Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 192: The Ultimate Power, Can You Handle It, Young Fellow? (II)

Chapter 192: The Ultimate Power, Can You Handle It, Young Fellow? (II)

As Chen Chu took a step forward, the entire world seemed to tremble. With a long roar, the halberd swept out, unleashing a vast expanse of black and red light into the sky.

With the dominance of a true dragon's power, the tangible manifestation of physical strength, and the two-ton halberd swinging at supersonic speed, this explosive strike was unstoppable.

The entwining black and red light dispersed the red storm surrounding the dragon's body. Next came its red protective energy, then the tough scales, and finally the massive claws.


A black and red light shot into the sky, accompanied by an explosion of flesh and blood, and the dragon let out an agonized scream as Chen Chu's blow obliterated its right claw.


The burst of black and red sharp light overflowed, tearing open wounds on the dragon's body, each three to four meters long and half a meter deep.


Amid the dragon's cries, the sky suddenly darkened, and a ghastly aura, akin to that of a god and a demon, exploded. It was none other than Chen Chu. At that moment, it seemed as though the entire world was engulfed in black and red.


Dazzling halberd light descended from the sky, compressing the air into a tangible form under the indescribable force and forming circles of transparent shockwaves.

Under the grip of death, the dragon's eyes turned bloodshot, and the power of a level 5 mutated beast erupted wildly from within its body, faintly forming a ring of burning red flames.


With its ferocious mouth enveloped in red energy flames, it roared angrily, attempting to engulf the descending black and red light.


Under the heavy, domineering, and unstoppable blow, half of the dragon's skull exploded, followed by the relentless descent of the halberd light onto the ground.


Instantly, the earth collapsed, forming a massive crater. Cracks spread out for over ten meters around it, resembling a grimacing face of despair. The shockwave unleashed by the explosion swept through the area, lifting clouds of dirt and weeds.

With a thunderous crash, the dragon’s massive body slammed onto the ground, and hot blood sprayed like a fountain from its head, dyeing the earth red.

With the heavy halberd enhanced to a transcendent level, Chen Chu could finally unleash his formidable power to its fullest. He was only in the beginning stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm, and he had only recently broken through, but before him, even a typical level 5 mutated beast had almost no power to retaliate.

By the time Luo Fei arrived, she saw Chen Chu pulling the Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd out of the Winged Dragon’s head. He turned to her, saying, "I heard a beast roaring over there. Li Hao and the others must have engaged. I'll go support them first. You follow. Leave the body here; we'll come back to retrieve it later."

Before Luo Fei could respond, Chen Chu crashed through the air with a thunderous sound, a long white air wave trailing behind him as he disappeared into the depths of the forest in the blink of an eye.

Luo Fei took a deep breath, glanced at the corpse of the level 5 mutated beast that he had just instantly killed, and then chased after him once more...


Over ten kilometers away, below a valley, a few scaled mutated beasts, each over ten to twenty meters long, lay scattered about. With their fierce and menacing forms, they looked more like four-legged dragons than lizards. Their scales varied in color; some alternating between black and red, others between gray and blue, overall presenting a dazzling array of colors.

Li Hao and the others concealed themselves among the trees on the slope overlooking the valley. Before they could start to observe, however, a piercing roar suddenly echoed from the distant horizon.

Instantly, the scaled mutated beasts below stirred restlessly. At the end of the valley, the largest among them raised its head abruptly, gazing in the direction of the screams.


Another agonizing roar reverberated from the horizon.

In an instant, the red-armored giant lizard, over twenty-six meters long and seven meters tall, stood up.


In response to the level 5 Blood Armored Beast King’s roar, the other scaled lizards emerged from the mountain walls, boulders, and bushes, casting uneasy and restless growls toward their king.

In the forest, Xia Youhui and the others watched the gathering mutated beast crowd below with a serious expression. "Chen Chu’s made a move. Looks like those beasts really are related to that Winged Dragon. They’re getting ready to go support it.”

Li Hao said in a deep voice, "We can't let these beasts leave the valley, or we won't be able to catch them all at once.

"Li Meng, you and the others go to the mouth of the valley to intercept those level 3s. Don't engage in direct confrontation. Use the terrain to your advantage and keep them occupied. If necessary, Xia Youhui will take over. I'll go hold off that king beast."

Xia Youhui raised an eyebrow. "Li Hao, are you sure you can hold off something like that?"

It wasn't that Xia Youhui looked down on him, but beasts with king-level bloodlines were incredibly strong. The Golden-Backed Rampage Ape, a peak level 3 beast, had injured most of the hunting party to the point of making them cough up blood.

Li Hao's tone was grave. "Just for a while, not to kill. No problem. And judging from that dragon’s cries, Chen Chu should have succeeded. With his strength, he'll be here soon."

"Got it."

"Then let's go!"

With that, Li Hao let out a long roar, his body radiating with red true power. In an instant, a demonic aura erupted from him, and he charged down with his steel pillar in hand.

"We're going too!"

Xia Youhui's body was enveloped in yellow true power, emitting a heavy aura. He followed with his heavy shield, but he, Liu Feng, and the others instead headed toward the mouth of the valley, ready to restrain the ordinary scaled mutated beasts and keep all of those walking contribution points from escaping.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Seeing the sudden charge of the bipedal creatures, the scaled lizards let out savage roars one after another. As Li Hao charged toward the group of mutated beasts, three of them, each over ten meters long and three meters tall at the shoulder, met him with low growls.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between them was reduced to just over ten meters. Li Hao's aura surged again, and his true power erupted like a raging sea as he wielded his steel pillar.


The swinging pillar, wrapped in red true power, rapidly compressed the air in front of it, forming transparent shockwaves that rippled out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the onslaught of the tyrannical and frenzied power, the three scaled beasts, each weighing several tons, went flying at crazy speeds.

Just as the other mutated beasts prepared to pounce on Li Hao, and he was ready to knock a few more away to relieve the pressure on Xia Youhui and the others, a roar came from behind.


Under the Beast King’s roar, the level 3 and 4 mutated beasts that were about to attack Li Hao paused, backing away to form a large circle around him. They looked respectfully at the red scaled beast approaching with heavy steps, and an overwhelming sense of oppression filled the air.

This mutated king beast was different from the ordinary scaled beasts.

Although longer in body, its form appeared more robust and coordinated, possessing the most streamlined aerodynamics and exuding a sense of explosive power. Even the blood-red scales covering its entire body seemed half as thin as those of the ordinary scaled beasts, fitting tightly against its body with a sense of elegance.

Combined with its slender and powerful limbs, sharp claws, and the dominant aura it emitted, Li Hao couldn't help but feel a chill creeping up his spine.

This king beast is terrifying and dangerous!

As Li Hao faced it with a sense of impending doom, the Beast King's eyes were cold, cruel, and tinged with a hint of mocking amusement. It seemed to be mocking Li Hao's audacity, daring him to challenge it—he was practically seeking death.

Li Hao's eyes narrowed; this mutated beast had underestimated him. Suddenly, a surge of red light enveloped him, and the immense vitality within him exploded.


Li Hao rushed forward with a thunderous roar, his aura overwhelming as he launched an attack on the Beast King. He swung the four-meter-long steel pillar in his hand, and it ruptured the air with the force of a raging storm.


With what seemed like a casual swipe from the Beast King, but was in fact a rapid movement invisible to the naked eye, Li Hao was suddenly sent flying with a thunderous roar. Instantly, the mountain wall a hundred meters away exploded, shrouded in smoke and dust.

Xia Youhui and the others, who had just descended into the valley, widened their eyes in disbelief.

Bro, with such formidable power, how could you be blown away like that?

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