I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 195: Lovers Reunited

Chapter 195: Lovers Reunited

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Seeing more than enough for a lifetime of disgust, Peter decided to act quickly and save the poor couple before Kilgrave could escalate the situation any further.

Taking out a fresh magazine, filled with five large tranquilizer dart bullets, Peter could see some runic writing on the casings.

Before leaving the tower earlier, Peter wanted to add a bit of a magical enhancement to the darts, as he wasn't sure whether the darts would be accurate when factoring in glass windows or any other environmental factors.

Just to be sure that things go smoothly, Peter added some enchantments to mitigate these factors, allowing the darts to shoot through the air without any possible direction changes and tear through glass without altering the trajectory.

"Nighty night, Kevin." Peter mutters as he loaded the gun, chambered a round, took aim, and fired.

As a loud bang echoed across Manhattan, the gun kicked back slightly and a large needle-tippled bullet launched out of the barrel, crossing the gap between the two buildings in an instant.

Though Peter didn't stop there.

Dealing with mind-controlled victims, who have most likely been converted into Kilgrave's little minions, would just be an unneeded hassle, so Peter changed targets and fired another two darts soon after the first.

Inside the bedroom.

Just as Kilgrave was about to blow his load into this poor mind-controlled lady's mouth as her husband watched, a loud bang could be heard from outside. Though before anyone could do anything or even react in the slightest, the glass window shattered with a loud crash.

"Ugh?" Kilgrave grunted as he felt something impact his chest and pierce deeply into his skin.

He could even feel some sort of liquid being pumped into his body, as the effects of the tranquilizer already started showing.

Looking down in shock, Kilgrave found a large metal dart embedded into his chest. As he went to grab it and pull the foreign object from his body, Kilgrave could feel his strength leave him.

Within only moments of injection, Kilgrave lost all strength in his movement and was already starting to feel drowsy.

Before he could fall unconscious, Kilgrave saw two other matching darts fly through the broken window and impact his most recent playthings.

The man in the corner collapsed within seconds, releasing him of his excruciating pain and anguish.

As for the woman, who was still bobbing her head up and down on her captor's crotch. She was impacted directly in the neck and slip off of the bed as she passed out cold as well.

"W-What the..." Kilgrave stuttered as his body toppled over, following his victims in a chemically induced sleep.

On the rooftop across the street, Peter waited a full minute before even thinking about going over to the bedroom across the street.

Peter didn't want to rush over too early and get ordered around by a barely conscious mind r*pist. Kilgraves' powers were just that terrifying.

"Maybe I should give him a double dose?" Peter thought out loud as he scoped in once again. 'He should be able to survive a second shot...'

With another squeeze of the trigger followed by a fourth gunshot, Kilgrave was injected with a second dose of tranquilizer.

As the second dart pierced into his body, Kilgrave didn't flinch or groan at all, showing how effective the first shot really was.

"Okay, that should be enough." Peter says as he straps the sniper along his back once again and leaps over to the other building with a single jump, landing in the penthouse on the broken glass from the shattered window.

Without wasting a single second, Peter collected his darts from everyone's unconscious bodies and waved his hand.

Beside him, a small portal opened, which dumped out a blood collection kit, among other things.

Keeping a quick pace, Peter taps into Kilgraves vein and starts filling a clear hospital bag with blood, though he didn't stop there.

Peter then swabbed his mouth and nostrils, cut off a lock of hair, and even sliced off a small piece of flesh for testing.

'That should be enough.' Peter said as he stored everything away and waved his hand once again.

Instantly, Kilgrave's naked body was swallowed by a portal that appeared underneath him. His body fell onto a bed in a glass box, which resembled a high-tech prison cell.

"Mission accomplished." Peter muttered as he checked on the victims before leaving the scene of the crime altogether. 'They should be fine now, hopefully.'

The couple may need some therapy after the ordeal they've been put through, but with Kilgrave out of the picture, they can put their lives back on track.


Returning to the tower, Peter didn't bother visiting his newest prisoner, as the tranquilizer would take at least 12 hours to wear off.

Especially after that second dose.

After safely storing his samples, which he would later study to help find a way to counteract mind control, Peter took some similar samples from himself to see if he was infected with Kilgraves mind control pathogen.

'I was in the same room as him, after all.' Peter thought as he spent some time with Lily in his modified penthouse while running all sorts of tests on himself.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" She asked between episodes of 'My Little Pony'.

"I ran into a sick man today, so I'm checking to see if I got infected." Peter says, unwilling to reveal much about Kilgrave to his daughter, as he isn't exactly a PG-rated villain.


Since Peter wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for, the first night of testing gave him no useful information whatsoever.

'This is going to take longer than I'd hoped.' Peter thought as he said goodnight to Lily and returned home.


Arriving home that night, Peter found MJ asleep in his bed, hugging his pillow closely in her sleep. MJ seemed to smile slightly every time she caught a whiff of his scent from the pillow.

"So cute." Peter commented as he hopped into bed next to her, pulling his beautiful girlfriend into his arms as he drifted off to sleep alongside her.

As he fell asleep, MJ opened her eyes and peaked up at Peter's face, smiling contentedly for a brief moment before burying her face in his neck.


Arriving at the Avengers tower bright and early, Jessica Jones looked up at the towering building for a moment before walking in, feeling both nervous and determined at the same time.

Following closely behind her, Loki didn't say a word as he protectively eyed the surroundings.

Ever since the day Spider-Man came for a visit, Loki has done his best to figure out what the hell they were talking about.

With enough pestering, he learned that a man named Kilgrave used mind control to take advantage of Jessica, using her as a lackey for months on end.

Jessica didn't mention anything about the sexual portions of her time with Kilgrave, but Loki was a smart man. It didn't take a genius to put the puzzle pieces together.

Ever since Loki figured out the context of their conversation, he felt a boiling rage appear deep inside himself.

'How dare that dirty mortal lay a finger on her!' Loki thought hatefully.

It was too bad that Loki's powers were taken away because he has a long list of particularly vicious spells, which he would love to use on Kilgrave at this very moment.

'I'll have to make do with mortal means.' Loki thought as he entered Avengers tower alongside Jessica.

"Excuse me, are you Jessica Jones?" A secretary-looking woman asks as soon as they entered the building.

"Uhh, yes." Jessica answers with a nod.

"Please follow me." The secretary says as they go through security and toward the elevators.

As they walked up, a nearby elevator opened on its own and a disembodied voice spoke.

"Welcome, Miss Jones, Prince Loki." Jarvis spoke from the elevator speakers. "Please enter the elevator. Spider-Man is waiting upstairs."

Hearing the voice call Loki a prince was a bit odd for Jessica.

Although Loki was very open about his status as an Asgardian Prince, as he loves to flaunt his status at the drop of a hat, she always thought he was just a nut job or something.

Entering the elevator, the secretary stayed behind as she wasn't allowed on the upper floors of the tower.

Arriving at the correct floor, the two of them followed the directions of the disembodied voice and arrived before a clear jail cell with a very familiar prisoner inside.

"Jessica, is that you?" Kilgrave asks as Jessica freezes in place and tightens her fists. "I knew you couldn't stay away for long. Love always finds a way."

A/N: 1468 words :)


🔥Some say the world will end in fire🔥

🧊Others say in ice🧊

🤔From what I think that will transpire🤔

🙅I side with those who favor neither🙅

⏳But if the future could be shown⌛

💎We all know it would end in STONE!💎

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