Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 575: DLXXV. The Rage

Chapter 575: DLXXV. The Rage

With a very short jump so low that he almost touched the ground, Dag charged a Lightning Strike, the skill he had first seen from Magni, his true Master.

The hammer unleashed a large amount of electricity and when Hakon managed to dodge the blow by simply disappearing, the blow released an explosion that cracked the floor and also involved the rubble behind the two opponents, raising them from the ground and crushing them further.

Although Hakon's teleportation was instantaneous, Dag still managed to guess his position and, following his movements with his eyes, after the first blow went empty, he turned around and tried again to hit his opponent, who could not imagine Dag moving at such an exorbitant speed, managed only to cross his two blades in front of his face and protect himself from the incoming attack.

The hammer struck the center of the two blades and the electrical energy of the weapon, added to the physical energy from Dag's right arm, unleashed an out-of-the-ordinary force, too high even for the metal of Hakon's blades, which shattered under the hammer's black stone head.

The shockwave generated by the blow swept away the metal fragments and, having nothing left to protect himself with, Hakon was hit right on his chest.

The energy accumulated by the hammer was unleashed once again and it pierced the enemy's body, coming out behind him and making him fly, tens of meters away until it slammed into one of the columns of the porch, which was swept away by the impact.


"It's amazing! His strength has increased even more! Did you see that? He managed to wipe him out like a bug! He's reacting!" Freydis gasped, who after seeing the scene, galvanized herself and again asked words of comfort to Reidar, who like everyone else was watching carefully every move of his Captain.

"The Captain is exploiting both his knowledge as a student and a disciple of our Clan and his mysterious powers, giving his best. I've never seen him so involved and determined... he doesn't just want to survive and win the fight... he wants to reduce his enemy to ashes, he wants to destroy him with every fiber of his body's muscles, he is completing his revenge" Reidar commented, crossing his arms and breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that Hakon was an enemy full of secret weapons and, by guessing Dag's strength and weakness, he certainly had an ace in the hole.

"Go on, boy... hit him even stronger" Kranus said in a low voice, standing with grandeur next to his generals.


As Hakon tried to pull his body out of the wall in which it had wedged, Dag snapped back in his direction, placing the Giantbane back on his belt and holding the hammer with two hands, activating another of his attacking skills, one of the strengths of Hammers Of Thor's warriors using two-handed weapons: Overpowered Strike.

Hakon's body was so damaged by the shot just suffered that he could not move from his position and Dag's loaded shot hit him again at the same spot, right in the middle of the chest.

The impact unleashed for the second time an absurd power, so strong that it destroyed yet another wall of the porch and make the enemy fly away, beyond the square.

Hakon flew as if it was an inanimate object and his shape disappeared between two palaces a hundred meters away from the site of the battle.

The crowd behind Dag, for the first time since the fight began, started to cheer him, shouting the name of the young Master, who was clearly winning the fight, after turning the tide of the fight.

"Haaakooon! Get up and keep fighting! I'm not done with you yet! I will not stop until you have exhaled your last breath and your body will not be returned to mother earth!" he screamed desperately, his eyes continuing to weep in anger and nervousness arising from the strong words of the Ice Giants commander.

The walls surrounding the square were now almost completely destroyed and only half of the porch had saved itself from the fury of Dag, who had avoided using his strongest skill, Memory of Mjllnir knowing that, if he did, he would probably wipe out the entire neighborhood and put the lives of his soldiers at risk.


During those endless seconds, in which Hakon's tracks dispersed, someone else walked out the main door of the castle to witness the fight, limping.

"Packmaster! Why did you get up?! We said you had to recover your strength!" one of the Claws Of Fenrir soldiers exclaimed, who along with his comrades had healed his boss's wounds.

"Aaargh... *spit*... I'm already better, that kid didn't do anything to me. So, what's all this noise? The battle is over, what are you all doing out here?" Bloodfang asked, spitting blood mixed with his saliva on the ground and holding onto a kind of improvised stick, asking Kranus and the others for explanations of what was going on.

After Kranus' generals gave him a report of what he had missed while resting to regain his strength and get back on his feet, Bloodfang's red eyes stopped at Dag, who from the center of the square was looking towards the palaces behind which Hakon had landed.

The Packmaster, after realizing that his bitter enemy, the leader of Lies Of Loki, had arrived at Klorr in person only to fight Dag, felt deeply humiliated and slowly walked towards the young warrior.

Kranus's large hand stopped him, grabbing him by the half-torn jacket.

"You wouldn't dare interfere. Don't force me to lock you in an ice block. This battle has nothing to do with us" the ice mage said, intent on respecting Dag's will without regretting helping him in the only moment of need and knowing that in reality, the fight was not yet over.


"Haaakooon!" Dag yelled again, who, done waiting, loaded a jump on his legs and pushed hard upwards, traveling vertically more than 5 meters and trying to identify the location of his enemy, who still did not return.

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