Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 462: Feel Like Giving Up

Chapter 462: Feel Like Giving Up

Shit! Ive already warned you that places like this will have anti-intruder mechanisms. I told you not to touch anything, and you still did! Youre going to get me killed! Seeing as the robots were turning on, the person who spoke shouted, Quick, strike while the robots arent fully activated yet, we have the advantage!

Although there was no response, everyone present made their move. The robots that hadnt even activated had their heads cut off in twos or threes. These were all elites of mankind with great killing power.

Xiang Ning and a few people who were walking in front also noticed that something was wrong and started moving toward the crowd. There were too many unknown factors.

The people easily chopped the robots up even if the robots resurrected, they should still be able to deal with them. Thus, the fighters slowed down to prioritize retaining their energy in case there were more incidents in the future.

Xiang Ning found the robots very strange. Although he was also controlling his blades to hit the robots, he made sure to also cut off every limb. They were robots, he couldnt base his attacks on just human anatomy.

Perhaps due to the passage of time degrading the machines, after twelve seconds, the group of twenty-plus had chopped up almost two hundred robots.

For some reason, the mouth of the tunnel that led them here was shut. It wasnt originally closed when the robots were first activated, though the people outside, being unsure of what was going on inside, didnt dare immediately come. They were terrified that the group had activated some trap that could also affect them if they went in.

But when the metal doors shut, they realized it was a wrong decision because there was only one path ahead. No matter what, they must pass through that space. If they had missed any treasure or important event because of that, it would be terrible.

What the fuck are they doing in there?!

Shut up, can we open this door?

Let me try! There was a control panel next to the metal door with a screen. The person who had dated the previous equipment walked over and scanned it using his equipment. The door requires a password. If we dont have a password, we need the people inside to find a way to open it.

What do you mean?

I mean the people inside might have activated some mechanism. Either they resolve it, or they get resolved. Only then will the door open.

Thatll be too late! Can we use violence?

Hehe, you can try. He pushed his glasses up. It wasnt that he was underestimating the guy, but based on the durability and thickness of the metal, even a Sect Master might not be able to force it open.

The person who tried only left a shallow mark on the door even after striking with his full strength. The door was completely unaffected.

The group of about eighty stared at the door in exasperation. One by one, they came up to feel it or attack it, trying to find something useful, but it was all useless. Their faces grew sullen. There were just too many treasures to be found within, no one was willing to leave empty-handed. The greed of mankind knew no bounds.

On the other side of the door, the group of twenty was equally sullen because they realized that the resilience of the robots was drastically different from before they were activated. Previously, they could chop the robots heads off in one strike but now, after activation, the robots defended themselves and it took at least three strikes to kill one. And not only were their defenses better, their attack sequences were difficult for the humans to defend too. Although that was to be expected, the method was not.

Shit! The robots have hot weapons! But when I checked their clothes after killing them, I couldnt find anything!

One of the robots bent at its waist, then stretched its hand and reached into his pants at the trunk, and they saw it was now holding a weapon. The crowd was stunned. What kind of pervert had designed these robots? The gun was hidden in such a weird spot?! It looked like it was detached, too.

Perhaps due to the passage of time, some of the hot weapons couldnt be fired at all, while some of them exploded after a few shots and tore off the robots arm with it.

It was comical, and while the crowd was starting to feel like the robots were a big joke that couldnt threaten them, someone screamed. The crowd turned and saw a man with a hole in his chest.

The hole was the size of a fist and his internal organs had been instantly burnt. The damage was irreparable, not even a recovery capsule could save him.

The sudden incident caught everyone off guard, and when they came to their senses, they realized that he was shot by a robot whose head had already been chopped off. The headless robots stood up once again, comically pulling out weapons.

Everyone had been effectively dodging attacks when they were only expecting attacks from the other robots; the headless robot that suddenly fired had caught everyone off guard. The punctured chest was proof of how brutal the weapons were!

Their faces paled.

Shit! The robots were playing dead! Careful!

Fuck! Theyre standing again! Isnt chopping off their heads enough?!

Stomach! Their cores are in their stomachs! someone roared, and everyone fought with their full strength now, not daring to slack off. There had already been one death. If they didnt take this seriously, they could be next.

Auras of power exploded from more than twenty martial artists. It should be enough against these robots; they didnt have the desperate drive to survive like beasts. If this was a horde of beasts instead, the humans would have drowned in the sea of beasts before killing fifty, and nothing would be left of them, not even bones.

It had been eight thousand years. The robots might have been powerful out of the factory, but now it felt like they had gained the wisdom of an eight-thousand-year-old!

Xiang Ning thought about taking a few hits from the robots to see if he could level up, but after seeing a hole in that tier five, seven-star martial artists chest, he abandoned the bold thought.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

That one idiot that can't keep his hands to himself

Also, do not underestimate Daleks

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