Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 173: Prelude Of A Plan

Chapter 173: Prelude Of A Plan

On the bright glistening icy road of the Plunged Tundra, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were casually strolling their way to New Branch City. 

With their speeds, it didn't take long for them to make it the icy road.

And luckily for them, there wasn't anybody in their general area, allowing the three to talk freely. A note the trio took notice of is just like the now gray mixed snow; the icy road also took on a change.

The icy blue road changed to a grayish mixed, drowning out its once previous radiant shine. 

This change confirmed more in the trio's mind that whatever the scientist did when activating that formation fundamentally changed the entire Province.

But, the trio didn't put their attention on that for long. 

They quickly got down to business. Both Darcel and Aniela were greatly curious why Masami got so zealous about this City and that Mercenary Event.

As they walked, Darcel started by asking, "So what's this New Branch City about? And that Mercenary Event, what got you so excited about it?" 

Throughout all this time, Masami's excitement never left her.

And she only got more excited as he began to tell the duo, "For starters, I'll go over what the Mercenary Exchange event can give us. You see, this event is something my sect funds, so it's widely known throughout the whole Province. And because of it, all kinds of Mercenary groups gathered here with their most unique items and weapons to win. So you know what this means?"

Darcel and Aniela took a look over to each other. They had several questions on just why her sect would create a competition like this. 

But suddenly, Darcel's eyes lit up as his mind began going into overdrive.

He remained silent, and Aniela was rubbing her chin. She answered Masami, saying, 

"So, if I'm right. you're suggesting we should see if we can acquire those unique items through devious means?" Aniela smirked grew a hint mischievous. "Oooh~! I like that plan, little fox!" 

Masami's face turned proud as she said, "Hmph! It's the least we should do with our new abilities. I know these guys have all kinds of unique and quite powerful Spirit Artifacts that would be perfect for us. Plus, the competition itself has some sweet rewards. The only true problem we'll face is my sect showing up here."

"Oh? You did say they founded this event, but they also participate in it? Though little fox, you're saying your sect coming here so casually like it isn't such a big deal, hm?" 

Although Aniela's words seemed cautious, her tone was very light, even playful.

Masami as well wasn't showing any fear or hesitation when mentioning her family. In fact, her smirk turned immensely confident. 

"Indeed, this whole event is funded by my sect. And they will also sneakily send some kids here to train here and gain experience. But anyone they do send won't be a problem for us."

Darcel, who was lost in thought for a bit, suddenly looked up at Masami, asking her, "Before we do attempt anything. What kinds of shops do they have down here. I'm assuming they have a plethora, right?"

"Oh, of course! They have tons of stuff down here. Being funded by one of the top sects in the entire Province gives you a lot of liberties, to say the least. We can get a mask for me, go to the Beast Trading Center here or a Spirit Artifact to make things smoother for us."


Aniela suddenly realized something and reached out her hand to her left. Masami was on her left, and Aniela began stroking her fluffy fox ears, making her abruptly coo.

"This little fox! If your family does fund this whole City, then surely they would have some higher-ups to recognize you!" 

"Mmmn.yea-Ah!" Masami quickly shuffled her head out of Aniela's grasp with a slight blush appearing on her cheek.

"Don't do that in public! Jeez! And don't worry about me getting recognized by my sect here. Until the competition truly starts, there won't be any higher up here. At most, they have some low-level scouters here, and none of them are strong enough to sense every single person that comes in and out of the City."

Some relief passed through both Darcel and Aniela. But Aniela still had some cautions. "Still, this only means we must rush to get you a mask! By the way.since you do know about this competition, then do you know about the groups competing? Or have they never given you this info?"

Masami shrugs her shoulders and nonchalantly said, "Even my Grandmother would barely tell me secrets about the groups competing. All I know is that City Lord Manor does have reliable information on every group competing so they can customize their challenges. And unless we find a way to break in there, we won't be getting any info. Although.I do recall that there are actually several City Lords here. And one of them is a beautiful woman. So."

Immediately both Aniela and Masami suggestively turned their eyes over to Darcel. They clearly remembered how he made Silver Leader Ninu their obedient servant. 

Even as at that time, Ninu was stronger than all three of them, she still couldn't resist Darcel's Darkness.

And in all honesty, because Ninu was just that, a servant, the girls didn't feel any type of way about Darcel giving her pleasure. Since they thought it wasn't like she would actually be his girlfriend, or would they grow genuine feelings for each other.

Darcel matched gazes with the girls and smiled. After his brief moment of silent thinking, he quickly reached a plan. 

A plan that he knows both girls will positively love.

"Alright girls, here's the plan. For starters, Masami, who are the strongest geniuses in your sect?" 

Masami quirked her eyebrows at the seemingly random question.

But she still answered nonetheless, telling him, "Hmmm.there's this one kid who's not a part of my immediate family. My Eldest brother and a girl from the Koizma faction. They are all seventh-level Heavenly Kings. But the strongest one out of the whole sect comes from the Koduka faction. That guy is an eighth-level Heavenly King. It's been a bit since I've been from home, so not sure if they progressed at all during this time. Probably not."

"Oh, I see. So if it's like this, things will be as simple as I imagine when we go to your sect." 

Though Darcel said it so casually like they were always going there. Masami did feel a great burst of warmth soothe her heart. 

They truly were going to help her with all of the oppressive family drama, no question asked. 

"Oooh, Darcy~? Is your plan the return of us dishing out lessons to prideful youths?" Aniela cooed over in excitement. 

A devious smirk curved up Darcel's lips. "Not just quite. We indeed will be dishing out lessons, but it won't only be limited to youths. You see, girls, I have a plan that not only will raise Masami's position to the top of the sect. But also trap all of her enemies, be it youths or ancient Elders. Furthermore, her faction will be elevated to the number one position out of the whole sect."

Both Aniela and Masami stopped, becoming as still as stone statues. 

Darcel walked just a few inches in front of them, turned around, and gave the girls the most confident expression he ever had in his life.

Simply put, both Aniela and Masami had amazed expressions. Their eyes popped wide open, and their mouths hang open. Masami's fox ears and fox tails even stilted up in overwhelming shock.

Thanks to Masami, the three of them all know just how much of a massive powerhouse her whole sect is. Even as Masami seemed not to fear them individually on the outside, inside is a whole different deal.

They know the Ice Nine Tail sect has hundreds of thousands of powerful Heavenly Kings. Thousands of half-step Grand Sages and full-fledged Grand Sages. And they can't forget about the immeasurable power of the Supreme Elders and Faction Leaders.

Nobody would ever dare to claim they can face this behemoth on their own. 

And the trio even knows their limit. 

They know for sure they would struggle fighting peak Heavenly Kings, and they can just forget about fighting even half-step Grand Sages without Chaotic Energy.

Yet here they were; Darcel stood confidently without a hint of fear, telling them they can take on this colossal sect powerhouse. 

And for Aniela and Masami, what they felt wasn't fear or craziness.

No.they felt overly excited! 

Aniela clenched her fist, spouting a wild smile. "Darcy.this may be our maddest lesson yet! Or maybe the wildest lesson the world has ever seen before!"

Masami's two fox tails began kicking up in zealous movements. She bared her canine teeth in a broad smile, asking Darcel, "This is far crazier than anything I had in mind! So?! Tell us what we're going to do!"

Darcel remained calm under the girl's excitement. He trailed his eyes over their general and back to the girls. 

"Let's not discuss everything so openly here. There's nobody around our immediate area, but you never know. So first off, we'll continue masking our presence from here on out. When we get to the City, we'll quickly buy some masks for all three of us and then purchase a map for this whole Province. We'll buy some useful talisman, go over to rent a room at an inn, and then we'll go over our entire plan. By the end of everything, even the top three ranked Provinces will know of our name."

"Your plan just keeps getting better and better, Darcy! Oooh! It feels like something in my blood is telling me this is going to be good!" And quite literally, Aniela felt her bloodstream pump up in excitement.

Suddenly then, both Aniela and Darcel felt something fluffy and warm wrap around their bodies. 

"Oh?" They both said as they let their bodies get pulled toward Masami.

She quickly wrapped both Darcel and Aniela up in a tight hug. Her two fox tails wrapped around them like a fluff cocoon. Her face had the most blossoming, beautiful smile the duo had ever seen before on her.

"You two are just the best!! I may not be experienced in relationships, but I've seen too many just crumble and fail in my sect. Even relationships like ours with one shameless guy and multiple girls, some of them also just fail horribly. Even my parents.well, besides them, I can absolutely say this is what it means to be a team! To always stand with each other and support each other no matter what!"

Inside Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's soul, their Darkness Soul link began to slowly pulsate. 

Darcel felt the incredible love of Masami run through his soul. He wriggles his arms a bit to grab hold of both Aniela and Masami's waists, pulling them closer to him.

"But of course, we're a true team. Besides, this is the least I can do for the girls I love." 

Both Aniela and Masami's eyes slightly widen, and a small blush adorned their cheeks at Darcel's love declaration.

But they both quickly responded and nuzzled into his neck, saying simultaneously, "And we love you too!!" 

Neither Aniela nor Masami even doubted for a second that Darcel wouldn't achieve his words.

And a pure, beautiful smile blossoms on Darcel's lips as well, feeling bliss at the amount of trust both Aniela and Masami have in him. 

He began rubbing their backs and told the lovestruck girls, "Now then, let's head on over to the City. Our plan awaits."

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