Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 183: Cute Double

Chapter 183: Cute Double

With a blink of his eyes, Darcel came to another soul space. And like he expected, this time, this soul space was a mesh of color. A wonderfully blended mix of white, blue, and Darkness was presented to Darcel's eyes.

This time, it was slightly uncharted territory for Darcel. 

After all, he's now dealing with two soul spaces combined together. While standing, Darcel took a deep breath. He let any nerves or tension leave his body.

'Haah.yea. Ah, like I expected, I feel no strain whatsoever.' Darcel was entirely relaxed. He half expected it from before, but invading inside two soul spaces was quite easy for Darcel.

It especially helped that both Lauren and Abby were far weaker than him. 

Throughout the entire time, he and the girls followed their group; they all assumed these two were closer to themselves than anyone else.

Just from the small mannerism Lauren and Abby showed to each other, it was pretty easy to tell. And so, Darcel believed it would be the easiest way to make them both Darkness Servants by doing them together.

'Now then.hm?' Right when Darcel got relaxed, two foreign feelings streaked into his mind. 

This time Darcel was prepared. He calmly perceived these new feelings, which was a burst of fear, confusion, and pleasure.

'Who-Who are you.' A bubbly voice bounced in Darcel's mind. 

'Wh-what are you.' An equally energetic voice boomed in his mind. Despite the addition of two souls, Darcel wasn't perturbed. 

He instinctively snapped around his body, and his gaze landed on two beautiful sights. Lauren and Abby's soul core bodies were right next to each other, both wrapped up in Darkness tendrils.

Both Lauren and Abby were convulsing from Yin's pleasure. Their eyes had never left Darcel's back, and when he turned to look at them, they both were taken aback.

"You-you-Ahh~!!!" Both Lauren and Abby tried to speak at the same time, only to end up moaning at the same time. 

Unlike how Zara at least looked like she could just barely resist Yin's pleasure, Lauren and Abby appeared as if they had already fallen prey to Darcel's clutches. 

Both of them just wanted the burning heat in their loins to be satisfied. And with the appearance of Darcel, they felt a natural calling to him.

Although, Lauren and Abby retracted their gaze from him as that calling feeling came to them. They still didn't know what was going on, and their minds were continuously thrown into a chaotic mess by Yin's pleasure. 

As Darcel stared down the two girls, he found their reactions a touch bit cute. Compared to their other members, Darcel found these girls to be a little similar to Aniela's vibrant energy.

He smiled behind his mask, already knowing he's going to like having these bubbly energies working for them. 

There was a time where he found high energy slightly tiresome. But now, he can't help but find it absolutely adoring when a woman is cutely energetic.

'Though, given that both Aniela and Masami are somewhat equal in how hyper they can get, it's no wonder I have a soft spot for this.' Darcel began musing to himself while walking up to Lauren and Abby.

Halfway in his walk, Darcel wrinkled his eyebrows. 

He didn't stop walking as two mixed feelings of Desire streaked into his mind. Familiar with this sensation, Darcel closed his eyes while walking up, letting himself absorb what these Desires are about.

As Darcel neared them, Lauren and Abby quickly shifted their eyes up at him. They, of course, couldn't see behind his mask, so they only watch the black and white masked boy taking his time to walk towards them.

Lauren and Abby's expression increased with its mix of fear. But every time they felt their fear grow, 


A burst of pleasure would burst within both Lauren and Abby's soul core.

Their eyes went back down, trying to resist the enrapturing Yin pleasure. Though it was all futile as the pleasure was beginning to outweigh the fear trying to nestle into their minds.

It was then Darcel had arrived in front of Lauren and Abby. Up close, he got an excellent view to appreciate their cute beauty charm. 

Compared to the proud beauty Zara exuded, these two were a lot less standoffish.

They both just seemed to have a natural friendly aura that could attract all kinds of people to them. Darcel had to give it up in his mind; the Snow Angels were really worthy of their names with the level of beautiful women they have there.

Shaking his head past these thoughts, Darcel did learn one crucial thing about both Lauren and Abby while walking up to them.

As both girls' eyes stared into the soul space floor, hoping Darcel doesn't talk to him, he had begun talking.

"The desire of wanting to protect each other above all, huh?" 

Immediately then, both Lauren and Abby felt their soul form bodies quiver. 

Darcel's voice was incomparably warm and soothing.

His very voice caused immediate changes in them. The overwhelming Yin pleasure quickly changed its sensation from just being overwhelming. 

The pleasure turned into a soothing sensation that gave both girls a sense of blissfulness. 

But the most shocking aspect that heavily affected both girls' minds was Darcel's words. It may seem like he was randomly speaking, but his words nestle deep in their souls.

Slowly Laurena and Abby lifted their gazes back up a bit. 

With both girl's eyes back on him, Darcel began to slowly crouch down while talking. "I too want to protect what's precious to me no matter the cost. I don't have many people in this life. A sense of family that goes beyond even biological family is truly admirable."


Laurena and Abby didn't know what to think. After getting so merciless beatdown before, here they were now getting talked to by this mysterious masked boy.

But the strangeness of it all was.Darcel's words just resonated so deeply with them! 

It was like his words were touching the deepest region of their souls, allowing him to understand both of them.

Darcel was pleased as he knew he was already making significant progress. With all that time he spent with Zara, Darcel learned several things about his Darkness invading someone's Desire.

And the biggest thing he learned was knowing how to exactly identify what the Desire is and what to say to resonate with them. 

Zara's Desire was the will to reign supreme over all to gain back her sense of freedom. Darcel had deeply explored all aspects of her, familiarizing himself with just how deep her Desire ran in her. 

And now, with Lauren and Abby, Darcel senses their Desires to be not only the same but also much more simpler than Zara's.

The Desire is wanting to protect each other more than anything in the world. 

Their sense of friendship ran deeper than their whole Snow Angel group. Darcel felt it even went beyond some blood-related siblings relationships.

Darcel had perceived all of this and actually couldn't help but resonate with their Desires. It was just like he said; he really doesn't have anyone else in life besides Aniela and Masami who he can entirely trust and love.

Lauren and Abby were obviously unaware of Darcel's thoughts. Though they did feel a trace of familiarity from him. 

Still, Lauren and Abby could only respond with a confused, "Wh-wha?? What ar-"

Before either of them could finish their question, Darcel began to gently caress their soft hairs. 

"Ah-ahhh." Both Lauren and Abby felt an intense rush of pleasure jolt within them.

They both thought something, either bad or good, was going to happen to them from Darcel's touch. But, their rising shouts quickly turned soft as Darcel's touch soothed their soul cores.

Darcel didn't let his momentum go down and spoke while Lauren and Abby squirm under a wave of warmth. "Lauren Wolf. Abby Hart. You two feel more connected with each other than anyone else in your whole Snow Angel group. This kind of unbreakable bond is what I already like in you two."

Lauren and Abby's whole world were shaken once again. 

Lauren finally whipped her eyes to fully stare into Darcel's black and white mask. Confusion, frustration, and a small sense of fear was jumbled into her eyes. 

"Ah-Ah!! Just who are you?! Why do you keep talking like you know us?!?" 

"Just what do you want from us?!?" Abby also raised her voice to shout at Darcel. 

As more of his words deeply resonated inside both girls, the more chaotic their minds were.

Words that shouldn't affect them from a total stranger were making massive waves in them. And the most puzzling part of it all was the fact that both Lauren and Abby felt closer and closer to Darcel with each second they spent in this shared soul space.

Darcel was calm in the face of their outburst. He gently touched both Lauren and Abby's forehead with one finger. 

"Nnng?!" Lauren and Abby felt a magnetic allure burst within them.

The green shade divine property flowed into their soul's core body form, drilling right into the center of them. Lauren and Abby were quickly drowned in their desires. 

They were submerged in the Desire to protect.

Lauren and Abby never felt better under this sensation. Yin Pleasure, Darcel's touch, and the green shade divine property was quickly coercing their entire soul's core.

But no matter how good it felt, there was just something neither Lauren nor Abby could ever understand. 

Lauren was the one to say what was on both their minds. "You.you fight us, beat us and then capture us. Just why.why are you being so nice now?"

"Because this is Yin Pleasure. To feel blissful and happy. Under me, I can make sure your Desire to protect and stay safe will always be secure. Even your Superior Zara accepted my Yin Pleasure. Your lives will undoubtedly prosper from here on out. All you two need to do is relax and submit."

Under Darcel's combined efforts, Lauren and Abby finally calmed down. 

"Relax." Lauren quietly said. And within the center of her soul's core body, a burst of Darkness intensifies. 

Lauren couldn't find any faults in Darcel's words. The sensations she felt from the green shade divine property were irresistible. It fueled her with the overwhelming power to protect.

Yin pleasure soothingly courses in her soul, drowning her in feelings never once experienced before. And above all, Darcel's warm touch felt perfect to her. 

Under Darcel.he's right! 

Lauren realized then, under Darcel, she can truly have the power to always protect Abby and live a prosperous life! 


Two bursts of Darkness slightly stunned Darcel. Lauren's Darkness Soul link quickly formed and solidify!

Simultaneously, Abby also ran through a similar line of thoughts. 

Darcel, no, her Master is so graciously showing her the way that she can always protect Abby and live prosperously! 

Furthermore, more than even Lauren, Abby just absolutely loves the soothing warmth of Yin Pleasure and Darcel's touch! Abby's Darkness Soul link formed at the same time as Lauren and had solidified just as quickly.

After that second burst of Darkness, Darcel blinked his eyes. Once he came to, he saw both Lauren and Abby's beautiful faces staring directly into his gaze, both supporting unbearably cute smiles.

"Master!!" Lauren and Abby excitedly shouted simultaneously. 

Darcel was a bit taken back again as this was far quicker than Zara and even Ninu. Though he knew he was continually getting better, he couldn't tell if Lauren and Abby's fast conversion was because of himself or their personality.

Darcel shook his head and just banked it on a mix of both. 

"Glad to see you're both eager already. Like I said, this is an opportunity of a lifetime." Darcel told the girls while standing up.

As he took his hand from their foreheads, Darcel found it cute that they both slightly pouted from losing his touch. With a snap of his fingers, Darcel's Darkness tendrils gently put Lauren and Abby on their feet.

And immediately, Darcel felt a burst of warmth and softness when Lauren and Abby tightly hugged him. 

"Oooh, Master! It's our greatest pleasure to be under you! Now, we'll stay safe forever!" Lauren happily said while rubbing her face in the nook of Darcel's neck.

"Mnh! Mnh! Anything you need from us, Master, just ask! We will do anything for you!" Abby was excitedly nodding her head while taking a good whiff of Darcel's soul body.

Darcel didn't reject their hugs and was merely curious at how initiate they are. He simply began patting the girls' heads, making them both shiver in pleasure.

"I'm glad to hear it. Come on. Let's get back to the real world."

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