Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 312: Clowns' Battle Games

Chapter 312: Clowns' Battle Games

Other battles also happen on Queen Mama Chanter. Some Clown Pirates executives even need to fight multiple enemies at once. Deon, Ruff, Brook, Manba, & Jude are the ones who fight some enemies at once.

Deon and Manba are fighting together against the Quintuplets brothers. They fight against Opera, Counter, Cadenza, Cabaletta, and Gala together. It's 2 against 5, but Deon & Manba are not worried even a bit.

Both of them are working together against the quintuplets with good teamwork. Deon has improved his devil fruit mastery a lot and now can suddenly disappear. He can even hide his presence in an instant when the enemies attack him and then he attacks them from different angles.

While Deon distracts the enemies, Manba will attack them using his spear. Ruff has installed Axe, Impact, and even Reject Dials on Manba's spear. So each time he thrust, it will either creates a shockwave or a slash attack on top of its basic thrust stabbing damage.

Manba can even point the Dials' damage at one spot to create bigger damage. The Impact & Reject Dials' shockwave can become a concentrated deadly shock. While the combination of his thrust & Axe Dial can create a very strong stabbing power with deadly penetrating power.

Both of them are covering each other perfectly. Deon will disappear and then attacks the 5 fat identical dudes from the sides or back to distract them. Then Manba will attack them one by one using deadly attacks.

Using that strategy, Manba & Deon take out the quintuplets one by one quite easily. Mamba's attacks will injure the 5 badly using shocks and stabs. Then Deon will finish them by strangling their neck using his long Chameleon tail.

They will pass out because they can't breathe, and then Deon will throw them away to distract their men & siblings. Deon isn't just making his battle easier, he makes his crewmates' battles easier too. He & Manba are the first ones to finish their battles among the executives because it was an easy fight for them.

Meanwhile, Brook & Ruff are also fighting together against not 5 but 6 opponents. They fight against Zuccotto, the triplets Nusstorte, Basscarte, and Dosmarche, Noisette, & Moscato. Both Zuccotto & Moscato were attacking Jude, but as gentlemen, Ruff & Brook provoked the 2 of them to fight both of them instead of Jude which they complied.

This makes Jude doesn't have any Charlotte to fight because, for this war, Big Mom only brought his sons from Perospero the eldest to Moscato the 16th son. She doesn't bring any of her daughters or younger sons because they need to guard their territory. Also, she thought that the 16 of them and their men are enough to go against Clown Pirates, but it's not.

Even Brook and Ruff can handle their 6 opponents quite easily. Ruff who has made many weapons are attacking them using his silly bombs that he made in his free time. His bombs will immobilize the enemies, making Brook can attack them easily.

Ruff is using slimy bombs that create slimy substances on the floor & enemies' bodies. There are also sticky bombs that create sticky substances to stop the enemies from moving. Deadly smell bombs that create super smelly gas that also hit him & Brook. And itchy bombs that spread powder that makes one's body itchy.

Ruff uses all those bombs on each of the 4 Charlottes to maximize the effect. Brook then makes the effects of Ruffs' bombs worse using his music. He makes them hallucinate when they are suffering, which makes their conditions worse.

Both Ruff & Brook are laughing evilly seeing their opponents suffer. Jude who helps her crewmates fight the homies & Big Mom's men is sighing seeing the 2 of them. She knew that they didn't take over her opponents out of kindness, they just want to play around, and do an experiment on them.

Brook & Ruff have a quite twisted sense of humor, after all. It can be said that they have won their battle, but they keep playing around for a rather long time before finishing it. Well, Buggy told them to use their opponents to train, so that is what they do.

Their crewmates are either cheering at them, laughing, or sighing tiredly. However, their enemies don't like it even one bit, especially the Charlottes. Katakuri is the most upset one seeing his little brothers being humiliated like that, so he stops playing around.

He predicts Enel's attack and moves forwards to avoid a strong lightning spear. Then he makes some mochi donuts that shoot haki-covered mochi fists to attack Enel. Enel avoids them but then Katakuri suddenly appears on his escape route and attacks him.

Katakuri doesn't show mercy and stabs Enel using his trident. Enel has reacted, but he still gets stabbed in the stomach by the trident's left spear. Then Katakuri kicks him strongly toward Brook & Ruff so he can take care of the 3 at the same time.

However, Enel's flying body suddenly gets hit by Oven's flying body. Oven has been beaten black & blue by Cricket just now. He saw Katakuri getting serious and knew that it was dangerous. So he gets serious too and beats Oven up before throwing him at Enel when Katakuri kicks the lightning man.


"You should be fine if you still can protest like that. Just be a good boy and take care of that warm dude," says Cricket.

"Warm?" asks Enel confusedly before suddenly, Oven grabs his leg angrily while lying on the floor and heats his hand that holds Enel's leg.

"Oh, it's really warm. I thought your power was Heat Heat Fruit," says Enel while smirking.

Enel is lightning and lightning has a very high temperature, so he can handle strong heat. That's why for him, Oven's heat just feels warm. But for Oven, Enel's lightning will be painful enough, especially when they are this close.

"I heard that you are triplets with Katakuri and Daifuku. But I wonder if the 2 of you are as strong as him or at least close to his level. I have used this on him and he could handle this without any problem. But how about you?" asks Enel while pointing his right palm at Oven on the floor.

"Don't underestimate me!" says Oven angrily.

"So what if I am? Max 300 Million Vari!" says Enel smugly as his lightning gathers on his hand and then it shoots toward Oven at the same time.

Oven gets shot by Enel's highest lightning voltage at such a close range. He is immune to the heat because of his power, but he still gets electrocuted as lightning spread through his body. Cricket has beaten him up, making Enel's attack feels worse, and in the end, he can't stand it, so he passes out.

"Hmph, weakling. Well, I am still weak too," says Enel while looking at his wound before looking at Cricket's fight against Katakuri.

Cricket isn't as fast as Enel but he can handle Katakuri's attacks better. He can even damage Katakuri more than Enel even with fewer hits. He simply has better fighting skills and strength than Enel has.

It makes Enel quite frustrated, but he also gets more motivated to get stronger. He asks Manba to give his stab wound first aid for now so he can fight again. But then he hears something big approaching with his sensitive ears, so he looks at it.

Enel widens his eyes before he shouts, "WATCH OUT! ATTACK FROM 8 O'CLOCK!"

Everyone on the ship stops their fight to look at where Enel points at. They all widen their eyes before scattering away, even Katakuri & Cricket stop fighting to get away. What fly toward them at high speed are Big Mom and Buggy.

Both of them crash onto Queen Mama Chanter and push it away. Their crews are looking at them confusedly because they were fighting before, but now they crashed together. Buggy & Big Mom gets out to the deck and looks at where they came from.

Buggy clicks his tongue and says, "Dammit, so troublesome."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 336 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 347 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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