Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 305

305 Chapter 305: Kranor’s problem (3)

“Appeal to their other interests?” Yarrow repeated what Frost said, his face showing confusion.

“Yes, since the trade professions hold more financial incentive to the younger generation even with the grants and tax cuts you already offered, you need to come at the issue from another angle. What do the younger generation want for their future, what drives them other than financial gain.”

Yarrow, Lola, and Chia faced one another before answering at the same time “Power.” The younger generation seek power, as not only can it provide financial gain, but it can earn a person respect and glory. That’s why so many young people eagerly join the military and or become adventurers. Chia and Yarrow both went down this route as did Sam and Lola. When you’re young you’re full of ambition and reckless abandon, perfectly suited to these sort of jobs. Only when they become older do they tend to mellow out and choose less risky paths.

“Exactly” Frost nodded his head in agreement. “By appealing to their desire for power you can attract the younger generation to agriculture.”

“But how?” Lola understood the logic, but the method alluded her.

“There’s a number of ways to resolve your issues. First of course is a nuclear option wherein you force people to become farmers thus fixing the manpower issue, but you’ve most likely already thought of this and avoided it since doing so would generate a lot of hate. Second or rather the first acceptable method would be to promote the appeal of working within the 6th and 7th floor’s environments. When I visited with Sam and the kids I could feel that the air was far purer than the other floors and that living there for prolonged periods would improve one’s natural constitution. If you look into your population documents you’d likely notice that the people living on those floors were less prone to illness and probably had a longer lifespan on average.” Chia and Lola both turned to Yarrow, asking if this was true. The old man showed an expression of deep thought before nodding his head in agreement. What Frost said was true, although the majority of farmers were grey in the hair, they were still hard at work and fairly healthy, far better than those of the same age living on the other floors.

“In conjunction with this effect, you should take advantage of people like Sam and Lola. I know first hand that they have a lot to teach in regards to becoming adventurers, you should use that. Have retired adventurers like them conduct combat and adventuring lessons for those that join the farming sector. Thus, allowing them to increase their power while working on the farms.”

“Along with those methods you could make the farming jobs temporary, lasting 3 to 5 years before allowing them to follow their adventuring dreams. After being educated by the retired adventurers they’d have a better chance of surviving and being successful in their quests, a win-win. Plus, once they do decide to retire they’d likely return to farming given that they already have the required skills. With this condition young people won’t feel as apprehensive in becoming farmers since it wouldn’t obstruct them from chasing their original dreams down the line.” Yarrow, Chia, and Lola all looked at Frost as if he was some kind of genius. These methods were amazing and would surely solve their problem and then some.

“However, the key point to ensure that you have more than temporary farmers and a constant amount of people truly interested in such work is to target the very young, those still in school. Their mindsets aren’t set in stone, far easier to mould. I heard that Druakai arranges many field trips wherein he educates the kids in his profession while they get to enjoy playing with the monster cubs. I suggest setting up similar practises on the other farms, teaching them how it all works and how important such work is for Kranor, stoking their patriotic emotions.” That last suggestion caused Yarrow, Chia, and Lola’s jaws to drop and refuse to close for some time.


Yarrow felt as though a bomb went off in head, revealing a bright path that led to Kranor’s salvation.

“.....That’s genius hahahaha the problem that plagued me so for the past several years gone, just like that hahahahahaa.” Yarrow laughed depressingly as tears poured down his cheeks, yet inside he felt free and joyful. His eyes sparkled as they looked at Frost. “You really are Kranor’s good omen, far more talented than my daughter let on hahaha.” Yarrow moved towards Frost and patted his shoulders with force as the tears continued to flow. His back imperceptibly straightening as though a heavy burden had been removed. “Come with me, we need to put this plan of yours into action right away.” Yarrow wrapped his arms around Frost ushering him into his office. “Saras call the heads of the agriculture department, the deputy mayor, and the other department heads, we’ve got work to do!” Yarrow roared with joy, giving out his orders. The first in a long while that he’d been able to make as mayor.

“At once Lord Yarrow,” Saras appeared a moment later with a smile on his face before quickly moving to enact his liege’s orders. Chia and Lola were still in a state of shock, but after Yarrow forcibly led Frost out of the room they ran after the two of them so as to lend their aid. Yarrow was still in recovery after all.

Over the next couple hours, the many department heads arrived at the manor to take part in the emergency meeting called by Yarrow. They initially assumed that it was a formality meeting where Yarrow was set to show off his newfound health and capability to lead Kranor once again. Or that he was going to promote Lola to interim/assistant mayor so as to take over his position. However not a single one of them guessed that the reason they were called was because he’d figured out a way to resolve the looming food crisis. The moment all the government officials heard the methods that Frost suggested they all erupted with applause, praising, and thanking Frost profusely before immediately engaging in chatter about how to best implement such plans. Usually this would be when Frost would be asked to leave given that he wasn’t part of their government but none of the officials cared about that. In fact, they aggressively roped him into their discussions, eager to hear his ideas on other matters. Such a situation was a great boon to Frost who was planning on creating his own territory in future. It also allowed him to better acquaint himself with the higher ups of Kranor.

By the end of the meeting everyone in the room was exhausted as they talked passionately and loudly the entire time. Yet each and everyone of them showed steely resolve and excitement in their eyes. A very detailed bill was created from their hard work, one which would perfectly implement Frost’s suggestions. After gaining everyone’s approval it was accepted, Yarrow placed his mayoral stamp on the document, officially recognising it.

“All of you return to your homes and get a good rest, starting tomorrow we’re going to be very busy.” Yarrow stood up and announced the end the meeting. Allowing the weary officials to head back home.

Just as everyone was beginning the shuffle to the door Yarrow spoke up once again. “Oh, and one last thing, once I’ve passed on the necessary knowledge, Lola will be taking over as mayor. She’ll make a fine replacement, so I hope you’ll all treat her well and assist her in office.” Yarrow gestured towards his daughter who sat by his side throughout the meeting. She too played no small part in creating the bill. The officials who were all about to leave looked towards Lola with smiles.

“Of course, Mayor Yarrow, Lady Lola we wish you luck in your lessons.” Many of them said words of praise and not a single one was against the idea of her becoming mayor. Lola had already shown promise even before this meeting and had long been accepted as the next mayor, she had the talent.

“Thank you for your support.” Lola stood up from her chair and bowed to the officials before they left, they would become her teammates in the future, people she would need to lead down the right path.

Once the officials had all left Yarrow let out a deep breath before his stomach started rumbling. “Guess we’ve put dinner off long enough.” As if in agreement Frost’s stomach started rumbling as well causing the two to laugh. Chia and Lola shook their heads in dismay, so uncouth they thought but the next moment.

“Ggggrrrgrgrgrgrr” at almost twice the volume, Chia’s stomach rumbled causing her face to turn a bright pink before she too laughed out loud.

After giving the servants an order to prepare a fine feast for them all, the group left the large office room to find Sam and the kids who had kindly chose not to disturb them during the meeting.

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