A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 190: Taint

Chapter 190: Taint

The disciplined Black Armor Army had never encountered such a formation.

"Have you ever seen cavalry that glows?"

"I've only heard about it in legends!"

Faced with unknown enemies, the army's morale inevitably wavered.

There was no time for them to adjust their formation, not even time to hesitate.

Eight knights swiftly charged forward, wielding weapons surrounded by holy light, breaking into the enemy ranks!

Metal clashed, screams echoed, disrupting the stillness of the night.

Blood sprayed, limbs scattered.

The Black Armor soldiers were horrified to discover that the holy light on the enemy was not just for show.

Weapons blessed with holy light were unstoppable, with a certain penetrating effect.

The holy light protection significantly strengthened their armor.

Their blades struck, only to be instantly repelled.

The eight cavalrymen charged into the enemy, barbarically clearing a path, effortlessly cutting through the ranks like mowing grass.

From a high vantage point, one could see the eight knights trailing holy light in the night, leaving eight traces in the dark Black Armor formation.

The Black Armor Army fell into chaos, and their formation began to disintegrate.

After the eight broke out of the enemy ranks, they immediately turned back.

Another round of "cutting melons and vegetables."

Blood was repelled by the holy light armor, leaving them untouched by any dirt.

Gods descended

The Black Armor soldiers, witnessing their heroic figures, couldn't help but think of these words.

This is the true descent of the gods!

What can we use against them?

Morale declined even further!

The Holy Light Knights moved like they were in an uninhabited realm, weaving through, harvesting the lives and morale of the Black Armor Army.

Amidst the chaos, the bald leader seized the opportunity, wielding his heavy sword, ruthlessly cleaving towards one of the knights.

The attack took effect!

The knight blocked, but not completely.

The heavy sword, with its remaining momentum, struck down, and the warhorse let out a mournful neigh.

The holy light on its surface dimmed significantly.

"Attacks can weaken the holy light?"

He realized a useful piece of tactical information.

But it was too late.

The Black Armor soldiers were already in disarray.

He was also sent flying by an incoming Holy Knight.

Straight out of the battlefield.

Upon landing, he felt darkness before him, and blood sprayed from his mouth and nose.


Watching the defeated Black Armor Army and hearing the continuous screams, Tisyara felt herself slowly descending into an icy abyss.


Why do unreasonable things keep happening?

First, Karen becomes the heir.

Then, eight people sweep through three hundred.

What have I done wrong?

She felt like the world was slipping out of her control, and she became a little dizzy.

At this moment, the screams gradually ceased.

She raised her head and, in her blurred vision, saw the eight knights no longer charging but returning to their original positions under the illumination of the holy light.

In the quiet scene, a familiar figure appeared in her field of vision.


The surroundings stopped swaying, and her vision cleared.

A sour feeling surged to her heart.

She saw the eight knights lined up on both sides of Karen, dismounting and kneeling.

The scene shocked and puzzled her.

"These are her riders... but how did she manage this?"

Tisyara intuited a connection with that alchemist.

That guy!

Should have been dealt with earlier!

Due to the current situation, after the eight riders dismounted and saluted, they immediately mounted again.

Standing on both sides of Karen, facing the Black Armor Army, their holy light undiminished.

The scene gradually quieted down.

Suddenly, Karen spoke, "This is the initial training result of the Holy Light Knights. What do you think?"

Tisyara frowned.

This statement obviously wasn't addressed to her, so...

Huff, huff, huff, huff, huff

Torches were lit around them, instantly brightening the entire square.

Hundreds of fully armed silver-armored soldiers surrounded the remnants of the Black Armor, their armor shimmering in the firelight.

The palace guards.

"Ah, very good."

A deep and powerful voice came from the side.

The silver-armored soldiers stepped aside, creating a passage.

A sturdy figure walked out.

The king looked sternly at Tisyara, then added, "Your Black Armor soldiers are not bad either."


"These Black Armor warriors will surely shine in the war against the elves in the future... But, Tisyara, why did you come here late at night?"

The king's voice revealed neither joy nor anger, as if chatting casually with her.

Tisyara said, "I need to confirm the accuracy of the dream divination."


"That divination crystal ball, is its result truly the best choice for Turlun? Or, have you fallen under its influence? Just like I was bewitched by that magic mirror when I was a child."

"Good reason! After the matter is done, you can publicly declare it like this." The king nodded approvingly. "After all, many people, including many ministers, have doubts about that crystal ball from the Necromancer's Abyss. However, things won't be as simple as you think, even if your plan succeeds tonight, there are still many trivial issues for you to handle. Of course, with your abilities, it shouldn't be difficult."

"...," Tisyara fell silent for a moment, then looked up and met the king's gaze. "I have stated my purpose. Father, what about you? What are you doing here?"

"Me? I'm just doing what a father should do."


Tisyara sighed, looking at the defeated Black Armor soldiers, and ordered, "Drop your weapons."

The sound of iron dropping to the ground echoed.

The remaining two hundred Black Armor soldiers surrendered, kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, a figure jumped out among the soldiers.

The bald man with a large sword, surrounded by an evening glow, burned himself and charged towards the king.

He roared, as if a wild beast losing its reason.

The king stood motionless, raised his eyebrows, cold as ice.

A surge of momentum burst from the king, an invisible airflow rapidly swirling around his body.

The giant sword in the bald man's hands touched this airflow, instantly being knocked away.

At the same time, clang

The king drew his sword, deeply embedding the blade into the rebel's neck.

Blood spurted out.

The bald man's widened eyes, surrounded by flames, tightly gripped the sword, preventing it from going deeper.

With his other hand, the king shouted.

The sword was surrounded by airflow, like cutting through tofu, diagonally slicing the rebel's body in half.

The bald man's pupils quickly dilated.

The flames on his body extinguished in an instant.

The upper half of his body slid to the ground.

The airflow around the king scattered a large spray of blood.

The two knights on either side also had holy light protection.

Only Karen, defenseless, was splattered with blood.

The smell of blood rushed into her nostrils.

Watching the scattered entrails, Karen's face turned pale, and she vomited.

"Sorry, Karen. But you must get used to scenes like this."

"N-no problem... ugh"


Before Princess Karen vomited into exhaustion, the guards quickly cleaned up the bloody scene.

The Black

Armor was surrounded by the Silver Armor.

"I underestimated you, little sister," Tisyara passed by Karen, escorted by two guards, "Perhaps Father's choice wasn't wrong after all."

Karen, pale-faced from vomiting, managed a faint smile. "Of course. It would have been better if you had thought that way from the start."

Tisyara glanced at the Holy Light Knights on either side, casually asking, "If I'm not mistaken, these glowing fellows have something to do with that alchemist you value so much, right?"

Karen nodded, not denying.

"Consider it a reminder from your elder sistersomeone who can bring you success often leads you to your downfall." Tisyara looked at her deeply, "That guy hides too many secrets; he's not trustworthy. However, you don't need to worry anymore. I've taken care of this threat for you."

Karen's face went from pale to flushed. Without a word, she turned and left, leaving behind, "He's a stain on the canvas that should be erased."

Her ashen face suddenly regained color, without a word, she mounted a nearby horse, taking control.

The knights on horseback didn't dare oppose, quickly dismounting and handing control to Karen.

Karen pulled the reins and with a "let's go," motioned to the knights, "Follow me!"


The sound of hooves, eight people on eight horses, charged into the night.

Leaving behind a dismounted knight, sparkling in the night, clueless.

Feeling the gaze of the surrounding guards...

He awkwardly patted his stomach.

Hmm, maybe I've had too much Holy Light honey, feeling a bit bloated.

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