Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 189: Dont Think About Your Wife All the Time, The Moment of Hunting (I)

Chapter 189: Don't Think About Your Wife All the Time, The Moment of Hunting (I)

The two colossal beasts continued to slowly descend. When they reached a depth of three hundred meters into the ocean trench, the Single-horned Orca emitted a low sound.

Squeak! Brother, be careful, that creature can transform into stone and mud, then ambush unseen.

Roar! Got it, you don't need to go down, wait up here.

Amid the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast’s low growls and roars, its fiery blaze erupted from its body, emitting golden-red flames several meters away that radiated intense heat.

Instantly, the darkness within the trench was dispelled by the fiery glow, while the surrounding icy and desolate seawater boiled under a temperature of two thousand degrees Celsius.

A vast amount of water boiled into steam, which was then solidified by the surrounding icy water and water pressure into a colorful halo, enveloping the black and red exotic beast.


Accompanied by a fierce dragon roar, the Thunder Beast lunged toward the ancient creature's skeleton below. However, as it plunged downward, it deliberately steered clear of the left cliffside while expanding its senses to the maximum, covering its surroundings within hundreds of meters.

Yet, to the Thunder Beast's surprise, it failed to perceive any trace of the mutated creature's aura or presence, as if there were no ambush whatsoever waiting for it in the surroundings.

What a peculiar ability, the Thunder Beast marveled, as it continued its relentless descending assault on the skeleton, its right claw ablaze with scorching flames.


The seawater exploded, and a circle of fiery shockwaves erupted, rolling and surging out for dozens of meters.

However, despite the Thunder Beast's casual strike, the red halo enveloping the massive skeleton didn’t so much as tremble, displaying a formidable defense.

This transparent red light isn't energy! The Thunder Beast looked at it with a piercing gaze. Just now, its strike didn't seem to hit an energy shield, but rather a towering cliff of unimaginable hardness, an alloy precipice immovable by any means.

Dozens of meters away on the seabed, a massive mound of mud exploded, revealing a monster covered in countless joints and claws that burst forth with incredible speed.

This monster had shown no hint of aura or energy fluctuations before launching its attack, and its explosive speed reached the sound barrier in an instant. There was a roar of rushing water as it appeared beside the Thunder Beast in the blink of an eye.

The Thunder Beast swiftly flipped and struck out with its claw; within the dazzling blaze, the water ahead of its claw was almost instantly obliterated by the overwhelming force.


The Thunder Beast's strike sent the creature flying, hundreds of meters of murky water churning up from the explosive water pressure amid persistent thunderous reverberations.

Yet, the mutated creature proved resilient; the Thunder Beast's claw had destroyed the black energy on its surface, shattered half of its armor, and bursted flesh, but it remained alive.


The mutated creature crashed onto the seabed hundreds of meters away, stirring up billows of sediment, its mouth emitting a silent roar.

Only then did the Thunder Beast get a clear view of its appearance. Covered in colorful exoskeleton plates and spanning nearly a hundred meters, the colossal beast had a body over three meters thick, with centipede-like legs on either side.

At both ends of its body were heads, devoid of eyes but filled with numerous fangs and massive mandibles, giving it a grotesque visage. The enormous mandibles on its mouths exuded a strange black energy that dissipated seawater upon contact, as if erasing it.

Evidently, those mandibles had been what inflicted the near-fatal wounds on the Orca. Otherwise, with its whale-shaped shield and thick scales, it would have been nearly impossible for creatures of the same level to inflict much damage, let alone grievously wound it.

This was an assassin evolved to the pinnacle of stealth, ambush, and instantaneous lethal strikes.


The Thunder Beast unleashed a deafening draconic roar, causing a massive vacuum zone to appear behind it amid exploding seawater as it darted forward.

In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Beast disappeared from its original position and reappeared beside the mutated creature, radiating with fiery heat and extending its claws.


This time, the Thunder Beast didn't do a swipe, but seized the creature's head with one claw while pinning its body with the other.

Under the scorching temperature exceeding two thousand degrees Celsius, the black energy on the monster's surface continuously burned away, consumed by the energy flames.

Instantly, the monster emitted a silent roar, its colossal body of nearly a hundred meters unleashing an immense force as it struggled like an underwater dragon. Despite its formidable strength, however, it couldn't shake off the Thunder Beast in the slightest.

A shadow burst forth from behind, the creature’s other head. Its monstrous mouth resembled a sea dragon as it lunged toward the Thunder Beast's back.


The black sword-like tail, ablaze with flames, burst out with a speed surpassing sound, instantly impaling the second head’s neck and keeping it from getting any closer.


Ignoring the creature's struggles, the Thunder Beast roared, jaws wide open, and unleashed a golden flame breath that struck the creature's head with a thunderous force.

With a temperature exceeding ten thousand degrees Celsius, the scorching breath pierced through the creature's exoskeleton, incinerating almost half of its head.

Then, engulfed within a golden pillar of fire, the creature crashed onto the seabed below.


Instantly, the trench trembled as waves of fiery shockwaves erupted along the seabed. The surrounding waters within a kilometer radius turned turbulent and murky.

Before a super warrior brimming with strength, agility, defense, and attack capabilities, this assassin at the late stage of level 7 had been slain in the blink of an eye. The Thunder Beast was just too formidable; as a king of mutated beasts with its seven innate abilities, ordinary beasts of the same level had no chance against it.

After the mutated creature ceased its struggles, the Thunder Beast halted its fiery breath, slowly retracting the blazing flames emanating from its body and enshrouding the ocean depths in darkness once more..

Sensing the disappearance of the mutated creature's aura, the Orca, previously circling above, excitedly swam down. Squeak! You're amazing, Brother!

Roar! Not bad.

The Thunder Beast casually withdrew its tail and discarded the creature's corpse with its claws before turning its gaze back to the skeleton. Compared to when it had first arrived, it keenly noticed a slight dimming of the red halo on the surface of the massive skeletal remains.

That transparent layer of power is weakening! No wonder the Orca had insisted on not waiting, and who knows how long that mutated creature had been guarding this place. It would have surely devoured those drops of ancient blood as soon as this barrier vanished.

With this in mind, the Thunder Beast let out a low roar. Roar! Big Horn, that thing is one per beast.

Squeak! Yes, one each. The Orca nodded.

Then the Thunder Beast continued with a low growl. Roar! But I suggest you absorb that drop of ancient blood yourself, don't think about bringing everything back. Remember, only when you become powerful can you seek out more resources to bring back.

Roar! Otherwise, if you give everything to your family back home, and your own strength doesn't keep up, one day you might be killed and eaten by stronger mutated creatures.

Roar! By then, your wife might become some other orca's wife, and your children might be bullied by other orcas.

Considering the significant contributions this fellow had made in obtaining valuable items, the Thunder Beast kindly advised it, not wanting this individual to be devoured by even more powerful mutated creatures one day.

Squeak! Brother, my wife won't change. The Orca couldn't help but defend its spouse.

Roar! Squeak my foot! That's not important. The decision is final. Later, you'll devour that drop of ancient blood.

The Thunder Beast delivered a slap to the Orca's head to assert dominance, unleashing a burst of power that sent it flying.

Squeak! Brother, easy there, your strength is overwhelming, the Orca whimpered, feeling somewhat aggrieved after being swatted away.

Roar! Look at the difference between you and me. You used to be so much bigger than me, yet now you can't even withstand one of my blows. Pathetic.

The Thunder Beast grunted, then swam toward the massive skeleton, preparing to devour the drop of ancient blood once the barrier dissipated.

Though uncertain of its benefits, the strength of the instinctual craving suggested it would undoubtedly bring significant advantages. Perhaps it might even be effective for humans. After the barrier vanished, maybe leaving a bit for its main body to test out would be worthwhile.

The Thunder Beast sensed that this drop of blood was even more powerful than high-level dragon essence. If it could be integrated into the sixth stage of the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body, it could potentially lead to a terrifying enhancement in its techniques and combat prowess.

As the Thunder Beast lay on the seabed and quietly waited, the Orca behind it pondered over the beast's earlier words with thoughtful eyes.

Was I really wrong this whole time?

Soon, the pitch-black trench fell into silence. Occasionally, mutated creatures lured down would either be swatted to death by the Thunder Beast or devoured by the Orca.

Fortunately, due to the formless red light barrier, the attraction of those two drops of ancient blood emitted only extended for a few hundred meters; beyond that range, it was undetectable.

Otherwise, even with the Thunder Beast's immense strength, it possibly wouldn’t be able to maintain control of the area. After all, beneath the depths of the ocean, there were far too many monstrous mutated beasts.

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