A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 189: The Magic Mirror and the Holy Knights

Chapter 189: The Magic Mirror and the Holy Knights

Once upon a time, there was a princess.

Born with honor and high expectations from everyone, she grew up under constant scrutiny, developing a personality that pursued perfection.

Since she could remember, she felt destined to rule this kingdom.

And she spared no effort in preparing for it.

So, when three princes "arrived in quick succession," she didn't feel family ties but rather a threat.

It was as though three blemishes had appeared on her perfect canvas.

She feared losing the rightful position she was meant to hold.

Therefore, leveraging her status as the eldest sister, she subtly influenced the behavior and characters of the three princes.

The strategy proved very successful.

Under her guidance, the three princes deviated from their normal paths of growth, gradually losing their competitiveness for the throne.

The second prince indulged in pleasure, neglecting his studies.

The third prince was fixated on martial arts, clueless about governance.

The fourth prince spent his days holed up at home, playing with puppets.

It was evident to all that whichever among them succeeded as king would spell disaster for the kingdom.

After clearing this obstacle from her path, she could confidently move towards her goal.

Until the birth of the youngest princess.

Initially, she thought that by neutralizing the three princes, there were no barriers left in her way. So, she didn't pay much attention to this younger sister.

But this younger sister displayed astonishing intelligence. While others her age babbled, she could eloquently express her views on current events.

The attention shifted increasingly towards the younger sister.

In contrast, the attention she received dwindled.

The people knew the king had a clever younger princess.

The ministers also spoke of how much potential the younger princess held for the future.

Once again, she felt threatened.

So, she attempted, using her status, to lead the younger sister astray, just as she had done before.

But this time, it didn't go as smoothly as previous attempts.

Despite her young age, the younger sister possessed a powerful and stable inner strength.

Not to say she was impervious to external influences.

Like any ordinary young girl, she could be upset and cry.

But that was it.

She consistently focused most of her attention on herself, observing and perceiving the world through her own lens, reacting normally to external stimuli, and then calmly continuing at her own pace.

As the younger sister steadily grew, she no longer concealed her disdain, shifting from covert manipulation to overt suppression.

Then one day, she unintentionally acquired a magic mirror.

This mirror had a miraculous effect, revealing a person's inner demons.

In the dead of night, the teenage her stood before the mirror, chanting a spell, and the reflection of the younger sister appeared.

"She is your inner demon, the stumbling block in your path..."

She seemed to hear a hoarse voice whispering in her ear:

"Get rid of her... get rid of her... otherwise, you will lose everything..."

Staring at the image in the mirror, a terrifying idea involuntarily formed in her mind.

This idea swiftly materialized into several plans.

She eventually chose one.

As long as the plan succeeded, the last blotch on her canvas would be erased from this world!

That night, she fell asleep with dark thoughts lingering.

The next day, however, she was awakened by a commotion.

Opening her eyes, bright sunlight streamed in from the window.

The king stood by her bedside, quietly observing a white-bearded mage performing spells of banishment and purification on the magic mirror.

Amidst a chilling scream, the demon dwelling within the mirror was expelled.

Its horrifying form left a deep impression on her.

Moments after its emergence, the demon dissipated into thin air.

Along with it vanished the malevolence in her heart.

She felt a shiver of fear, nervously asking the king what was happening.

The king simply said, "A father does what a father must."

What is it that a father must do?

It's to prevent their child from making mistakes beforehand.

The king knew she was intelligent enough to understand without much explanation.

Later, she was indeed grateful that the king had discovered the demon concealed in the mirror. Otherwise, she might have made a grave mistake in a moment of impulse.

She only aimed to push the younger sister off the path to the throne; she didn't wish for her demise.

"What a father must do..."


Tisyara opened her eyes, returning from a distant memory.

Why did she suddenly recall such an old story?

She shook her head, pushing aside the distractions in her mind.

Simultaneously, she rekindled her wavering determination.

Before her stood over three hundred black-armored warriors.

Fully equipped, standing in perfect formation.

They not only had excellent gear but were also well-trained.

The ability to nurture such a force within the palace was thanks to that magic mirror.

After the expulsion of the demon, it didn't turn into an ordinary mirror entirely.

It retained a special space inside, which she called the "Realm of Magic."

By coordinating a simple magic array, she could "conquer" external spaces, harboring external creatures. The space was extremely discreet, impervious even to the most advanced reconnaissance spells.

Initially, she used it as her secret base, for studying, contemplating, and meditating without external interruptions, significantly amplifying her efforts.

Later, she realized the greater potential of this magic mirror.

By setting up a magic array in a distant location, swapping internal and external spaces could achieve the miraculous effect of a "heaven-sent army."

Thus, she secretly cultivated her elite forces.

"Train soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a moment."

Today, this force of over three hundred had been honed to be as sharp as a blade, unstoppable.

"For Turen!"

"For Turen!"

"For Turen!"

The black-armored soldiers raised their weapons, shouting in unison, their momentum overwhelming.

"No," Tisyara took a deep breath, correcting them, "For Turan."

"For Turan!"

"For Turan!"

"For Turan!"


Tisyara reached out, pressing a magical array on the nearby wall.

The bright green light of the magic array turned red.

Simultaneously, the runes on the surrounding walls extinguished one by one.

The four-sided light screens faded away simultaneously.

The walls in the surroundings also vanished.

Space displacement.

Over three hundred individuals were instantly transported to an empty courtyard.

This was an inner courtyard of the palace.

Just a step away from the king's chamber.

The plan should have gone smoothly.


Tisyara immediately sensed something amiss.

Tonight, it was another moonless night.

Clouds covered the sky.

The night was as dark as ink.

While not pitch black, the visibility was low.

Tisyara had a gut feeling about something ahead...


The sound of burning flames.

In the darkness several meters away, a torch was lit.

Amidst the flickering flames, several heavily armored cavalrymen appeared.

Their silver-white armor glistened in the firelight.

They stood there like specters, blocking the path of the black-armored troops.

Heavy cavalry wasn't a resource that ordinary people could mobilize.

Under normal circumstances, they shouldn't be present here.

The appearance of these eight knights essentially declared the exposure of her plan.

They had been discovered.

But... when and how had it been exposed?

Tisyara's heart sank.

But there

was no time to dwell on it.

The arrow was already on the bowstring; they had to charge!

Although the heavy cavalry had overwhelming advantages against infantry, their numbers far exceeded the opposition.

Overrun them, without pressure!


Tisyara commanded.

The black-armored troops, led by a bald-headed brawler, rushed towards the heavy cavalry!

Facing the charge of over three hundred individuals, the eight knights remained calm, awaiting orders.

The warhorses were startled, neighing and taking a few steps backward.

However, they were soon reassured by these experienced knights.

"What are they waiting for?"

Why aren't they panicking?

Tisyara's gaze was intense, fixed on the battlefield.

She couldn't help but feel suspicious.

As both sides drew closer, on the verge of contact...

The bodies of the eight knights suddenly emitted a holy radiance, as if enveloped in golden armor.

Not just the knights.

With a resounding neigh, the warhorses were also bathed in divine light, their eyes emitting a dazzling glare, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.


The lead knight raised his sword high, the holy light transforming it into a radiant greatsword.

With his shout, the warhorse lifted its front hooves high and charged forward.

The other seven knights followed suit.

Eight men and eight mounts, bathed in holy light, surged towards the enemy lines!

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