Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 574: DLXXIV. A Good Student

Chapter 574: DLXXIV. A Good Student

"What the fuck does that old man want?! I thought you and I were going to fight without interference, but apparently, you didn't have the guts to face me without help! You really stewed me, Dag, the respect I felt for you just got erased forever!" Hakon exclaimed, further jerking the chain wrapped around Dag's neck, while the other one held his left arm still.

As he pulled, the enemy noticed that, after a few seconds, Dag's legs stopped crawling and his body did not move even an inch.

"Uh? You just don't want to give up?! I'm going to get your head out of your neck! I will prove to everyone that I am the strongest warrior! After your head I will also take the one of the man you dare call King!" Hakon continued to shout, so that everyone could hear his words.

Dag's gaze was fixed towards the ground and his body seemed to react to no stimulus, while his head dangled, moved only by the chain of the enemy warrior.

"Kranus... why... why are you doing this? How do you do that? How can you not feel hate for me? After all, my father Stein was like you, he would never hate anyone... but his eyes... his eyes before he died were frightened... he wasn't afraid of death, he was just afraid to leave his family without a father, without someone looking after them. It was evil that killed him, the cruelty that reigns this bastard world, the son of even greater and bloody power, that of the Xis. Hakon is the personification of such wickedness and for this reason... his life must end now" Dag thought, who could not hold back a nervous cry, generated by Kranus' words, which had been useful in awakening his most hidden and intimate instincts, taking his mind to the next level, during which he would give his best, without ever stopping.

The young Master raised his right hand and forcefully grabbed the chain that Hakon was pulling hard.

His legs, resisting that incredible traction almost as if it not even existed, leaned upwards, allowing him to get back on his feet in front of his opponent.

Hakon tightened his grip on his chains, which in addition to being clasped from his hands were also connected to his forearms and his expression of superiority suddenly became unstable, faltering between fear and pride, in fear that in front of all those people, his strength could be questioned by a young boy.

A thin celestial aura covered Dag's body and disappeared after a few seconds, after which the young warrior sighed as if instantly regaining his strength.

"It's Champions Aura, the skill of our Clan! Usually, it's something that only balong to support warriors, those tasked with momentarily increasing their team's stamina, but the Captain has already used it other times, managing to exploit it to his advantage!" Reidar exclaimed from afar, acknowledging the peculiarity of that skill and informing everyone present about Dag's moves. 

After the skill took effect on his entire body, which suddenly felt regenerated, Dag regained his strength and his grip on the chain became so strong that it folded slightly, forcing Hakon to step forward.

"Aaaargh! How do you do that?! These tricks will not work!" the enemy warrior replied, not wanting to give in to the idea of Dag's superiority.

At the same time as the first skill activated since the beginning of the fight, the young Master of Okstorm activated a second skill, the one that from the beginning of his journey had helped him in times of extreme difficulty.

His arm and leg muscles, both wrapped in dark matter as black as night, suddenly increased in volume, covering themselves with thick veins that allowed blood to flow faster.

Call of the Berserkr was activated and Dag's physical strength, albeit for a limited period of time, increased dramatically, amplified further by his own dark power.

When his gaze rose towards the enemy, both of his eyes had turned purple and glowed with their own light, and his gaze expressed his severe pain, the pain that Kranus's words and Stein's memory had aroused in his mind.

Hakon said nothing, knowing that every word would make him waste precious oxygen and that at that moment, he could not make mistakes.

The Lies Of Loki leader already knew both of young Dag's abilities, having witnessed all his most important battles and knew that Call of the Berserkr, the most powerful of the two newly activated, had a short duration.

At that moment, he decided that the best thing for him to do was to resist until that moment, until the skill upgrade would run out and his strength would finally prevail over that of his opponent.

With a quick movement of his arm and trying to hold back the tears that had accumulated in his eyes, Dag pulled the chain that was tied to his neck and Hakon let go of the grip, causing the piece of the armor of his forearm to be removed from its position.

The young Master tore the chain out of his neck and threw it behind him, soon after, he also grabbed the second one, that is, the one tied to his left arm, which had remained stuck until then.

Having his neck free and both of his arms available to express all their muscle strength, Dag pulled his enemy, and Hakon's body flew towards him without control.

A violent warhead hit the enemy warrior's nose and his body fell with its back to the ground, rolling for a couple of meters and soon after disappearing into a cloud of blackish gas.

When Hakon reappeared a few feet behind, he noticed that the second chain had also been detached from his other arm and had been thrown away by Dag as if it was a broken toy.

Before he could say anything, continuing to provoke his opponent, Dag grabbed the hammer that had fallen to the ground and snapped at him, leaving an electric trail that burned the snow and floor.

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