Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 559: DLIX. Your Name Will Be Remembered

Chapter 559: DLIX. Your Name Will Be Remembered

In a cloud of dust generated by the claws of the legs of the wolf that had consumed the stone floor, Bloodfang stopped again to look at his young enemy, further increasing the size of his muscles, which grew along with his speed.

Trying to concentrate and breathing with difficulty due to the strong blow he had suffered, Dag felt the dark matter move within himself and flow inside the wounds.

With the usual fluid noise, it began the regeneration process, which within seconds began to relieve its pain.

"Thyrius..." Dag said in a suffocated voice, rising again from the ground.

"Uh?! You're a true idiot! Why do you keep getting up?! Grrr... I didn't want to do it, but you're forcing me...!" the great wolf exclaimed, who considered Dag's gesture as a real disrespect.

"You don't understand, do you...? *cough*cough*!" 

"I said you have to get out of the way!" Bloodfang screamed again.

"I can't do that..." Dag replied, touching the cut on his side, while the wound on his leg was already completely healed.

"Grrr... argh! Shut up!" 

After yelling again, the leader of the Claws Of Fenrir snapped forward and at a speed not perceptible to the human eye, pierced Dag's stomach, stabbing him with his claws until his hand popped out the other way.

Dag's gaze stared at the void and his wide-open eyes expressed the incredible pain he was feeling.

The young Master grabbed the Packmaster's wrist and slowly turned his gaze towards his face, to observe his expression, believing he would be the last thing he could see before he died.

Without saying a word, Bloodfang violently pulled his bloodied hand out of Dag's stomach, as if it was the blade of a sword, and put the other on his shoulder, holding him standing by inertia.

"I warned you, boy. Your name will be remembered with honor, but everyone will know that you chose to die for your stubbornness" Thyrius added, slightly pushing Dag's body backward, causing him to fall to the ground like a wooden board without reflections, banging with his back on the cold floor of the castle dining room.

"Hihihihi! As I suspected! The big bad wolf managed to defeat the little boy! What a fright! Hihihi! Now he will pounce on me and try to launch one of his deadly attacks!" the Keeper chuckled, who rose from the ground, preparing to use his unique power to escape Thuyrius' murderous fury.

The head of the wolves, without hesitating further, snapped at him, who once again, predicting his trajectory before departure, managed to dodge him by creating a hand that pulled him towards the ceiling, dragging him next to the large chandelier that was hanging on it.

Meanwhile, Dag's forehead continued to sweat and his senses slowly began to abandon his body, reducing it to a vegetative stage.

"Am I dying? Am I really dying? Did it end like this before I even started? My organs... I can feel the organs in my stomach and chest! Bloodfang couldn't hit them! Come on, come on! I have to regenerate this wound at all costs!" he thought, as the dark liquid began to flow even between his bowels, wrapping his internal organs and moving them in place.

Feeling a strong sense of nausea and pain, Dag closed his eyes and stood still, letting his power help him get back on his feet, knowing that if he pretended to be half dead, Bloodfang would not give him the coup de grace. 

The dark matter grabbed the two flaps of the large wound caused by that big, sharp hand and pulled them towards each other, suturing the wound in a few seconds.

The sweat on his forehead suddenly ceased to flow and the young Master gradually regained the sensitivity of his hands and feet, which began to move again.

"It's amazing! My body... it's healing faster than usual! My regeneration skill had never gone that far, the wounds were incredibly deep! It's as if my power wants me to rise and forces me to fight at all costs... it seems that it has its own will and is helping me!" Dag thought, opening and closing his hand and realizing that the noises caused by Bloodfang's attacks slowly began to be sharp again and not just mingled and indistinct sounds.

Making a slight effort and knowing that he could take as much time as he needed because both of the warriors in that room were not paying attention to him, Dag did not stand up, thus avoiding being noticed, and began to think about how to act in that difficult situation.

"I thought we were going to fight the enemy by joining our forces... on the other hand, in the end, my ally became my enemy. I didn't calculate this possible variable... Bloodfang attacks are incredibly fast and the more time passes, the more his speed and strength increase... his power is incredible, perhaps one of the strongest I have ever seen!" he continued to think, taking stock of the situation.

Just as all those considerations gathered in young Dag's mind, the Keeper created yet another hand, which blocked one of Bloodfang's ankles on the floor, preventing him from dashing forward.

"Uhuh! Looks like I finally got you! Hihihi!" the enemy warrior exclaimed, who from the beginning had never taken that evil sneer off his face.


Roaring and trying to apply all the strength he had in his body, the leader of the Claws Of Fenrir desperately tried to free himself from that trap, but his every attempt proved useless, being that hand very large and completely made of stone, heavier and harder than his muscles.

Holding his hand to the ground, the Keeper twisted himself, managing to bend his spine abnormally, twisting his torso and turning his head backward, continuing to sneer with his tongue out of his mouth.

"Let's see how you got on the defensive front!" the enemy yelled, resting his other hand on the ground and summoning a second stone hand, which in less than a second grabbed Thyrius' neck, forcing him to kneel.

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