Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 337

337 Chapter 337: A worn out Bastion

As Frost’s irritation and impatience was reaching the limit a saving grace appeared in the form of a middle aged dwarf. Bastion exited is office on the top floor and descended the stairs with an exhausted expression. Kamey was at his side, giving him reports causing him to have a severe headache, his hands were rubbing his temples.

The monster stampedes were always are real headache for the upper echelons of the guild, so much damn paperwork. He already had his hands full dealing with the mess caused by Baron Adam and now the monster stampede was nigh, and he was lacking in personnel.

Thankfully many young and able employees were willing to work overtime to help the guild and town through this tough time. Despite her giving Bastion reports with a professional style, Kamey had deep bags under her eyes and a rather pale expression. Like Bastion she’d been hard at work without sleep for the last 36 hours, serving as his secretary. A very respectable position to be in, especially given her young age.

After Frost and Maya left Furano he had her fill in as he needed to send off higher ranking staff to deal with the guilds in the other two bastion towns. So far she’d been showing great promise, taking care of her duties with haste and skill, a potentially permanent replacement once this mess was over. She was also far more attractive than his previous secretary.

He caught sight of Frost in the queue by chance and blinked rapidly in response, wondering if he was seeing things. But after rubbing his eyes Frost was still there and was waving to him in greeting. A thankful smile quickly adorned the old dwarf’s lips ‘finally an excuse to skip some work.’

Seeing Frost as his free pass Bastion rapidly descended the staircase and ran up to his young friend, leaving Kamey flabbergasted and annoyed. She quickly ran after the guild master determined to drag his ass back to work but when she caught sight of Frost she couldn’t help but show as similar expression. ‘Well, I guess we can take a little break.’ She thought while scanning the room for Maya, her personal goal to become as a woman.

“When did you get back to Furano lad, if you had called ahead I would have got the staff to send you straight up to my office.” Bastion instantly gave Frost a manly hug ignoring the onlooking adventurers who sported confused expressions.

“He’s friends with the guild master.”

“Do you recognise that elf?”


“Who is he?”

Mutterings swiftly broke out among the many adventurers, especially the ones reporting scouting quests, wondering who Frost was. Someone who was friendly with the guild master was someone to keep tabs on.

“We just arrived in town about 20 minutes ago. I’m here to report my scout findings and given how busy the place was I didn’t want to bug you.” Frost replied honestly as he returned the man hug, his heart feeling warm at seeing a friend he fought with side by side again.

“Psshhaaa I may be busy, but I can spare some time for you lad, don’t worry I’ll take care in registering your findings, come, come join me in my office.” Bastion relinquished his hug and slammed his hand down on Frost’s shoulders before looking around for Kamey.

“Kamey we’re heading back to the office, prepare some tea and snacks for our guests.” Eventually he spotted his young secretary mingling with Maya and the kids, a cheery smile adorning her face that filled Bastion with warmth. He knew how hard Kamey had been working, she deserved some respite even more than he did.

Kamey turned her head towards Bastion and nodded with a smile before swiftly heading upstairs to prepare drinks and snacks as well as give his office a quick tidy. Documents and reports were currently stacked all over the place making it quite messy.

“And you brought Maya and the kids perfect, Douglas and Cassandra have been missing them greatly.” Bastion’s smile grew as he spotted Nanna and Loki who looked oh so adorable in their nice clothes and far more healthy than the last time he saw them. It was clear that Frost was taking good care of them.

“Yeah we plan on staying in Furano for a day or so before heading back home. Other than reporting the scout quest I’ve got a little shopping to do and thought it’d be nice to catch up with Leo and the rest in person before the monster stampede comes.” Frost could tell even before Bastion officially told him that the stampede was close.

Bastion frowned at Frost’s words. “You’re not going to be here for the stampede?” Certainly, it would be a great loss for Furano to not have such a powerful young adventurer here to help endure against the horde, but Bastion was more worried about the safety of where he would be. He had Nanna and Loki to worry about after all.

“Unfortunately, not duty requires that I be elsewhere during the stampede, at least in the early and mid-stages. I may be able to come towards the end, when the numbers have dwindled and it’s mainly the upper ranked monsters that remain.” Frost wouldn’t leave his dungeon alone during the most hectic of times, far too risky. However once things had cooled down at the dungeon and he had finished establishing the foundations of the camp he would be more than free to assist Furano. By then most of the horde would be attacking the town and or be hold up in the Northrend forest.

Frost was quite eager to fight alongside Furano’s forces given that it’d not only grant copious amounts of DP, but he’d also get sufficient pay for his efforts. Plus, it would help in increasing his reputation amongst the local adventurers and the Northrend soldiers which would play an important role in his long term tenants plan.

“I see,” Bastion let out a sigh in response. Frost already had plans and given his tone there was likely no changing his mind.

“Come then let’s head up to my office, we can catch up there. I can tell instinctively that you’ve gotten stronger, and I’d love to hear about the how.” Bastion clasped Frost’s shoulder tightly before leading him up to his office, Maya and the kids stood up and followed behind them, more than happy to no longer be the butt of curious and or unfriendly glares.

Bastion led the group into his office that was filled with document stacks that rivalled him in height. Kamey had swiftly manoeuvred some piles so as to open up space at the sofa and coffee table. It wasn’t ideal but at least they’d have somewhere to sit and chat.

“Please make yourselves at home Kamey should be back in a few minutes with some refreshments.” Bastion smiled like a friendly uncle as he saw the kids walk in nervously.

“We’re fine for refreshments but it looks like you could really use a break.” Frost couldn’t help but notice the exhausted look in Bastion’s eyes, just as bad if not worse than Kato’s. Everyone was so overworked, yet the stampede hasn’t even begun yet.

“Haaaaaaaaa why do you think I practically dragged you in here, this is my break.” Bastion slumped down onto the sofa, his bones creaking as he did. “I’ve been neck deep in paper work for the past week or so, signing off on requests, reports, orders and discussing battle plans with commander of the frost wolf battalion all while being short, staffed Adam even in death you’re causing nothing but chaos.” Bastion shook his fist in the air, blaming Adam for all this disorder. If it wasn’t for his treacherous actions he wouldn’t have to sift through all the staff members in the Furano’s guilds and send his most trusted and skilled employees to handle the other two bastion towns.

Thankfully however the stampede was coming soon and with it a sharp reduction in paperwork. Once the horde arrives he’d be able to fight on the frontlines, letting out all his built up stress on the mindless monsters.

“Anyway, ignoring my problems let’s talk about you lad, it’s been what two weeks or so since we last spoke, how have you been?” Not wanting to talk about his time Bastion redirected the conversation to Frost and his activities. Last time they spoke Bastion was telling him about Dark’s revelation to the world and what that meant for the new monster lair or rather dungeon that appeared (his home).

“Well, where to begin?” Frost then proceeded to give Bastion a summary of what happened to him over the past two weeks. His excursion into the Glacial mountains, the [beginner’s ice magic] monster lair as well as his meeting with Sam and Lola and his visit to Kranor.

“Hoh you had quite the adventure lad and from the sounds of it you met a great pair of teachers, no wonder your strength has risen by so much.” Bastion nodded his head in praise as he listened to Frost’s story. He was blown away by how much Frost had improved since last they met; he’d be surpassing himself shortly.

Kamey came in shortly after Frost began talking with tea and biscuits before sitting next to Maya and engaging in some girl talk.

“Yeah I got lucky, and now thanks to them I can truly be considered an adventurer though I’ve still got lots to learn.” Frost felt proud of his education but not arrogant. Despite him being half a step into B-rank he knew that he still wasn’t a match for someone like Bastion.

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