Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 339

339 Chapter 339: The sigil of house Furano

“I guess I should explain the situation in a little more detail.” Said Bastion once Kamey had rushed out the door. Frost nodded in response keen to know how him fighting an ice griffin led to such a serious reaction.

“As the monster stampede grows closer, more and more fights over territory take place with many of the losers heading south in defeat. Those defeated monsters then start fighting with the original habitants repeating the cycle. However, whenever a C-rank monster has been spotted within the first 6 sectors of the external regions it’s a clear sign that things are progressing quickly.” Bastion spoke while frowning.

“You’re not the first one to have crossed paths with a C-rank monster during your scouting mission. In fact, you’re the tenth which in itself is a major sign and would have called for a high priority report.” Bastion and the Keeper had been keeping tabs on all activity reports coming in over the past couple weeks or so, making mental notes of encounters with irregular C-rank monsters.

“However, you encountered an ice griffin which changes things entirely.” There was a mixture of emotions held within Bastion’s eyes as he gazed at Frost, respect, worry, fear, and confusion, all were present.

“Do you know why the symbol of house Furano is the ice griffin?”

“No, why?” Frost shook his head, Douglas or Leo never did tell him the reason only that the Furanos had been guarding the Glacial mountains for centuries and had been around since the creation of the Northrend empire.

“The Furanos are the family charged with protecting the northern most part of the empire. Standing bastion against the Glacial mountains and the terrors it holds. They have remained the custodians for this land ever since it was first claimed in Northrend’s name. And since then, they have adopted the ice griffin as their household symbol so that they never forget their primary duty.” Bastion spoke with a tone full of reverence and respect, and an almost fervent glint present in his eyes.

“That duty being protection, defending Northrend from the recurring monster stampedes, crushing the horde before it can reach the fertile lands behind.” Frost felt his heart grow heavy, his respect for the Furanos deepening. They’d endured such a charge for so long, never giving up, a house built on honour and duty...but that didn’t explain why the ice griffin was their house sigil, a wall or a shield would be more apt no? Frost’s confusion was evident on his face to which Bastion sought to rectify.

The guild master took a deep breath before continuing. “The ice griffin when in a maddened state and present within the southern external regions is tantamount to being a herald for the monster stampede. Since the very first recorded monster stampede and every one thereafter, ice griffins have been the sign before the storm. Its presence means that the stampede is coming and soon.” Bastion clenched his fists causing them to loudly crack.


“The Furanos adopted the ice griffin sigil because of this, their household and the monster stampede are two sides of the same coin. As long as the stampedes exist the house of Furano will stand guard, the ice griffin stands as a symbol for their eternal duty, guardians of the north.”

“.....” Frost and Maya were silent as this backstory sunk in, their hearts quickened, and fire flowed through their veins as they felt inspired by Bastion words.

“So cool!” Loki couldn’t help but speak out, his eyes sparkling showing his admiration for the Furanos. Nanna was very much the same, nodding her head as she found Douglas’s family very honourable.

Bastion’s mood seemed to ease up at seeing their expressions and was moved by his own telling of his friend’s family.

“Now you understand why I had Kamey rush to report to the Keeper with a highest priority level clearance. We have a week at most before it begins....are you sure that you don’t want to stay here in Furano?” Bastion couldn’t help but ask again now that he knew the stampede would be here any day now. It was sure to be a major war and he could really use the assistance of someone like Frost or rather. His gaze inadvertently drifted towards Maya the woman that neither he nor Ryuu could see through, yet their instincts screamed danger occasionally when in her presence.

Frost smiled gently before shaking his head. “Sorry no can do; duty calls me elsewhere but if it lasts a while I should be able to come at the late stages. I’d be best used during that time anyway.” Frost really couldn’t be away from his dungeon during the early and mid-stages of the stampede, way too risky. But near the end when most of the chaff have been dealt with and his impromptu external camp was underway they’d need someone with his capabilities. By that time Furano would have likely used up the majority if not all of its ammunition thus they’d need strong fighters to take down the high rank monsters in close combat, Frost’s speciality.

“Just you?” Bastion asked nervously, eyeing Maya.

Frost visibly frowned, feeling slighted by Bastion’s question “Yes it’ll just be me, can’t have the kids somewhere that dangerous and Maya will have to take care of them.” Although he could understand Bastion’s reasoning he couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed, he was right there and had already reached half step B-rank in terms of strength, yet Bastion clearly hoped that Maya would come to their aid instead of him.

‘If you knew she was a fenrir and S-ranked at that you’d likely crap your pants.’ Maya seeing her young master’s annoyed look couldn’t help but lightly chuckle.

Bastion however ignored the dirty look he was receiving from Frost and in turn Nanna and Loki since he indirectly insulted their master and let out a disappointed sigh. He didn’t know what kind of foe would be contained in a monster stampede that had been delayed so long.

Along with himself, Ryuu and even Douglas, there were currently 8 B-rank fighters. The other 5 were all from the frost wolf battalion, 4 were majors with strength roughly equivalent to Bastion and Douglas whereas the last one was a colonel, a mage that was even more prominent than Ryuu. An incredible amount of firepower but Bastion had a strong feeling that it wasn’t enough. He’d already put in a special request to the adventurer’s guild in Arkheart, asking them to send B-rank adventurers and if possible an A-rank one but was yet to hear anything positive.

It was unlikely for such helpers to come during the early and mid-stages anyway, even the majors and colonel were only here in the beginning so as to maintain order and command their troops. They wouldn’t take part personally until the late stages when the C-rank monsters attack. Bastion, Douglas, and Ryuu however knowing far more about the stampedes felt a great threat looming, fearful that even with the 8 B-ranks and a battalion of fully armed soldiers and die hard adventurers the walls may be overrun before the late stages.

Bastion didn’t have the pleasure of being able to care for Frost’s ego, showing his complete disappointment in Maya not returning to aid them. Frost couldn’t really stay mad as he saw the look in Bastion’s eyes, sympathising with the old guild master and his heavy burden.

“Haaaaaaaa I know how you feel Bastion, but I’ll have to do plus I won’t exactly be alone, Kiba will be there as well. Thus, you’ll have one more B-rank fighter and an entry C-rank glacial winged tiger, it should count for something.” Frost patted Bastion’s shoulder hoping to alleviate some of his burden. Right now, he was only half step B-rank but after a few weeks training with Maya and dealing with the stampede he was sure he could get his glaive mastery to advanced level and fully step passed the threshold like his elder siblings Yami and Aqua.

Bastion’s mood did seem to lighten up at Frost’s words, an extra B-rank adventurer and a C-rank monster should certainly improve their aggregate power. Especially given that Frost was multiskilled in close combat, magic, and chakra plus Kiba being a possible aerial combatant made his entry C-rank power much more substantial, flyers were always harder to deal with.

Bastion showed a weighty smile as thanks before leaning back in his chair, his exhaustion sinking in after receiving such a shock.

A few minutes later Kamey returned with a red face, the Keeper was sporting a similar expression as he followed behind her. He held within his hands his version of the report but wanted to confirm the intel, as well as meet this Frost that Bastion and Kamey had been buzzing about.

“Guild master is this true?” The Keeper loudly asked, his hands clutching the report tightly and his eyes appearing bloodshot. No one within the entire guild hall was likely as exhausted as the Keeper. His job as Keeper had him in charge of the all the scouting reports and in leu of the monster stampede that was a lot of information to sieve through and report up the chain of command every few hours. A very demanding job for someone at his age but one he held great pride in.

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