Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 190: Dont Think About Your Wife All the Time, The Moment of Hunting (II)

Chapter 190: Don't Think About Your Wife All the Time, The Moment of Hunting (II)

The next morning, after everyone had packed their belongings and armed themselves, they set off early.

During the day, the mist dispersed slightly, not as thick as before.

Soon, the group climbed to the summit of a mountain peak. Li Hao then pointed ahead and said solemnly, "Once we enter that mountain range, we'll be in those beasts’ hunting territory.

"From my observations, this group exhibits a certain level of social organization. The level 5 king beast usually stays in its lair and doesn't venture far. On the other hand, the level 4s patrol their territories separately, and occasionally hunt down other mutated creatures for food.

"It's the level 3s that form squads and engage in group hunts, bringing back prey for the king beast to consume."

Unlike the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast, which consumed and evolved constantly, these normal mutated beasts had similar dietary needs to their pre-mutated selves.

They could eat their fill at every meal or go without for a week without issue, since they relied more on the ambient transcendent energy to maintain their bodily functions, temper their physique, and enhance their bloodlines.

"These scaled beasts usually disperse after ten in the morning, and gather in the valleys before dark."

Chen Chu remarked slowly, "So, if we want to wipe them out, it's best to strike before noon; otherwise, we might alert them."

Li Hao nodded. "Exactly. We're about a hundred kilometers away from their lairs. It won't take long to get there."

Luo Fei checked her magazine and whispered, "In that case, I think we should take out that Winged Dragon first."

Regardless of the circumstances, having air superiority would provide a significant advantage, enabling both offense and defense. It was for this reason that mutated creatures capable of flight after evolution were even more troublesome than others.

Li Hao pointed to a mountain peak on the side of the mountain range. "The dragon’s nest should be up there. I didn't pinpoint its exact location at the time."

Li Hao then pointed to another mountain peak nearby. "The valley beneath that mountain on the side is the beasts’ lair. The locations aren’t far apart."

Chen Chu pondered for a moment. "Flying mutated creatures have remarkable vision. If too many of us go, we might be easily detected, and once a battle breaks out, it could attract the attention of the other beasts.

"Here's the plan: we split into two groups. Luo Fei and I will see if we can take out that dragon first, while Li Hao, you guys scout the area around the beasts’ lair

"If the beasts go on a rampage while we're still hunting down the dragon, you delay and intercept them until we arrive.

"If Luo Fei and I don't find the dragon’s nest before ten o'clock, we'll hurry over to rendezvous with you. It's just about ten kilometers to get there."

"Got it."


Li Hao and the others had no objections to this arrangement.

Afterward, Chen Chu turned to Xia Youhui and the others. "Old Xia, your defense is formidable, but it hasn't exceeded the limit of level 4. You’ll serve as support during the fight with Liu Feng and the rest. Your main role this time is to be porters. Don't try to be heroes."

Li Meng chuckled. "Don't worry, we know our limits. We won't take unnecessary risks. We've come along this time just to see how to hunt down a level 5 king beast."

Liu Feng nodded in agreement. "That's right. When we break through to the Fourth Realm, we'll also find a king beast to kill. Can't let you have all the glory."

"Get lost. We're killing king beasts for the contribution points." Chen Chu shook his head in slight exasperation.

After a few more jests, the group put away their smiles, nodded solemnly, and then split into two batches, disappearing into the dense forest.

Over the decades, not only had animals mutated, but plants had also undergone many changes. Everywhere were ancient trees hundreds of meters tall and several meters thick in diameter, intertwining branches obscuring the sky and making the surroundings damp and dim, as vines crawled between the branches.

Faced with this situation, Chen Chu's black and red true power circulated, emitting a sharp and fierce intent, and he became a black-red light streak that tore through everything in his path.

Grass and vines flew as he passed, and some lurking ordinary mutated creatures were shattered before they could react, demonstrating his dominance and ferocity. Underneath the towering ancient trees, his relatively slight movements were almost completely concealed.

Behind him, a young girl carried a bulky sniper cannon on her back and ammunition around her waist, closely keeping pace with him.

With Chen Chu's full-speed lead, the two quickly arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Winged Dragon was lurking. Just then, a roar resounded through the sky, and a mutated creature with a body length of over twenty meters and a wingspan of thirty flew in from a distance.

Clutching some prey over ten meters long in its claws, it resembled a fighter jet streaking across the sky and landing on the peak of a mountain.

The two exchanged a subtle glance, and Chen Chu's face lit up with a smile. "Coming at the right time is better than coming early. It seems its roost is on the western side of the slope. Let's go take a look."

"Mhmm." Luo Fei nodded, following closely behind Chen Chu as they ascended along the mountain slope.

Under the cover of the dense foliage, Chen Chu and Luo Fei dashed like shadows along the mountain, swiftly covering the distance of over ten kilometers in the blink of an eye. Their pace only slowed when they neared the western side of the peak.

Soon, as they approached a ridge behind the mountaintop, a massive nest built on a rock protruding over six hundred meters high from the cliff came into view. The two could faintly see the dragon’s tail from below.

Chen Chu turned to Luo Fei and whispered, "I'll sneak up to see if I can ambush and injure it. If not, I'll at least startle it into flight. Find a concealed and safe spot to prepare the tungsten bullet. When it takes off, shoot."

In the middle stage of the Third Heavenly Realm, Luo Fei normally wouldn't be able to harm a level 5 mutated creature; such a feat required a special sniper cannon equipped with a magnetic attachment and Tungsten Armor-piercing Bullets.

Luo Fei nodded solemnly. "Got it, but you should be careful too."

Chen Chu smiled. "Don't worry. A regular level 5’s nothing for me now."

With that, Chen Chu activated his Hidden Divinity secret art to conceal his presence and approached the nest directly below the cliff. His fingers sunk into the rock as if it was made of tofu as he started to ascend.

From afar, it looked like a black-red insect rapidly climbing up the steep mountain wall, silent but swift.

Meanwhile, Luo Fei found a shooting position against the cliff, her martial arts gradually causing her presence to vanish in an eerie manner.

Simultaneously, she swapped out the sniper cannon’s normal barrel for a bulky one infused with magnetic energy and chambered the tungsten bullet. The runes on the gun faintly glowed, indicating they were charged and ready.

In just a short while, Chen Chu found himself beneath the nest on the cliff...

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