Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 461: Something Bad's Going To Happen

Chapter 461: Something Bad's Going To Happen

Xiang Ning was amused that no one believed his truth, so he thought he could have some peace until someone walked over. If he remembered right, this person was like him, one of the few lone wolves.

You can find anything in the ruins.

His first sentence was a statement, not a question. Xiang Ning was caught off guard by the remark; this young man had more white hair than black, and disheveled stubble. He looked about twenty-seven or twenty-eight, though if he removed his facial hair, he would look like he was in his early twenties.

Without waiting for Xiang Ning's reply, he walked directly past him as if he hadnt said anything. Or, as if he wasnt speaking to him.

Xiang Ning frowned as he watched the man leave. There were all kinds of people there, and although he was curious about what the guy meant, since hed left, it must not be important.

Time passed, and soon, it was noon. There were shouts in front of the crowd as the ruins were opened. More than a hundred people headed toward the small mound in an orderly manner.

From afar, it looked like a small door, but upon entry, it opened into a tunnel that could fit two people walking side by side. Perhaps due to being closed and underground for a long time, the smell was unpleasant. It smelled mostly of rust and lubricant.

Going through the entrance of the ruins, what came into view were complicated pathways ahead and criss-crossed metal rhomboids above their heads.

The group of a hundred turned on their light sources and observed their surroundings. They were standing in a space that could fit about five hundred people. There were pieces of scrap metal around and some of the people who arrived first went to check, realizing that they were broken scientific equipment.

Some people had even brought with them professional equipment.

Based on the scanning results, this piece of scrap metal has existed for at least eight thousand years. And it isnt just scrap metal, its an unknown metal thats even harder than diamond! a bespectacled scholar excitedly announced.

Are you sure? Isnt it just some junk? How could it be harder than a diamond?

Hmph, why wont you believe me? Based on my reconstructed model, this piece of scrap metals initial form was a miniature aircraft. Look at these two sides. As he spoke, he put on a pair of gloves and used a white cloth to rub on the place he pointed at. A small piece of a wing was revealed.

Wow, indeed.

Then he picked up his own weapon and struck the wing. Clang! The man stumbled two steps back.

Wow, its been eight thousand years and its still so strong.

Hurry! Check this out!

Come see what I found?

Many more things were discovered in the area. Xiang Nings observations were more informativealthough the things looked interesting, they were only valuable as archaeological projects. In laymans terms, they were just scrap that was a bit stronger than ordinary scrap metal. They couldnt do anything.

Some of the smarter people went deeper inside. To them, if there were interesting objects outside, better things awaited within. Xiang Ning was naturally with them.

After walking for about twenty meters, the path opened into a space about a thousand meters wide. It was densely packed with objects that they couldnt count, or even see clearly, though they were all standing, resembling humans. Due to the passage of time, they were covered in a thick layer of dust.

The group of about twenty people here observed these objects closely. Xiang Nings eyes were on a metal door far ahead.

There were three cracks on the door, as if it needed keys. While he was thinking, someone who didnt fear death walked up to the standing objects.

His partner, furious at his recklessness, scolded with a suppressed voice, Are you a fucking pig? Dont you know the saying the gun shoots the first bird? What the hell are you doing?!

Hmph, look at them. Its been eight thousand years. If they were human, theyd be dust by now. If theyre robots, theyd be scrap metal like the equipment outside. He kicked his leg out and the object in front of him fell, throwing dust in the air. When the dust settled, the group finally saw its true exterior.

Its a fucking person?! The person who kicked gasped in terror.

No, its a robot.

At first glance, everyone thought it was a person because it looked too similar to a human. If it wasnt for the piece of metal skin falling off its cheek.

My god, is this a robot army?

The entire space was densely packed with thousands of robots.

Tsk, so theyre robots. Why the hell did they make them so realistic? He couldnt help but kick a few more. Eh, every one of their faces has their own characteristics. They dont repeat! Look, look at their weapons. Tsk, tsk, its very sharp. When he held up his hand, they saw a drop of blood on his thumb.

The crowd was surprised and couldnt hold themselves back anymore. Nothing had happened to that person! And even if something had happened, they should have the capability to deal with it. Most importantly, these things hadnt degraded even after eight thousand years, and their weapons were still so sharp. How regrettable would it be if someone else took them first?

But the guys partner cursed him once more, calling him a pig. Go treat your wound, you imbecile! These things are eight thousand years old, we dont know if theres unknown pathogens here!

Sigh, how could it be that serious?

Fuck you, Im cursing you with tetanus!

The crowd started inspecting the robots while Xiang Ning walked directly ahead. He wanted to check out the door.

He walked more than ten meters without any obstruction and was growing bored of the robots. When he was about to speed up, his Combat Instinct suddenly blared while the person behind him seemed to notice something because he screamed, Fuck, dont touch that!

Everyones hair stood on end, turning to the person who shouted and the person who was shouted at.

Heh hehe. Nothing nothing happened. Did you have to shout?

But then the crowd watched as a red beam scanned the entire room.

Intruders detected. Cleaning sequence initiated. The eyes of thousands of robots instantly lit up. Although the crowd didnt understand what the voice meant, the lit-up eyes definitely meant bad news.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Tetanus would be the last thing on their mind right now. Run away!!

*Cursing someone having tetanus is an underrated insult

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