Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 460: Being Alone Is Alright

Chapter 460: Being Alone Is Alright

The atmosphere instantly turned awkward.

Fury Points +666

Sensing Nathans fury, Xiang Ning politely released Natalias hand. Jerry Walker, who had just walked over, couldnt help being shocked at what just happened. They were all descendants of great clans and knew much about each other. If he wasnt mistaken, Xiang Ning had just shaken hands with the daughter of the Northern European Violet clan, while the guy next to him was The Chosen One with terrifying spiritual cultivator abilities, Nathan Tulip.

Both of them were considered international-level royals, and even Jerry Constructions revered them. Were they that close? Everyone knew that the Violet girl was very haughty and no random guy could touch her like that.

Jerry Walker recalled how a friend of his had once touched her, and on the second day, he lost his arms. The more he thought about it, the more terrified he grew. Wasnt she also Nathan Tulips future wife? He thought he had all the information, not knowing that there were things he would never find outfor example, how Nathan was no longer The Chosen One. The Tulips had huge power and influence, so they had successfully suppressed any information about that day.

That was why not many people knew, or deliberately spread news, of that fight. All the people present were just students, and while they knew that Xiang Ning had defeated Nathan, they didnt know that it had ruined Nathans progress as a dual cultivator.

Jerry Walker started doubting himself. It would have been easy to deal with Xiang Ning but if that meant offending two Flower families, he must be more careful. He must wait and watch.

Meanwhile, Natalia looked at Xiang Ning with her beautiful eyes and gave a small smile. Mr Xiang Ning. Its been a while. I didnt expect you to remember me, what an honor. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?

Haha, nothing, nothing. Xiang Ning looked at Natalia, though she had a message in her eyes. Dont you see Nathan next to me? Hes going to shoot fire out of his eyeballs at this rate!

Only the two of them understood the look.

Just as Nathan was about to explode and challenge Xiang Ning to a duel, to show him the results of his intense cultivation since the defeat, Xiang Ning turned to Nathan. You must be Nathan, right? Its been a while, youve changed so much that I almost couldnt recognize you either. Hmm, not bad. Youve improved a lot, youre much stronger now. His tone was how an older person would talk down to a child, which was a shock to anyone that heard him. Since when could another person treat a Flower family member like this? Who was this person? He looked like he was the same age as them.

The audience started speculating, and even dug through known intel to see if a person like Xiang Ning was mentioned. But there was nothing.

Nathan understood Chinese, but wasnt fluent, so he was in a daze when he heard Xiang Ning's long greeting, trying to translate his words. He saw Xiang Ning hold his hand out with a smile.

Nathan didnt mind shaking his hand, since that was etiquette a future head of the Tulip family should know. But when the crowd looked at him weirdly, he finally came to his senses.

Fury Points +666

Xiang Ning, dont cross any lines. Nathans expression was cold, his brows knitted. Although he didnt mind Xiang Ning having a small win, it was still hard to swallow. Having a man who defeated him do something like this was going to ruin his name.

Xiang Ning raised an eyebrow. If he knew how Nathans mind was racing, he would say that Nathan was overthinking and that he was just giving him a compliment. Nathans tier five, nine-star cultivation was indeed impressive. If Xiang Ning didnt activate the Eight Gates technique, he might not be able to beat him.

In the past, he had relied on his martial skills to suppress Nathan, but at this point, Nathan also possessed martial skills at Peak Mastery, making Xiang Ning lose his technique advantage. The only advantage he had left was stronger Mental Power.

Since Nathan had already spoken up, Xiang Ning wouldnt beat around the bush either. Arent you going to fight me? Xiang Ning remembered the knife. If it were him, he would be seething with hatred, too.

You can try. There was hostility in Nathans expression.

Natalia frowned slightly and tugged at his arm. Dont forget what we came here for. The historical artifacts are more important.

Hmmph, I hope you dont die inside. After a cold huff, Nathan turned to leave. Out of sight, out of mind. With his abilities, defeating Xiang Ning was only a matter of time. They had important matters to attend to, and although he felt that the fight wouldnt be a problem, he must maintain decent physical condition. He would never admit that he had clenched his butthole when he saw Xiang Ning.

When the couple left, Xiang Ning privately heaved a sigh of relief. He was actually afraid of Nathan and Natalia working together to fight him. Although his Mental Power was stronger, the reminder coming from his Combat Instinct made him nervous. It wasnt the first time he felt anxious in the face of an opponent. Natalia wasnt as delicate as she looked. Since he was alone, it was best to be careful.

After that little incident, Xiang Ning, who should have been transparent to everyone else, was now viewed as someone with a certain power. Although he wasnt close to the Flower families, like they thought, anyone that could speak to them like that must be quite powerful. Thus, they added Xiang Ning to the list of people they would avoid offending if they could.

Xiang Ning looked so young after all. There was a saying that youth was potential. He was currently tier five, but what about five years later? Ten years later? He would be a Sect Master. And no one wanted to offend a Sect Master, or any powerful organizations.

Although the crowd seemed like a peaceful gathering outside the ruins, it would be difficult to predict the situation once they entered the ruins and found something good.

Hey kid, are you here alone? Do you want to join our team?

No, its fine. Im alright alone.

Entering the ruins alone isnt safe.

Xiang Ning smiled. What if you listened to me? I have a map of the ruins and can quickly find anything youre looking for. Then well split our discoveries fifty-fifty. What do you think?

The interested parties immediately lost interest. A decent-tier cannon fodder was good to have on the team, but a madman wasnt. If he acted recklessly in the ruins and hurt someone, it wouldnt be worth it.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

MC just excited to farm some Fury Points

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