Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 557: DLVII. Get Out Of My Way!

Chapter 557: DLVII. Get Out Of My Way!

"What the hell are you doing to me?! Stop playing and fight me! What, are you afraid I might destroy you?! Grr... aargh... umpf..." 

While shouting words of anger at his enemy, Thyrius failed to finish the sentence, warning that the handshake on his abdomen was becoming more intense and had now taken his breath out of his lungs.

"But how?! Don't you like my power?! Look, very few people were lucky enough to be killed like that, do you know?! Consider it a special gift of mine for you, who are the protagonist of my favorite painting! Hihihi!" 

After the enemy's last words, a loud noise broke the silence and the door of the room was blown away, flying over Bloodfang's head, which raised his gaze completely, looking back despite his view being reversed.

"Hihi... uh?" 

Even the Keeper, now ready to shatter his enemy's spine, looked up at the door, trying to sense a presence even though his eyes were covered by the bandage.


Entering as fast as a lightning bolt and leaving an electric trail behind him, Dag flew onto the table, ignoring the fact that Bloodfang was on it, and charged a shot in the direction of the enemy, screaming.

Magni's hammer tried to hit the face of the faceless warrior but he dodged sideways, rising from his chair and detaching his hand from the table. 


Dag violently crashed into the wall, not hitting the painting for a few inches.

After removing his hand from the surface of the table, the four wooden hands that held Bloodfang still disappeared immediately, crumbling as if they were made of sand and the large black wolf freed himself from his prison, jumping to his feet and placing them on the table.

Pushing with all the force in his knees, the Packmaster shattered the big table and dashed in the direction of the Keeper, ready to hit him with his giant claws. 

Dag, realizing that his shot had failed to hit the target despite the speed of execution, turned around and noticed that that big werewolf was Bloodfang, which seen in that form was much more threatening and strong than his human form.

The Keeper, keeping the same eerie smile drawn on his face, stepped back to the wall behind him and put his hand on it.

His power was activated for the second time and a large stone hand came out of the wall, grabbing him as if he was a puppet and quickly pulling him to the right, thus allowing him to dodge Thyrius' sharp shot. 

The Packmaster's claws missed the target and scratched the wall, leaving a trail of sparks that spread through the air.

Before he could turn around to try to launch another attack, Dag ran after him, trying to precede him and charging the enemy, who was now on the opposite side of the room.

"Die!" Dag yelled, who without hesitation further, hooked the Giantbane to the belt and jumped towards the Keeper, loading an Overpowered Strike with the hammer.

Shortly before the impact, just when the young Master was now sure to hit his target, a second hand grabbed the enemy by the abdomen and moved him again, driving him away from Dag, who hit another wall, retaining his strength, but causing extensive damage to the structure.

"Grrargh! You, idiot! You're going to destroy the building like that! Get out of my way!" Bloodfang screamed, heading dangerously towards Dag, running on all fours.

Dag turned back and saw the great werewolf arriving towards him, ready to attack him. 

With a rapid movement, he jumped backward, and Bloodfang touched him with one of his claws, missing a blow that would cause him serious damage.

"What the fuck are you doing?! There is an enemy here with us, the priority is to defeat him! Nothing will happen to your beloved castle, stop acting like an idiot!" Dag shouted, after realizing that Thyrius was serious, not worrying about using scurrilous language, given the extreme circumstances.

"This is none of your business! That man is responsible for the death of my men and mocks the painting that represents my family! I'm going to kill him with my own hands, at the cost of losing my life for it! Grraaargh!" Bloodfang growled again, opening his arms outwards and continuing to accumulate energy in his claws, which turned red as his pupils.

Taking another dash, Bloodfang charged again towards Dag, trying to hit him and make him unconscious, in a beastly fury that came from his transformation, which as he had thought, was causing him to lose the light of reason.

"Hihihihi! What an unexpected turn! Two allies fighting each other! I'll enjoy the fight from here, see which one will prevail over the other! Hihihi!" the faceless man laughed again, resting his feet on the ground as the rock hand that had grabbed him shortly before disappeared inside the wall from which it had been generated.

Dag, who did not expect a second attack from Thyrius, still managed to dodge the shot, which was much faster than the previous one.

"Stop it! That man's making fun of us! You promised me his head would be mine! I helped you bring your men together and execute your stupid plan, making you discover that we had fallen into a trap! Now give me my reward, let me fight!" Dag yelled, who before finishing speaking, was attacked for the third time.

Thyrius' phosphorescent claws cut the air in front of him and the young Master was forced to parry the blow by crossing the axe and hammer.

The impact caused a powerful shockwave that made an incredibly loud noise and shattered the only large window in the room, which had been opened violently, allowed the faint sunlight to enter.



"What was it? What's going on in there?" Freydis exclaimed, catching her breath and continuing to kill one by one the enemies trying to reach the castle entrance.

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