I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 193: Recruitment Deal

Chapter 193: Recruitment Deal

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"How has mortal life been treating you?" Peter asked as he smiled under his mask.

Seeing a completely powerless Loki was quite the sight.

In the movies, Loki always had an air of confidence about him, which made it seem like he could escape and overcome any situation, but that was all gone now.

The Loki in front of Peter was very human in comparison. He even looked slightly nervous without his magic to defend himself.

"Horrid." Loki answers Peter's question as his scowl deepened. "Does my brother know I'm here?"

"Your brother is currently busy cleaning up your mess." Peter says.

"So the dumb oaf is King now?" Loki says with a laugh.

"Well, your father couldn't exactly take back the position." Peter says, receiving a confused look from Loki. "He went into his patented hibernation after sending you off."

"I see..." Loki mutters.

For just a fraction of a second, Peter could see a small look of regret flash across Loki's face, though he quickly hid it away.

"You know, I actually agree with your action in killing the Frost Giant King. It's just the way you went about it that was too idiotic." Peter says offhandedly.

"Huh?" Loki grunted in surprise.

"It's true." Peter says with a nod. "Your father may disagree, but taking a powerhouse, who at one point could rival Odin, off of the board is smart. You just went about it in a more flashy manner than necessary."

Inviting a hostile foreign leader over and assassinating them in your own territory is the peak of stupidity.

"It would have been better to assassinate him in his own kingdom and frame a member of his close circle." Peter explains as that would cause strife between the Frost Giants. "Of course, I don't agree with the genocide or any other part of your plans."

"..." Slowly, Loki's scowl morphed into a surprised smile. "It seems that I've misjudged you, Spider."

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Peter smirks under his mask as a mop of black hair pops out of a nearby doorway.

"Loki!" She yells angrily and storms out into the hallway. "What's taking you so long?"

She asks as Loki steps out of the way and reveals who the possible new client was.

[Insert picture of Jessica Jones here]

"S-Spider-Man?" She stuttered in shock.

There was a reason that Jessica wanted to become a superhero at one point, and that was both Captain America and the man standing right in front of her.

She looked up to Spider-Man. Seeing him as the type of figure that she once wanted to be.

For the first time ever, Jessica was completely star-struck. It also didn't help at all that Peter is a peak worldwide celebrity.

"I-It's Spider-Man..." Jessica says with her mouth hanging open.

"Yes, you've already said that..." Loki says with a small hint of jealousy.

The venomous woman that could match him tit for tat somehow turned into a puttering schoolgirl as soon as Peter came along.

"What are you doing here?" She asks after the initial shock starts to fade away. "Need somebody investigated?"

Although she said that jokingly, the free advertisement from having Spider-Man as a client would be outrageous. People would line up down the block, hoping to retain her services.

"No, sorry." Peter says as he motions to her office door. "Can we speak in private?"

"Yeah, come in." Jessica snaps to it and escorts Peter inside followed by Loki who lagged behind with a gloomy look on his face.

After the pleasantries were out of the way, Peter sat across from Jessica with a big wooden desk between them. Meanwhile, Loki stood off to the side and started pouring himself a drink.

'He and Tony would get along well...' Peter thought as he watched Loki pour what appeared to be a triple shot of scotch and down it instantly.

"..." Jessica rolled her eyes as Loki's behavior didn't go unnoticed on her part either, though she has grown used to his alcoholic behavior by now. "I hope that you don't take this the wrong way, but why the hell are you here?"

"Well, Loki and I have a small history, so I came to say hello." Peter says as he turns to see Loki pouring himself another glass.

"You've seen me and said your greetings. Now, be on your way." Loki shoos Peter off as he swishes his liquor in hand. "I'm sure theirs a damsel in distress or cute animals stuck at high heights somewhere."

Hearing her assistant try to shove off her former idol and possible cash cow, Jessica sends Loki a pointed glare in warning.

"He's just as warm and welcoming as I remember." Peter says with a small chuckle. "Though that's not the only reason I stopped by."

Upon hearing this, Loki clicked his tongue and downed his glass, eliciting a smile from Peter.

"I'm here to speak to Miss Jones as well." Peter says as he turns back to Jessica, who wondered what the hell Spider-Man could want with her. "Would you like to join the Avengers?"

"Umm... what?" She asks back as a stupid look appears on her face. "Can you repeat that?"

"Jessica Jones, would you like to become a member of the Avengers?" Peter repeats himself.

A look of realization appears on her face as Loki grinds his teeth off to the side. After all, Loki wanted to stay close to Jessica but becoming a do-gooder wasn't exactly his forte.

His image would be forever ruined.

"I'm not exactly the hero type anymore..." She answers with a huge lack of confidence.

"Was that a decision you made for yourself or out of fear?" Peter asks and receives a curious and confused look from Loki. "Because if this is about Kevin Thompson, I can assure you, he can and will be dealt with."

"Who is Kevin Thompson?" Loki asks as the frightened look on Jessica's face made him angry for some reason.

"Are you talking about Kilgrave?" Ignoring Loki, Jessica asks with a shaky voice. "Is that his real name? Kevin Thompson?"

Loki has never in his entire duration as a mortal man seen or heard Jessica act this way. She was always a confident, aggressive, and quick-witted woman.

Seeing her like this seemed to have awakened something in Loki.

"Yes." Peter nods as he sits back in his chair and crosses his legs. "If Kilgrave is what's stopping you, then don't worry. I'll send a team to deal with him for you."

Kevin Thompson, also known as Kilgrave, was a man who was experimented on by his parents since his childhood in order to treat a neurodegenerative disease, but the treatment ended up giving him the new ability to control people's minds at his will.

Assuming the name Kilgrave after his parents abandoned him, he began to use his powers to survive. Though it didn't take long for his cruel nature to show, as he began to use his powers for personal gain and amusement, hurting and killing thousands along the way.

Eventually, he came across Jessica Jones whom he kept as his personal sex slave for several months before her escape.

"You can't!" Jessica stands up and exclaims. "Anyone you send near him will fall under his control. There's a reason that I've been running and hiding..."

She didn't know how Spider-Man found out about her or Kilgrave, but in her mind, no one stood a chance against her tormentor. He would only have to utter a single word and it's all over.

"Who the hell is Kilgrave?" Loki asks again but was ignored all the same.

"Which is why I would send a sniper to do the dirty work from a safe distance." Peter says with a shrug. "This man isn't as all-powerful as he would have you believe."

"..." Jessica starts to calm down and put everything Peter said together. "Can you..."

Looking straight into Peter's eyes, Jessica seemed to have steeled her resolve as a hopeful look appeared on her face.

"Can you capture him?" She asks as thoughts of doing the deed herself started stirring around in her head.

Vengeance is a hard feeling to shake. Jessica was used as a lackey to do things from fetching food to smashing people's brains in, though that wasn't the worst of it.

R*pe is a horrible crime, but it's especially horrible when you can't at least fight back a little. What made it even worse was the fact that her body was forced to enjoy every moment of her defilement, while her mind raged and begged for it to stop.

Revenge was the very least that she could ask for.

"You want to kill him yourself?" Peter read between the lines fairly easily.

"Yes." Jessica replied instantly.

"Alright, I'll reach out when I have him." Peter says as he stands up and looks her in the eyes in return. "But in return, I want you to apply to join the Avengers."

"Deal!" Jessica wouldn't let this opportunity pass by.


As Peter strolled out of the office, he could hear an angry shout from behind.

"Who the f*ck is Kilgrave?!"

A/N: 1543 words :)


[21, can you do somethin' for me?

Can you hit a lil' rich flex for me?

And 21, can you do somethin' for me?

Drop some💎stones💎to my fanfic for me.

Then 21, can you do somethin' for me?

Can you stop being stingy for me?]

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