Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 184: Smoothing Out Envy

Chapter 184: Smoothing Out Envy

An unusual silence permeated the outside world. 

Aniela was still crouched down, holding the pleasure writhing Bella in her Light abilities. Her lips were curled up into her usual small smile behind her mask, entirely unbothered by the silence.

Although, right next to her, Masami had the opposite stature. One of her feet irritably tapped into the gray mixed snow. Her arms were crossed under her huge bust in sort of a huff.

And though nobody could see her face, it was all scrunched up currently. Though Masami is always used to silence from being a loner, something about this situation made the silence all the more annoying to her.

And it all had to do with one woman standing at a respectful distance behind her and Aniela. 

Of course, that woman was the proud, beautiful Zara. She, similar to Aniela, was undisturbed by the silence.

Her eyes mainly stayed on her Master Darcel, awaiting the next conversions of her members. 

Aniela felt a bit wry about this situation. Only a couple of minutes passed, and yet her little fox is making everything so tense!

So to ease the situation, Aniela started to sweetly giggle. "Hehe~, little fox~?" Her sweet melodic voice soothed into Masami's ears. It forced her to put her attention on Aniela and ease up on her previous scrunched expression.

With her attention taken, Aniela smiled up at Masami and continued on. "What's wrong? Already don't like our new servant? She's a bit rigid, but I'm sure we'll all get along great!"

Aniela didn't even care that she could be describing Zara in a slightly offensive way. She knows that since she's yielded to Darcel, then she's also yielded to her and Masami.

A small smirk curved up Masami's lips when Aniela described Zara as rigid. 

She huffed a moment later, telling her, "Hmph. I don't care enough to not like her. She just has an annoying face."

Zara didn't even react at all to either Aniela or Masami's blatant provocation. Her emotions were serene, and her body was in a constant blissful state, having no unnecessary tension in her; she kept her eyes right on Darcel.

Hearing no reaction from Zara, Masami already expected that to happen. 

She pondered for a short moment, thinking if it was genuinely possible to get a rise out of someone so straight-laced.

But before her thoughts could go any further, her eyes lit up when she trailed over to Darcel. 

"Ah.ah! Look, Aniela!" Masami pointed over to Darcel, though Aniela already had her eyes on him. "He's already moving, but two minutes just barely passed!" 

"Hmmm.I see! Then this just means Darcy already got better in such a short time frame!" Aniela excitedly praised him, eager to see their next results.

And as the girls talked among themselves, Darcel was quickly coming back to reality. 

His body shook a bit as his eyes quickly reoriented to the outside world. He only needed a second, and his first sight was the sleeping faces of Lauren and Abby.

Seeing their sleeping expressions were admittedly cute to Darcel. Compared to the pain Masami inflicted on them, they now contently had their eyes closed, a charming smile encompassing both their faces.

After taking a moment to appreciate the sight, Darcel stood up. He began to walk backward, and he already heard the eager voices of Aniela and Masami talking to him. 

"This would be your record time, Darcy!" Aniela praised once again. 

"Hm! Seems like you made me-" Whatever Masami was going to say got cut off when 


A Darkness glow burst from Lauren and Abby's bodies!

Darcel, Aniela, Masami, and even Zara were a bit taken aback. They watched in silence as, for a brief second, their Darkness glow shrouded their entire bodies. 

Unknown to them, the surface-level injuries from these two girls' previous fights were getting quickly healed up. 

And in the next second, the Darkness glow instantly vanished. Lauren and Abby flung their eyes open immediately after. 

Aniela and Masami put their full focus on the girls. They both felt some anticipation in seeing if these girls' personalities would change or not.

Even Zara felt a small rise of anticipation on seeing the outcome of Lauren and Abby's conversion. 

Only with Darcel did he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. A troublesome thought streaked into his mind then.

'Oh.this may be a troublesome first meeting.' 

Darcel's mind flashbacked to the over-eagerness and intimacy both Lauren and Abby showed him. And he knew exactly how they're going to react now.

Right when Lauren and Abby awoke, they quickly sat up. Their eyes began to dart around until they landed on Darcel. 

"Master!!" Both Lauren and Abby had the broadest of glowing smiles while raising their arms.

Aniela found their reaction a bit cute. Even Masami could admit it was an entertaining reaction. Zara was also pleased with how excited these two girls are on their new path in life.

However, before anyone could say anything, Lauren and Abby tried to do one action that drastically changed the whole mood. 

Lauren and Abby were just feeling a rush of energy from the pleasure and happiness of seeing their new Master. And going along with their original personality, Lauren and Abby were quick to express their emotions. 

At the same time, Lauren and Abby sprang up from the ground and quickly ran over to give Darcel a big hug just like they did before.

Their expressions were loving as they both said once again, 


And right when both girls were mere inches from Darcel, they felt two faint terrifying pressures violently crash down on them.

"Aieee?!" Both Lauren and Abby fearfully clung to each other, stopping right in front of Darcel. 

"Ma-master? What is that?!" Lauren shakily said as she clung to Abby for dear life.

"It's like I'm getting watched by a death god!" Abby also shouted her fear, never letting Abby go for a second. 

Darcel just felt that wry smile forming on his face. He slightly turned around to face the two culprits of those pressures.

"Ah.I'm sorry. But, what are you two.servants, doing?" Aniela's voice was completely different. There was an odd chilling edge to her tone as if she was ready to strike at a moment's notice. 

When she saw both Lauren and Abby's loving expressions wanting to run up to her Darcel, Aniela actually felt something instinctively arise in her. Compared to how Masami lovingly looks at Darcel, there was just something that Aniela didn't like about how these girls did it.

"You two wouldn't be doing anything foolish, right?!" Masami's voice somehow became twice aggressive and fierce. She didn't even put in half a thought before reacting to her envy rising in her.

"Uuu.scary." Both Lauren and Abby only shrunk even more under Aniela and Masami's words. 

Even Zara, who wasn't involved in any way, felt a bit of fear at her Mistresses sudden change in mood.

Only Darcel remained calm. He found the girls' reactions a bit amusing but still shook his head. "Relax my cute little angel and my cute little fox. You're scaring our servants."

Darcel spoke in a firm yet gentle tone. As terrifying as these girls could be, Darcel knew with just planting a solid foot down, they will calm down. 

Even for someone like Darcel, who's basically going off from instinct for his relationships, he knows he can't let the girls just walk all over him or do literally anything and everything they want. 

It creates an unbalance, and in Darcel's mind, he assumes all relationships must have a sense of balance.

"Hmmm.alright." Aniela's tone did lessen from her overt chilling one but still had a steel edge to it. 

"Hmph! They should count themselves lucky." Masami had also lowered her tone but kept a bit of her aggressiveness. 

Darcel knows it'll take a little bit more with those two. But first, he turned his attention back around to Lauren and Abby. They both didn't feel as much fear as before, but they were still a bit scared.

To solve this, Darcel reached out and began patting both Lauren and Abby's soft lushes hairs. 


He heard a whine coming from both Aniela and Masami at that same time, but he chose to ignore it at the moment.

Darcel kept his attention entirely focused on Lauren and Abby. Both girls were blissfully shivering at his warm touch. 

Smiling behind his mask, Darcel calmly told them, "Don't mind them. Get along with your Mistresses, ok?"

Both Lauren and Abby felt continuous electrifying jolts shiver up their spines. Their eyes became sexily half-lidded as Lauren said, "Of course, Master~." 

"No problem, Master~." Abby also agreed.

Darcel nodded and took his hand off them. And without giving anyone a chance to react, he vanished from sight. 

"Ah!" Both Aniela and Masami cutely squealed as they were unprepared for Darcel suddenly appearing before them.

He quickly pulled them both into his warm embrace. Both Aniela and Masami felt their slight chaotic state of emotions rapidly smooth out. 

Darcel wasn't done yet, however.

He quickly raised Aniela's black and mask a bit, allowing for her beautiful lips to be revealed to the outside world. Immediately, Darcel raised his mask a bit and swooped down to capture those sweet soft lips.

"Mnn." Their kiss didn't hold a single scent of lust behind it. 

It was a simple sweet kiss that Darcel poured all of his feelings into. Their Darkness Soul link shuddered in delight as Darcel and Aniela felt their bright love for each other.

After a second of their sweet kiss, Darcel pulled back. 

He smoothly reached over to pull Masami's mask up a bit, revealing her cute expecting lips that were quivering slightly. 

Darcel didn't need to think twice, and he gently meshes his lips onto Masami's hot yet soft lips. 

"Nnh." Like with Aniela, their kiss was one of love and affection. Masami's fox tails curled in absolute delight.

Darcel and Masami's Darkness Soul link also tremble in bliss as their love courses in their bodies and souls. 

After a second, Darcel pulled back from their kiss.

Both Aniela and Masami were quietly cooing as their lips formed into beautiful, loving smiles. Their chest felt incomparably warm, and all that dominating aura from before instantly vanished.

"That was really cute, seeing you two slightly jealous. But remember, my heart will always belong to you two." Darcel's lips curved up into a smirk, figuring this was the best way to get them to calm down.

"Hmph!" Both Masami and even Aniela gave Darcel an adorable huff in response. But immediately next, they simultaneously kissed his slightly exposed cheeks.

"A spontaneous Darcy is also slightly cute. Now, let's finish this." Aniela pulled her mask back down and stated. 

"I'll be seeing if you can do this one just as quick." Darcel spotted a sly smirk as Masami pulled her mask back down.

A pleasant smile took Darcel's lips. He as well pulled his mask down, let go of the girls, and crouched down to Bella. She no longer had the white glow, but her body was still writhing in Yin pleasure.

Darcel had then touched her neck, causing his and Bella's eyes to turn entirely into Darkness.

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