falls on his butt. He can balance himself though and avoid embarrassing himself.

Cricket still grins and taunts Oven using his hand, "Come! Help me warm up before the real battle."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 334 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 345 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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