A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 191: Don't Let Him Go!

Chapter 191: Don't Let Him Go!

"Pretty impressive."

Hua Mi extended his fingers, gently caressing the brand-new alchemy equipment, unable to help but sigh.

This was the alchemy workshop Karen had prepared for him.

It didn't look fancy from the outside, nor was the interior space particularly large.

However, the equipment inside was top-notch.

"If I were a real alchemist, seeing this scene would probably make me cry with excitement... But alas, I am not."

So, stepping into this workshop, all he could muster was a simple "It's really bright."

It was akin to stumbling upon a kitchen filled with all brand-new cookware.

This well-equipped alchemy workshop being at his disposal felt like wasting its potential.

Hua Mi had no intention of staying here permanently. However, in the future, this place could serve as his temporary base in Mo Du.

After all, he couldn't stay at the palace every time, could he?

Having roamed around the alchemy workshop, Hua Mi returned to the outer area, comfortably reclined on a chair, stretched lazily, joints cracking throughout his body.

He had been busy shuttling around in dreams for the past few days, not moving much in reality, which made his body a bit stiff.

Nevertheless, it was all worthwhile.

Karen had smoothly ascended.

Moreover, he inadvertently uncovered a secret

Tisyara had been clandestinely training an elite force.

She had hidden it remarkably well using a mysterious magic mirror.

Had it not been for Hua Mi's even more mystical mead, she might have succeeded.

Regardless of her intentions.

Now that she had been disqualified as an heir, precautions against the possibility of her channeling her ambitions through force were necessary.

"I wonder how the 'family drama' is progressing over there."

As an outsider, he couldn't directly involve himself but could only offer Karen some offstage assistance, letting them handle their issues.

Judging by the time, if everything was going smoothly, Tisyara should have been subdued by now.

That shouldn't come as a surprise.

What intrigued him more at present was how those eight Holy Light Knights would perform in this confrontation.

Several days ago, Karen had proposed the idea of forming a Holy Light Knight Order to the king.

Of course, that wasn't a trivial matter.

It couldn't be agreed upon haphazardly.

So, Karen suggested training a few knights first to test the waters.

In the end, she managed to secure eight heavily armed Iron Knightsthat was already quite generous.

Her previous claim about the king valuing her opinions seemed accurate.

The focus of the training was to enable these eight knights to have basic control over the Holy Light.

At the very least, they needed to execute simple attacks and defense using it.

All eight heavily armed knights were seasoned veterans, having vanquished countless monsters.

Their mental fortitude surpassed that of ordinary individuals.

Under Hua Mi's guidance, their progress was lightning-fast.

And tonight was the moment to test the fruits of their training.

It determined whether the idea of the Holy Light Knight Order could be put into practice.


A knocking sound.

Hua Mi glanced towards the door.

After a brief silence, a curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he rose and walked towards the main door.

Opening it, the dense night seemed ready to invade the room.

Standing at the door was the female attendant by Karen's side.

"It's quite late. Is there something?"

"Her Highness asked me to come... Can we talk inside?"

"Of course."

Hua Mi turned around, taking a few steps.

However, the female attendant behind him suddenly transformed her appearance.

She turned into a figure clad in black, her face concealed with black cloth.

A ninja's short blade swiftly darted from behind, aiming for Hua Mi's heart!

The tip of the blade made contact with him.

But it didn't penetrate.

Nor did any blood spill.

Instead, at the point of the blade, a faint light shimmered.

Before the ninja could react, the light rapidly intensified, spreading across the target's body, instantaneously forming a layer of radiant armor.

Hua Mi swiftly spun around, his left hand also covered by the same radiant armor, firmly gripping the assailant's blade, a faint smile playing on his lips.

His eyes flickered with a pale fire:

"Your illusions are a bit too crude."

The ninja's pupils constricted.



Karen urged his warhorse, galloping down the road.


A loud noise echoed in the night.

Judging by the sound, it was coming from the direction of the alchemy workshop.

Karen looked up in that direction, seeing flames soaring. His anxiety grew; unfortunately, his steed couldn't take flight.

A few minutes later,

Karen reined in, shocked by the sight before him.

The alchemy workshop was engulfed in flames.

And in the open space in front, a figure radiated a dazzling light, surpassing even the flames behind him.

Beneath his feet lay an unconscious figure in black attire.

If the radiance emanating from the eight Holy Knights was akin to the moon,

Then the light from this person felt akin to praising the sun.

The light formed an armor on his body

Not merely a rough application like the Holy Knights' use of light on their bodies or weapons.

More like a genuine suit of armor.

Legs, arms, chest, head each part of the armor was distinct, efficiently distributing the limited holy light throughout his body, maximizing its utility.

A stunning display!

There was only one person who could manipulate holy light to this extent.

So even though Karen couldn't see the person beneath the holy light armor, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The brilliance slowly faded, revealing the figure inside to be Hua Mi.

Seeing the arriving knights, he casually asked, "Is the situation there resolved?"

"Yeah, very smoothly," Karen replied.

Hua Mi nodded, picking up the ninja on the ground and tossing them forward:

"So, this one's for you."

Thinking about the burning workshop, he added with resentment, "Don't let him escape!"


"He survived?"

Tisyara sat upright in her chair, her face devoid of disappointment.

"Yeah, not only that, he gave your ninja quite a beating," Karen happily shared the news with her.

Tisyara sighed, saying, "Little sister, I know you may not heed my words now, but I still want to remind you: for Tulon's future, don't trust him too much. He's still an outsider, perhaps even an... enemy. The relationship between alchemists and the elven race is close; caution is necessary."

Karen looked at her, shaking her head sympathetically:

"Tisyara, you must have lived through many exhausting years."


"You want everything under your control, not allowing any unforeseen events. But how is that possible? Human capacity has limits; even you can't always manage such things. I think I finally understand why you weren't the chosen successor in the prophecy dreams. Undoubtedly, your paranoia would lead Tulon towards decline, maybe even destruction."

Tisyara's gaze flickered slightly.

His words had just touched her deeply.

Through the thick armor, they caused a real wound.

"You're denying everything I've worked for so far..."

Tisyara murmured to herself, seeming a bit absent-minded.

Karen took a step forward, extending his right hand through the barrier, gripping hers.

It was the first time, from as far back as she could remember, holding hands with Tisyara.

Yet, it was under these circumstances.

It felt oddly tragic.

Her hand was cold, bony.

Like a skeleton exposed to a chilling wind.

"Tisyara, do you know why I've shown interest in politics since I was little?"

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