Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 191: The Ultimate Power, Can You Handle It, Young Fellow? (I)

Chapter 191: The Ultimate Power, Can You Handle It, Young Fellow? (I)

What appeared to be a mutated lizard bowed its head to feed as it perched on a protruding cliff. With wings on its back and its entire body covered in red scales, it resembled a Western dragon, though it lacked the typical aura of a draconic mutated beast,

However, it still exuded a formidable level 5 aura even without awakened dragon blood. Its massive size and impenetrable scales enabled it to shrug off artillery fire effortlessly, it was capable of demolishing a small building with a casual strike, and its explosive speed upon descent rivaled that of sound itself.

One could argue that, even though this mutated beast lacked an awakened draconic lineage, it was even more powerful than many Western dragons depicted in movies.

However, as the Winged Dragon feasted, an overwhelmingaura suddenly erupted beneath it.


Accompanied by tremors in the mountain below, a figure soared dozens of meters high above the Winged Dragon's head. It was none other than Chen Chu, clad in black and red crystal armor.

At the apex of his jump, he planted his feet against the rock wall beside him. Like an inflating balloon, Chen Chu's muscles swelled, surging with boundless strength as the Dragon Elephant True Power condensed within him. In an instant, a fearsome aura burst forth.


Accompanied by the roar of dragons and elephants, Chen Chu's slightly bent legs launched him off of the rock wall, shattering it in the process. He became a black and red beam descending from the sky.


The halberd, enveloped in black and red light, descended as if the heavens were collapsing.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. The dragon only had enough time to let out a roar of fury and spread its wings, as a tangible red power exploded from its body. Sharp blade-like lights shimmered within the red energy, cutting several-meter-long rifts into the mountain wall. At that moment, it resembled a dragon of storms.

The massive body shot up into the sky, attempting to evade the incoming strike from above.


The black and red halberd light pierced through everything, the ferocious force like a hurricane collapsing as it landed on the right wing.


Instantly, a vast expanse of red scales exploded, an endless amount of flesh and blood flying in all directions.

The dragon's fifteen-meter-wide right wing was almost shattered by the blow, leaving only fragments of flesh hanging on the bone. The halberd’s momentum wasn’t affected, and it crashed onto the protruding rock below.


Everything within the immediate area trembled. The protruding cliff, twenty meters high and thirty meters wide, collapsed with a thunderous roar, as stones fell and dust billowed.


After narrowly escaping the fatal blow, the dragon screamed in agony with its half-shattered wing. As its massive body rolled in the air, its tail swept behind, creating an exploding gust of wind as it swung toward Chen Chu, who was momentarily paused in mid-air after his strike.

He hadn't expected the mutated beast to react so quickly, to launch an attack even in the moment of injury. Even then, however, he didn’t hesitate in swinging his halberd.


The dragon screamed again as Chen Chu's strike caused a vast explosion of scales, flesh, and blood.

This was the terrifying power of a true dragon. Each swing of the halberd was not only heavy and fearsome in its attack, but also caused massive explosions.

However, with no leverage in the air, Chen Chu was also hit by the dragon's vengeful strike, sending him crashing into the mountain wall with a thunderous boom and a shockwave.

Despite its right wing being mostly shattered, the dragon managed to stay aloft amid swirling red winds. However, it had no intention of continuing the attack; instead, its unsteadily swaying body turned in the air, preparing to flee.

It had been caught off guard by Chen Chu’s sudden explosive strike, and had almost felt the grip of death. Had it not instinctively flapped backward the moment it had sensed Chen Chu’s presence, that blow would have landed squarely on its head.

This was the first time since its mutation that the dragon had encountered such a formidable enemy. It immediately knew that it was far outmatched; in terror, it tried to flee back to its clan. Just as the dragon’s massive body started to turn, however, it once again sensed a strong surge of danger.

Luo Fei aimed her sniper cannon from behind the rocks where she had been lying in wait.. The gun hummed as runes gleamed, and the barrel shined faintly as it targeted the dragon hundreds of meters above.


The dragon’s injured right wing immediately exploded again. While the injury wasn’t as severe—just a bloody hole the size of a basin—it pierced right through the largest bone at the shoulder. Combined with Chen Chu’s halberd strike, it was too much for the wing, and it snapped completely, eliciting another mournful roar.


A surge of hot blood sprayed as the dragon plummeted like a falling fighter jet, crashing into the forest on the mountainside with a thunderous boom that caused the earth to tremble.

All of this happened in an instant. Only then did Chen Chu, whose body had been embedded in the mountainside by the force of the blow, shake off the shock and pull himself out of the hole, directly plummeting from several hundred meters in the sky.


As Chen Chu's figure hit the ground, the surrounding ground collapsed and exploded within a few meters, sending soil flying everywhere. Such a rough landing startled even Luo Fei. Thanks to her helmet, however, Chen Chu didn’t see her surprised expression, and he simply nodded in approval, saying, "Well done, Luo Fei."

He hadn't expected the dragon to still be able to fly after such massive damage to its wing. Fortunately, Luo Fei's marksmanship remained as precise as ever.

With a click, the girl switched out the magnetic energy barrel, modestly saying, "It's nothing. If you hadn't injured it and made it less agile, I wouldn't have been able to hit it in one shot."

She would have aimed for the head, but once mutated beasts reached level 5, they developed a strong perception of danger, similar to cultivators. She hadn’t been confident that she would have been able to land the shot, so she had instead aimed for its injured wing, a much safer target. A flying creature with a broken wing was as good as dead.

"I'll go kill the dragon first. You follow behind."


As soon as Luo Fei nodded, Chen Chu burst through the air with a thunderous boom, erupting with speed beyond the sound barrier.

Only the lingering end of a rolling white air wave and the girl holding the gun remained.

Luo Fei fell into a momentary silence at the sight. When he hadn't yet broken through to the Fourth Heavenly Realm and hunted the Dragon Armored Beast, Chen Chu had also burst with unbelievable speed as he challenged the draconic beast head-on.

At that time, however, he had only gotten close to the speed of sound. Who would have expected that just half a month later, after breaking through to the Fourth Heavenly Realm, he could easily enter supersonic speed, and his physique might have surpassed the Fifth?.

What a freak! The girl thought in astonishment, and then her figure flickered as she chased after him.


In the trashed forest, the dragon struggled to climb to its feet. As a level 5 mutated beast, its physical strength was such that a fall from hundreds of meters only caused superficial wounds and a surge in its vitality. Its right wing, however, was a different story; it had completely broken off, leaving only a few scraps of flesh remaining.

Just as it was about to find a place to hide and recuperate, the forest behind it exploded, and Chen Chu descended from the sky amid flying earth and debris, landing not far away.


Seeing Chen Chu in his black and red battle armor, the dragon let out a ferocious roar, its eyes filled with resentment toward the bipedal creature that had injured it. Even though this mutated beast wasn’t highly intelligent, it was still smart enough to know that in order to survive today, it must kill Chen Chu.

With this thought, a violent aura erupted from the dragon, its red glow intensifying as sharp wind blades swirled around its body and tore through everything.

Unlike typical avian mutated creatures, even with one of its wings completely gone, its lizard-like body allowed it to retain some fighting capability. Its body and tail combined were twenty-eight meters, and it now stood six meters tall at the shoulder, its fierce neck and menacing head towering as high as a four-story building.

However, this display of aggression didn't intimidate Chen Chu. The black and red light enveloping him seemed to emanate tangible, formidable power, pushing aside the surrounding air and forming swirling gusts that swept outward. The black-golden halberd in his hand exuded a heavy, sharp aura, as formless halberd light tore the ground apart with each swing.

The dragon suddenly let out another ferocious roar, and the ground shook beneath it as it lunged towards Chen Chu with a whirlwind of blades, casting a large shadow.


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