I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 194: Despicable NTR

Chapter 194: Despicable NTR

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Returning to the tower, Peter decided to take care of Kilgrave himself, as he didn't want any of his subordinates to mess up and reveal anything.

'No doubt, Kilgrave would question anyone trying to capture him, before either killing them or sending them after their employer.' Peter thought as he drew a quick sketch of David Tennant, the actor that played Kilgrave in the Jessica Jones show.

It wouldn't win any awards, but the picture was enough to start the search.

"Jarvis, I need you to find me this man." Peter scans the drawing and it appears on the PC monitor in his office. "He goes by the name Kilgrave, but his real name is..."

Peter explains everything he knows about the man, from his real identity to his mind-control ability.

Kilgrave had the ability to control another person's mind through literal verbal commands, making them completely obedient to him.

A virus that he emits through microparticles in the air is the source of his power. His ability is always active as he cannot stop his body from producing the virus and anyone within his immediate proximity is affected, but don't realize it until he issues a command.

Luckily, the nature of Kilgrave's viral mind control required him to be physically present for his commands to have an immediate effect. Speaking over a phone or through a physical barrier like a sealed room did not enthrall his victims.

'I can just tranq dart him and lock him in one of the Extremis cells.' Peter thought as Jarvis got to work searching through security cameras across the country.

The Extremis cells are completely sealed and filtered in a way that should contain Kilgrave's ability.

'I should probably double-check just to make sure though...' Peter thought as he left Jarvis to his work and went down to the detainment floor.


Hours later, Peter finished modifying a special cell, which he designated for Kilgrave.

Luckily, he checked the cells beforehand because Peter found a slight issue. The filtered and secured vents, which supplied fresh air to all of the prisoners also vacated old air up to the roof.

'It's not remotely likely, but Kilgrave could have infected someone on the roof and possibly, with the right amount of luck and ingenuity, used them to escape.' Peter thought as he shuttered at the thought of the Avengers falling under that maniac's control.

Of course, this wasn't a possibility anymore, as Peter added about a hundred more filters. Though if that wasn't enough, he also changed the vent leading to the cell, sending the vacated air to some large storage tanks that Stark Industries had lying around.

Unless some idiot comes around and starts cracking open the tanks, there won't be a problem, though the tanks are in a secure area, which is only accessible by either Peter or Tony.

Jarvis made sure of it.

As Peter looked at the tanks that would be filled with infected viral air, he had a sudden idea.

'Maybe I should study Kilgrave's ability and see if it can be used for good...' Peter thought, but soon started to question himself.

The ability to control others so easily just seemed so evil...

'Absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Peter thought.

Although having the power to make criminals willfully turn themselves into

the police would be useful and save a lot of his precious time, the urge to use it for personal gain would always be there, gnawing away at him.

"It's not worth the trouble..." Peter said as he got home that night. 'Though I should still study it to find a way to counteract the virus' effects.'

Who knows, Peter might be able to make himself immune to mind control, which would be extremely useful in a comic book world.

Although there aren't many villains in the MCU who could use mind control, this world has a few curve balls thrown in, so the possibility of a meta-human appearing with similar abilities is always possible.

'It's just a coin flip whether they go down the good or evil path.'


On the next day, Peter received some good news.

"Sir, I've found a man matching Kevin Thompson's description." Jarvis said as soon as Peter entered the tower.

"You found Kilgrave already?" Peter asks in surprise.

"Yes, it seems as though he wasn't hiding." Jarvis says as security footage of Kilgrave screaming on the sidewalk appeared.

The video showed a black-haired woman walking away from a very angry-looking Kilgrave, but it didn't end there.

At the same time, a bus driver, who was most likely drinking on the job, accidentally crashed and rolled his bus, causing Kilgrave to be hit and very nearly killed by the impact.

Witnessing this, the mystery woman turned around, revealing it to be Jessica Jones, though she didn't go back to help and instead left him to die in the gutter as she walked away.

'Was that the day Jessica escaped?' Peter wondered as he didn't remember every detail of her show. "Is he in the hospital?"

"He was." Jarvis says as more videos from hospital cameras started playing, showing a bit of Kilgrave's time in the hospital and portions of his recovery. "Kilgrave officially signed himself out of the hospital one month ago, and has taken up residence in a wealthy couples penthouse, where he has continued his recovery from home."

Next, video footage of Kilgrave limping in and out of an upscale apartment building in the Upper East Side of Manhattan began to play.

"Is he there now?" Peter asks.

"Yes, though there has been no sign of the two owners of the home for the last week." Jarvis says.

"That's not good..." Peter mutters as two images of the couple appear on the screen.

"What's not good?" The door opened and Tony came waltzing in with a smirk on his face.

"Just a psycho with mind control powers." Peter says as he didn't want to go into detail.

Jarvis could fill him in later if he really wanted to know.

"Cool." Tony says uncaringly. "I'm heading out for a lunch date, but you asked for this, so I thought I'd drop it off."

Tony says as he steps out of the office for a second and comes back with a long black rectangular briefcase.

Placing it on the table between both of them, Tony opened it up, revealing a long-range sniper rifle alongside some magazines and dart ammunition, which was filled with a yellow liquid.

"When Pepper said that you put in an order for this baby, I was surprised, but a mind-controlling meta-human seems like a good reason to keep your distance." Tony says as he snaps the case shut and makes his way out. "Good luck and don't get brain f*cked! Peppers waiting for me downstairs!"

"..." Peter sighed as he started familiarizing himself with his new sniper.

He could remember the days when Tony would jump at the opportunity to face off against an interesting bad guy, but now he was in the initial stages of a relationship with the woman he loves, so his attention was currently elsewhere.

'The truth is that bro's before hoes never existed...' Peter thought with a laugh. 'Eh, he'll be back after the honeymoon phase passes.'


After spending some time in the tower's very own firing range, Peter headed out that night in his blacked-out suit with a sniper strapped across his back.

Thanks to the training that every member of the Avengers has to go through, Peter's sniper skills were fairly adequate. Add in the fact that he has an extremely enhanced body and senses, and that puts him on the level of a very skilled marksman.

Using a quick invisibility spell, Peter opened a portal on top of the building across the street from the Penthouse that Kilgrave was said to be staying in.

"Where are you..." Peter muttered as he set up his sniper on a tripod at the edge of the rooftop and surveyed the windows of the upper floors one by one.

Thankfully, the blinds and curtains were wide open, and the windows went from floor to ceiling, so Peter could see almost the entire penthouse apartment.

The apartment itself looked extremely spacious and lavishly decorated, showing just how wealthy Kilgrave's latest victims were.

"Maybe I should buy a penthouse for myself too." Peter muttered as he found the idea rather appealing. 'I could take MJ there on the weekends...'

He certainly had more than enough money to afford it, as his bank account only keeps climbing with the constant success of Candy Crush.

'Thank you, microtransactions.' Peter thought as he saw some movement from one of the windows and snapped back into focus.


"That's just messed up..." Peter muttered in pity and disgust.

Kilgrave, who was completely naked as the day he was born, was laying in bed watching TV, as a woman serviced him with her mouth.

[Insert picture of Kilgrave here]

Even worse, a man stood in the corner of the room with tears dripping down his eyes, watching without the ability to move a single muscle.

Below him was a pile of rather large tacks, which he was most definitely forced to stand on. As the spiky tacks pierced into his bare feet, blood smudged and slowly pooled onto the dark wood flooring.

"Is he cucking this guy?" Peter almost exclaimed in absolute revulsion. "What is this? A bad hentai?"

A/N: 1584 words


🎶I don't want a lot for Christmas🎶

🎶There is just one thing I need🎶

🎶I don't care about the presents🎶

🎶Underneath the Christmas tree🎶

🎶I just want them for my own🎶

🎶More than you could ever know🎶

🎶Make my wish come true🎶

🎶All I want for Christmas...🎶


A/N: Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

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