Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 306

306 Chapter 306: Fancy home dining

Sam had been keeping the kids occupied along with some of the manor’s servants, playing games, talking about his adventurers as well as his future restaurant. Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren were all eager for this idea to be made a reality. Their father would be by their side as they grew up instead of leaving for long periods of time on quests. They could even work together and give him aid, a prospect they very much looked forward. Plus, with Sam opening a restaurant and living in Kranor full time they’d get to experience his glorious cooking on a regular basis.

“Who’s hungry?” Yarrow asked loudly as he walked into the room, Chia, Lola, and Frost close on his heels.

“Me!” all three of them raised their hands in reply.

“Good because we’re going to have a feast. A bountiful meal to welcome and thank our new friend and saviour Frost here, so get washed up and put on some nice clothes, we’re going all out hahahahah.” Yarrow roared with joy as he kept his arm wrapped around Frost’s shoulder, afraid to let go of this golden fountain. Frost felt it was a bit much to call him a saviour but seeing the look in Yarrow’s eyes he kept his tongue choosing to not rain on his parade. Chia and Lola meanwhile simply stared at their animated husband and father with warmth, fully embracing his return.

With Yarrow’s order everyone left in groups. Chia and Lola took Tulip and Jasmine to wash up and pick out nice dresses whereas Frost joined Yarrow, Sam, and Ren.

“But I want to go in with Daddy and Frost?” Jasmine complained about the grouping, her being very much a daddy’s girl but Lola was having none of it. Picking her up and carrying her to the woman’s bath house. “You’re no longer a toddler, you’re a young girl and girls don’t bathe with boys!” It’d be fine for Ren to join them given that he was only 4 but Jasmine was 8, too old for such treatment.

“But grandma went in with grandpa and I’ve seen you and daddy bathing together.” Jasmine still didn’t accept it, struggling against her mother’s grip, this earned her a light smack on the bottom. However, Lola still explained “That’s because we’re married.” Jasmine was thus forcibly absconded towards the woman’s bathing area which was on the west side but not before throwing out one last statement. “Then I’ll marry Frost!” This loud statement was heard by the men causing them to chuckle. Chia and Lola however shook their heads as they felt a headache coming on but before they could admonish her further Tulip screamed out “No! You can’t!” Resulting in all three women turning to face her with surprised expressions. This caused her little face to turn red like a ripe tomato. Chia and Lola looked at her as if she was a lost cause before increasing their speed towards the bath house lest they drew further embarrassment.

The men heading to the eastern bath house had varying expressions. Yarrow had a knowing smile, understanding his eldest granddaughter’s feelings, finding nothing wrong with it. Sam however coldly turned to face Frost and stared at him as though he was his arch enemy, his teeth and fists clenched so hard cracks could be heard. Tulip was his darling daughter, the apple of his eye, no one not even Frost is allowed to take her away. Jasmine was just spouting nonsense so as to hang out with the men, but Tulip’s reaction screamed danger in his fatherly heart. She was too young to think about boys, he wasn’t ready yet. Frost leaned away from Sam as he struggled to endure his intense glare and feelings of hatred and jealously. It wasn’t his fault he was born with such a handsome face. Ren meanwhile still had his innocent expression, not realising the change in his father’s demeanour.

Over the next half hour everyone bathed and washed themselves clean and put on their best outfits. Jasmine much to her reluctance was forced to were a blue frilly dress that despite her disagreement suited her very well. Tulip wore a yellow dress that promoted the feeling of youth, making her look very cute. Chia and Lola wore non-frilly dresses that not only looked very fashionable but accentuated their curves nicely, Chia’s was even backless, showing off a large amount of skin. Lola could only look on in envy, as her mother despite her age was far above her in terms of looks and figure, the only thing she won in was her ass but even then it was only marginal. This was a fight that she never won, but it didn’t stop her from trying. Her dress was a very sexy lilac colour whereas her mother sported white, making for a beautiful comparison. The four of them looked like angels as they entered the dining room, their beauty almost too much to look directly at.


The men where ready and waiting as they didn’t require nearly as much time to prepare themselves. Yarrow and Sam initially had rather sour moods before their wives’ walked in.

Hoping to gain some kind of victory over Frost when in the bath they discreetly compared their personal weapons. Unfortunately, it turned out they weren’t even in the same league and what made it worse was Ren who innocently said out loud “Wow, Frost your peepee is so much bigger than daddy’s and grandpa’s.” The two men nearly collapsed when they heard that, their faces showing depressed expressions whereas Frost’s showed pride and triumph. They bathed in silence after that.

However, when Yarrow and Sam saw their beautiful spouses walk into the room in their sexy outfits they couldn’t help but feel energised, their pride returning. They both faced Frost at the same time and showed cocky grins. ‘So, what if you have a devasting weapon, we’ve got them.’ They’d already bagged their women whereas Frost was here alone, in this regard they won. If only Maya had came with him they wouldn’t even be able to have this small victory.

In terms of attire, Sam and Yarrow were adorned in black suits with white shirts and red ties, very formal and made them both look very dashing. Their ripped physiques could be seen through the shirt, causing Lola and Chia to both smile in appreciation. Ren meanwhile wore a blue children’s suit along with a bowtie, he oozed cuteness. Whereas Frost wore his usual elegant scholar like robes that fit perfectly for formal occasions. His white and pale colours were a stark contrast to those worn by Sam and Yarrow. Forming a different kind of handsome and elegance that instead of overshadowing the suits magnified the two making Sam and Yarrow look even more handsome, much to Lola’s and Chia’s favour. They nodded their heads in appreciation and examined their men from all angles enjoying their current looks. Sam and Yarrow of course returned the favour. It wasn’t often that they’d dress in these types of clothes especially over the past several months, a welcome change.

Tulip bravely went before Frost and performed a courtesy in her yellow dress, looking like the personification of spring. Frost smiled before performing a slight bow “You look very lovely in that dress Tulip, it suits you.” He reigned back the charm as much as he could, but his words and actions still caused the young girl to turn red in the face. Unable to endure she ran and hid behind her mother. Frost said a similar thing to Jasmine but her responsive was negative, saying that she hated dresses and was much more suited to wearing less constricting clothes, a real tomboy. She did however thank Frost for his compliment in the end.

Once everyone was done appreciating everyone’s attire the food started being brought in. Yarrow requested chef Ramsey prepare his famous 5 course meal that one him so many accolades back when he ran his own restaurants. Normally given the food situation, Yarrow didn’t feel right eating with such extravagance but since the doctor ordered for him to eat in large amounts and thanks to Frost finding a solution to their food production problem there was no need to hold back. Ramsey was more than happy to cook his famous course, entering the kitchen with a bright expression and flames of passion in his eyes. He’d show his worth as a chef tonight.

The meal went down very smoothly and suited everyone’s tastes. Some of the dishes even contained mana, showing that Ramsey had the capabilities of a spirit chef similar to Vaccos back in Furano. The family chatted amicably throughout the five course meal that lasted for over an hour. They discussed a whole manner of things from regular small chat to Kranor’s history, it was an enlightening experience not just for Frost but also the kids you finally knew more about this handsome young man who was their parent’s student. When they heard about the two kids under Frost’s care they became greatly interested and wished to meet them so as to be friends.

This offer struck a chord in Frost, though he and Maya could provide a warm and safe home and even shower them with love, Nanna and Loki lacked friends their own age that they could play with (monsters didn’t count, at least ones that lacked intelligence). Making friends and hanging out with other kids was an integral part in developing social skills, something Nanna and Loki would need in order to grow up healthy. He didn’t make any promises but if there was a chance he’d definitely try and allow them to meet. This was enough to satiate Jasmine and Ren who were always eager to meet new friends.

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