Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 307

307 Chapter 307: Fancy home dining (2)

After the feast Tulip, Jasmine and Ren went to bed. Their day was quite exhausting, and they needed to be up early tomorrow in order to return to school or kindergarten in Ren’s case. This left the adults alone to talk as well as partake in a few drinks -not including Yarrow. Chia had Saras retrieve a B-rank wine for them to enjoy, mellow in taste, perfect accompaniment to a late evening chat. To coax Yarrow into a better mood after every glass but his was filled she scooched in close, pressing her body against his while intertwining their arms together. This seemed to lighten up his mood a great deal, especially when his hand started misbehaving with his wife’s permission.

Lola seeing her mother and father with blissful expressions decided to follow suit, scooching up next to her own man, who for one was all for it. He even showed a triumphant smile as he looked over at Frost would was the only one alone. Frost however didn’t seem to notice, his whole attention focused on the wine, enjoying its smell, texture and finally its taste, not wasting a single drop. Maya had drilled into him to fine art of alcohol appreciation, and he’d had very little opportunity to enjoy alcohol at the B-grade. His mind drifted off as the wine flowed down his throat, he thought of Maya, her smile, her laugh, her annoyed expression, her attractive figure before finally her eyes when they were full of excitement. A strong longing filled him at that moment, he wanted to return home, to be by her side once again.

He’d been away long enough. Many people would have noticed the third floor by now even with his extra monster purchases. His visitor were only getting stronger and more numerous instead of weaker. His forces were likely struggling to hold back the momentum, killing would only amplify the other adventurers at this point. The monster stampede was looming and once it began they would no longer be able to enter this new and interesting thing that was called a Dungeon, not at least until the mayhem calmed down. Thus, they were desperate to gain its riches before being forced to vacate the area.

The people in the Glacial mountains would be able to live as normal albeit with some increased monster activity. Those near the main southern entrance that spanned several kilometres across as well as the minor exits dotted along the border of the mountains would be the first hit. Massive swarms of monsters all riled up into a mad, starving frenzy would charge wantonly through these areas seeking to devour all that stood in their path. After that was the Northrend forest, all the villages there need to be evacuated to the Bastions that were the three border towns in Furano or beyond otherwise they’d be massacred. As long as they evacuated the damage to their small wood villages and camps wouldn’t be too bad as the monsters sought to eat rather than destroy. These people were used to these events and had already begun to prepare, the moment Furano sends word that the stampede was nigh they’d make their way south. Furano viscounty would have to prepare for this increase in population every time the stampede would strike. Just preparing defences wasn’t enough, they needed to make sure there was ample food and water as well as shelter. A lot went into dealing with these monster stampedes, but the risk was more than worth the reward. Once the Northrend forest had been scoured and filled to the brim with monsters the real show would begin. Wave after wave of monsters would assault the walls of the three towns, sometimes for weeks on end. And once it was over, Furano viscounty would be awash in monster materials and meat, more than enough to fill the territories coffers as well as the pouches of those that took part in their defence.

Frost would likely have a month or more of solely monster invaders, all of which could be killed, granting ten times their daily DP income. To be honest other than being a tad nervous about enduring such a long lasting and numerous onslaught Frost was quite excited giving the amount of potential DP. He was confident that even if something was directing the monsters to the southlands, to the sapient lands he’d be able to pull a fair chunk into his dungeon. The allure of mana from the core should be more than enough plus indirectly this would be helping Furano, reducing the amount of monsters they’d need to contend with. He also fully expected that once the heat died down near the Dungeon he’d be able to rush to help out Furano as an adventurer. Gaining not only even more DP but also coins as payment. Being able to witness how a territory of sapients fought against a monster horde would be a bonus, he was quite eager to see those mighty ballista in action. That however was still in the future. Tomorrow he’d say goodbye to Kranor along with his new monster mount Kiba and after performing a second scouting of sector 23 they’d head back home to the dungeon. With Kiba’s size and strength Frost was confident he could make it back in less than a day, without having to camp outside or visit beta camp.

As Frost thought of his home and Maya he showed a sort of lovelorn expression that greatly attracted Chia and Lola. They felt the desire to comfort the poor young man who was here alone. Their bodies imperceptibly drew away from their spouses, much to their displeasure. Feeling slightly betrayed Yarrow and Sam both wrapped their arms around their wives’ lithe waists, drawing them back close. This was the only area they had Frost beat and they weren’t willing to lose it just cause it made him feel lonely.

The actions of the two of them caused their wives’ to look at them in disbelief before they both giggled finding their husbands so cute. Yarrow and Sam were both quite passionate men and would frequently display their affection towards them which they enjoyed very much. But it was very rare for them to be jealous and insecure, the two women wondered what Frost could have done to deserve such a response. Sure, he was handsome, had great strength and even more potential but even that shouldn’t be enough for such behaviour. It was a mystery but in the end Chia and Lola didn’t care, being cherished and possessively desired was a great feeling when you truly loved your partner. They allowed their behaviour even encouraged it some extent, allowing their manly hands to cup and grope areas on their curvy bodies.

The planned late night chat was unfortunately cut short because of such behaviour. No one was in the mood to talk about boring stuff or give Frost lessons on either adventuring or governance. Yarrow’s and Sam’s groping had gotten their wives quite hot and bothered, they reached their limit, especially Chia who hadn’t been able to enjoy her husband’s touch since he contracted the [icy veins] illness. With red faces the four apologised to Frost and excused themselves, quickly rushing to their respective bedrooms.

Frost may have been out of it due to his tiredness and homesick emotions, but he wasn’t blind. He saw the looks of desire in the woman’s faces as well as the eager looks in Sam and Yarrow’s eyes. He suffered an invisible blow as he watched them leave the dining room with quickened steps, his jealously almost tangible. This in turn made him miss his home more, Maya in particular. However, images of Daki also seemed to crop up now and again.


“Haaaaaaaaa being alone really sucks.” He sighed out loud before shaking his head. Saras appeared when he stood up prepared to guide Frost to his room tonight. The old butler was tempted to suggest that he guide him to the 5th floor so as to help with his loneliness. The girls there would certainly be more than happy to take care of such a handsome young man, but he quashed that idea when he looked at Frost’s expression. He was missing someone in particular not just eager to have someone by his side. Saras showed a similar longing once he saw Frost’s expression. His wife had unfortunately passed away a number of years ago, Frost’s longing look brought back memories of her. A few tears dripped down his cheek before he professionally wiped them away and guided Frost to his prepared room.

“Sir Frost this here is your room for the night hopefully it is to your liking.” Sara led Frost to one of the nicer guest bedrooms on the upper floor. It was nicely decorated and of good size, with a king size bed as well as half a living room. A fireplace was present but within the former monster lair and given the time of year it wasn’t lit. A very nice room, cosy and friendly and unlike the guest rooms in the Furano’s manor that hadn’t received guests in years, this room felt as though it was used often, which added to its charm.

“I wish you a good night’s rest sir Frost.” Saras bowed and went to leave but said one last thing before leaving “Oh and don’t worry about any noise leaking through the manor, given the families’ personalities the rooms are heavily sound proofed.”

“Ugh....thanks I guess.” Frost could easily understood what kind of noise Saras was hinting at and to be honest he was very grateful. If he had to be subjected to not only Sam and Lola’s battle but also Yarrow’s and Chia’s he’d really struggle to get a wink of sleep. Thankfully they had prepared for such problems- probably due to frequent complaints.

‘Perhaps I should introduce their builder to Leo, given the bags around his eyes and exhaustion in his voice the last time we spoke he could certainly use some sound proofing hehehehe.’ To distract him from the images of the two couples in battle Frost decided to enjoy the suffering of his friend Leo.

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