Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 573: DLXXIII. From Father To Son

Chapter 573: DLXXIII. From Father To Son

Both shots hit the target, who with his head down parried them, moving his weapons forward, as if his energy had run out.

Ready to give Hakon the final strike, Dag squeezed the Giantbane in his hands, but just as he was about to snap at him, the real Hakon's face sprang next to his own.

"I never underestimate anyone, that's why I'm Skjold's strongest warrior!" his deep voice exclaimed, speaking directly into his ear and making Dag sweat cold, who did not believe the man he was attacking was just a copy.

Before he could turn around or move his dark arms away from him, Hakon pulled out the chains he held on his arms and wrapped Dag's right arm, the one with which he held the hammer.

Trying to wriggle out, the young Master paid no attention to the movements of his opponent, who also blocked his left arm.

Soon after making sure that his chains completely prevented Dag's movements, which in those conditions could not respond to any attacks, Hakon jumped and flew over his head, rotating with his legs in the air and dodging the grip of the dark arms, which awkwardly tried to catch him.

"Oh no! He's doing exactly what he did to Brann, but with my arms! Fuck! He's going to tear them off my body!" Dag thought, continuing to sweat cold and remembering that with that same attack, the head of Lies Of Loki had killed his sister Gridd's father.

Aware that, if he'd impose physical resistance, he would only facilitate the task of his enemy, who could leverage and pull off his arms, as soon as Hakon's feet touched the ground behind Dag, he pushed himself backward, making sure that the chains were no longer stretched on his arms.

With that unexpected movement and not calculated by Hakon, his grip on the hammer became weaker and the weapon fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of the moment, Dag managed to pull his hand out of the chain and free that arm, turning again towards Hakon and yanking the other chain wrapped around his left arm.

The enemy did not seem at all amused by what had just happened and, incredulous that Dag had managed to escape his finisher move, he swayed the chain that had just detached from his right arm and wrapped it around his neck, tightening its grip.

"Aaargh!" Dag yelled, choking his words and closing his eyes in pain, as the chain tightened his trachea, attempting to suffocate him.

Trying to open his eyes, never giving in to his fate, the young Master continued to look at Hakon, knowing that if his neck was not wrapped in dark matter, it would probably already have been disintegrated and he would die instantly.

Hakon took two steps back and pulled both chains, shortening the one on the arm that still held the Giantbane tight and forcing Dag to kneel, unable to resist that traction only with his neck.

Dag's feet moved amidst the snow and ice of the ground, desperately looking for a foothold, but the chain kept pulling forward and Hakon didn't seem to stop pulling.

"His grip is too powerful, I can't get rid of it using only the force of the dark matter that envelops my muscles! Its enhancement is not enough!" Dag thought, whose breathing became shorter and more intermittent and whose body was being dragged like a sack of flour.


"No, no, no! He's not making it! Dag's not getting rid of him! Those chains look too durable and Hakon has superhuman strength! How is he going to do that?! Reidar, how is he going to break free?!" Freydis exclaimed, clinging to her archer friend's jacket and jerking him, begging him to tell her something positive.

He began to sweat in fear, seeing no glimmer of light in that situation that seemed to have no way out.

"His dark power is not enough, or rather... he's not using all his energy... but the Captain is made like this... he manages to give his best in extreme situations when his life is hanging by a thread. I'm sure he won't give up, not today. Have faith, Freydis!" he replied, wisely, continuing to watch the fight without hiding his fear.

"Heeey, you! Dag!" Kranus suddenly yelled, who unexpectedly drew the attention of the young warrior who was facing the leader of Krypstorm's strongest and most famous Clan.

Although Dag could not turn his head towards him, Hakon looked at the ice mage, making him guess that his voice had reached them.

"You said your father died because of Lies Of Loki... you said that Hakon also killed the man who inspired you and pushed you to become a warrior... I am a father, or rather, I was a father... but although my son is no longer there, I am fighting for him, to remember his name and I even came to help the one who killed him... if you die today I wouldn't despair, but I wouldn't be joyful either, because your fate won't be fulfilled here and now, your rise hasn't begun yet! I'm talking to you from father to son, boy... do not give up" Kranus continued, showing a delicacy and sincerity that he had never expressed in front of his men, nor even in front of all those soldiers of the Claws Of Fenrir, whose hearts, at that time, were all close to Dag.

Reidar and Freydis turned to him, and Kron and Atran did the same, noting that from their commander's ever-serious eyes, a thin tear slipped softly on his cheek, directed toward the thick white beard.

Kranus's moment of paternal love ended after a few seconds and when he realized that he had let himself be carried away too much by emotions, the tear that was flowing on his face froze and with his hand he tore it away, shattering it.

"Kill that piece of shit, son. His time is over, your it's not" the ice mage repeated, lowering his eyebrows and clenching his fists.


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