Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 558: DLVIII. The Strongest Wolf

Chapter 558: DLVIII. The Strongest Wolf

"I think Dag has reached the enemy and now they are fighting... but I also heard a beastly roar just now and it came from the same direction!" Reidar replied, loading two magic arrows on his bow and firing them at high speed to support allied soldiers fighting in the center of the square.

"Fuck... I knew it was going to happen... I knew we couldn't trust them..." Kranus whispered, who with an angry look looked down, brooding over his choices.

"Of them? Who are you referring to? Do you think Bloodfang had anything to do with it?" Freydis replied, who, focusing only on Dag's thought, did not immediately remember that Bloodfang was also inside the building with him.

"I don't know Bloodfang well, but... it is said that his transformation into a wolf is completely different from that of his warriors... in addition to being much stronger and faster, the Packmaster of the Claws Of Fenrir is unable to manage his anger... I've been very informed about him these days and... he killed his own father to play the role of leader of his Clan" Kranus confessed, joining the pieces of the puzzle and recalling Bloodfang's sneaky gaze as he realized they were going to fight together.

"Eh?! So Dag and Bloodfang are fighting each other?! But this is just crazy! If they join forces, they could defeat anyone in a few minutes!" the Shieldmaiden exclaimed again, worried about her man.

"Thyrius seemed like a very proudful warrior to me... if a wolf decides what its prey will be, he will not give it to someone else..." 

"The Captain is proud too" Reidar interrupted, turning his gaze towards Kranus, who was finishing talking.

A few seconds of silence followed the words of the archer, who after taking a deep breath and looking up at the top floors of the castle, began to speak again.

"The Captain always manages to be rational and never exaggerates when there is no need to do so. I've never seen anyone control such great power in that way, it seems that he was born to be a great warrior, that's precisely why he will always push me to follow him... however... every time he talks about the Lies Of Loki, something in his eyes changes, it's like he loses control. His father was killed by one of them, he told me many times, so... I am sure that if Bloodfang puts himself between him and his vengeance, the Captain will not hesitate to fight even against one of his allies!"


"Don't force me to hit you, Thyrius! You don't know what I'm capable of! We're just wasting our time!" Dag exclaimed, dodging yet another shot of claws.

"Aaargh! Grrooaaargh!" the great black wolf roared, pointing his blood-red eyes at the young Master, whose gaze fell on the Lies Of Loki warrior, who, from the bottom of the room, was enjoying the show with that scary smile on his face.

Dag prepared for the impact, putting both of his weapons in combat position, while purple sparks came out of the hammer and the top of his armor.

"I will hit him precisely behind the back of the head, trying to make him unconscious... soon after I will dedicate myself to the enemy!" he thought, focusing on the Packmaster, who continued to growl and swell his muscles, which still grew especially on his arms. 

Bloodfang lowered slightly and after charging for a few more seconds, he snapped towards Dag. 

The leap forward was so powerful that it raised a cloud of dust in the room and Dag could not keep his eyes open, lifting both weapons forward and moving sideways.

When he reopened his eyes, he noticed that Thyrius was no longer in front of him and as soon as he tried to turn around, he felt a sore pain on his side, so strong that it forced him to kneel and drop the hammer on the ground.

"Aargh..." the warrior of Okstorm exclaimed, who after resting his hand under his chest, noticed that he was full of blood.

"Get away, boy... or I will be forced to kill both you and him... take advantage of my moment of lucidity, or for you, it will be the end" Bloodfang said, looking towards the wall of the painting, while the grayish smoke came out of his feet as if they have been consumed by performing that shot at a superhuman speed. 

"He hit me... how the hell did he do that? I didn't see anything, he was so fast that not even my developed senses were able to perceive his presence! Fuck it! I can't give up right now! Aaargh, fuck again! It hurts!" Dag thought, continuing to touch his deep cut and looking at Bloodfang out of the corner of his eye.

"Every 20 seconds, my body becomes more powerful and my attacks faster... this is my unique power... no one has ever survived, not even those who have always been stronger than me..." Thyrius replied in a low voice, clenching his fists and making a clear reference to his father, who was to be a formidable warrior.

"Uuuh! It gets more and more interesting! Hihihihi! The great King of Wolves against an unknown and irascible little boy! I'm having fun like a kid! Hihihi!" the Keeper exclaimed aloud, who sat on the ground and put his head between his hands as if he was attending a theatre show.

Dag, taking advantage of the moment of distraction that the enemy's words would cause, rested one foot on the ground and then the other too, rising up despite the shooting pain and trying to activate his dark power, which had remained silent until then.

As soon as he realized that behind him, Dag was trying to get up again, Bloodfang turned back and jumped towards his target, hitting him for the second time, but on the leg.

Dag, unable to predict the incredibly fast blow, was knocked to the ground, also losing the Giantbane, whose blade dirt on his own blood.

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