Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 338

338 Chapter 338: Shocking report

“Still as modest as ever I see.” Bastion smiled with joy as he listened to Frost say that he still had much to learn. Such a good attitude from someone so young and talented heralded great prospects, Frost would go far.

Frost gently smiled in response; he wasn’t as modest as Bastion claimed. His origin was that of a Demi-god and his partner was a mighty S-rank fenrir, he certainly had nothing to be arrogant about at his current level.

Frost placed his cup of tea down on the coffee table and assumed a serious atmosphere. “I think it’s time we talk about the results of my scout work.” He and Bastion had chatted amicably for the past 15 minutes or so, allowing the old man and his secretary to enjoy a short break but he was here on business and had many more people to visit.

Bastion sighed before nodding in agreement, gesturing for Frost to give his report.

“I first examined section 23 of the Gamma sector over a week ago and spotted a number D-rank monsters as well as signs of battle and half eaten E-rank corpses, nothing to unusual given the timing but when I checked it out the second time....” Frost frowned as he remembered the situation that could have easily spelled his end if he wasn’t careful. “It was quiet, and a strong stench of blood filled the area something was very wrong. Eventually in the distance I spotted a very large corpse that was still mostly intact....there was no sign however of the aggressor.”

Bastion cupped his chin and frowned as he leaned over invested in Frost’s words.

“Feeling that the situation was dangerous I had Kiba the glacial winged tiger I contracted with stay out of sight while I investigated the corpse. Care to guess what species it was?”

“Considering the area perhaps a yeti or polar bear.”

Frost shook his head while showing a teasing smile, really drawing Bastion into his story. “Not even close, it was a baltic tiger.” At the mention of baltic tiger, Bastion’s eyes opened wide and cold feeling surrounded his heart.


He knew exactly how strong baltic tigers were, the only thing that could take them down were C-rank monsters and up, this did not bode well. His gaze as he looked at Frost showed worry but given that Frost was here and well he must have handled it.

“Baltic tigers are very, very rarely found within the Gamma sector even when the monster stampede is looming. It must have been forced out of its natural habitat by a stronger aggressor.” Such things were common during the lead up to the monster stampede and once it happened enough times a frenzy takes hold and the stampede begins, a vast horde of maddened monsters rushing south.

“That was my guess but since it had been killed something even stronger must have been forced to the Gamma sector. From its wounds I could tell that it wasn’t another baltic tiger and that in terms of battle capability it was sorely outmatched. I found out what killed it a moment later.” Frost visibly shivered on purpose for dramatic effect since Nanna, Loki and Kamey were listening in with excited expressions.

“After noticing that its blood was still warm I felt a sudden sense of danger and Kiba roared out to warn me. The killer attacked me from behind at that moment, swooping down from the air with its talons outstretched.” Frost could hear Kamey and the kids gasp out loud at his words, causing him to chuckle lightly before focusing on Bastion who currently sported a dark expression. A flyer with talons, the image of a certain monster sprung to the forefront of Bastion’s mind.

“An ice griffin.” Bastion spoke with a heavy tone, panic clear in his eyes.

“Yes it was an ice griffin, the symbol of the Furano house.” Frost confirmed Bastion’s guess but felt that something wasn’t right, Bastion was a little too shocked.

Bastion sharply rotated his neck towards Kamey and gave her an order “Kamey get me the lie detecting equipment and the highest priority report forms.” Kamey was momentarily dazed by the sudden order but quickly pulled herself together and left the office to fetch it.

“Sorry Frost it’s not as though I don’t believe you, but such a situation is a major sign for the monster stampede, and it needs to be 100% confirmed, please don’t feel offended.” Bastion stood up from the sofa with a grievous look. Though he wanted the monster stampede to come soon so he wouldn’t be inundated with paperwork now that it was officially coming he felt differently.

“Not at all Bastion do you what you need to do.” Frost was a little bewildered by the man’s reactions but didn’t feel offended in the slightest. He glanced over at Maya hoping she may have some answers, but she simply shook her head, not knowing why Bastion reacted the way he did. True there was a C-rank monster within the Gamma sector a strong sign that the stampede was looming, but Bastion almost seemed desperate.

Kamey arrived with magic apparatus and proper forms a minute later, she was breathing heavily since she literally ran at full speed. Without further ado Bastion hooked Frost up to the magic device which attached to the wrist and would beep whenever the wearer said a lie.

“Frost I’m going to ask you for specifics about your encounter, please answer truthfully and in as much detail as you can.”


“When you investigated sector 23 of the Gamma sector 2 days ago did you come across a C-rank ice griffin?”

“Yes I did.” No reaction from the device, proving that Frost wasn’t lying. Bastion’s brow winced at his reply before continuing his line of questioning.

“How could you tell that it was an ice griffin?”

“It matched the description found in the monster encyclopaedia that I purchased as well as what Douglas told me about them. The monster stood at 4 metres in height, 7 in length, had the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. And from my senses as well as the ones of Kiba my contracted glacial winged tiger its power was at the very minimum early C-rank.” Frost answered to the best of his knowledge, the magic device didn’t beep causing Bastion brow to crease even further.

“Last question if this truly was an ice griffin how did you manage to defeat it. I’m not insulting your ability, but ice griffins are at the minimum middle C-rank and by your earlier statements you along with Sam and Lola two veteran C-rank adventurers struggled against a weaker ice revenant a couple days prior?” This question was a little on the nose given that one may not wish to reveal their secrets in battle, but Bastion really had to be sure that what Frost fought truly was an ice griffin.

Frost let out a sigh before answering this loaded question knowing that it would come up. He knew his strength as well as Kiba’s, under normal circumstances there’d be no way for them to win against an ice griffin at least not without serious injuries. Yet here he sat without a single hair out of place.

“It was quite badly injured before the fight began. A hefty chunk was missing from its left hind leg and large open scars could be seen across both its wings. Thus, it was significantly lumbered and forced to engage in a ground battle only. Kiba and I worked together to attack its already injured areas and it seemed to have entered a frenzy as its eyes turned completely red making predicting its movements easier.” Frost reiterated his battle with the ice griffin in explicit detail never causing a reaction from the lie detecting magic device strapped to his wrist.

“I suspect that it fled from the inner regions of the Glacial mountains after losing a death battle, fleeing to the Gamma sector where it hunted weaker monsters to regain its strength. The baltic tiger was one such victim.” This was his conclusion and likely the most accurate, something stronger must have given the griffin those grievous wounds that allowed Kiba and him to cut it down.

“Haaaaaaaaaa fuck!” Bastion cursed after letting out a deep sigh, but he had forgotten whose company he was in. Maya and even Frost let out their aura, angered by the language he used in front of Nanna and Loki.

“Ugh sorry, slip of the tongue.” Bastion felt a cold shiver down his spine as he endured the angry gazes of the young parents.

“Kamey you’ll be acting as a witness for this report, adventurer Frost fought and killed an ice griffin during his scouting quest in section 23 of the Gamma sector. He has been tested by the guild’s lie detector and gave no falsehoods therefore the report is accepted and to be treated as highest priority. Please give one copy to the Keeper while I’ll take charge in informing the army and the lord viscount. The monster stampede will be here in less than a week.” Kamey filled in the report as Bastion spoke, her nervousness building with each word. When Bastion said the monster stampede would arrive in under a week her entire body trembled, and her pencil fell to the floor. She looked weakly at her boss, receiving a strong nod in response before she saluted and left to inform the Keeper. Leaving Frost and his group quite puzzled by the situation.

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