Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 172: Unintentional Help

Chapter 172: Unintentional Help

Somewhere in the middle of the now gray-colored mixed snow Plunged Tundra, a peculiar event was currently unfolding. 

Nobody was around this peculiar group, but nobody sane enough would want to be around this daunting group.

Five men all wearing the same white armor huddled around a beautiful center of attraction. 

The five men all held fiercely and intimidating appearances and statures.

All of their white armors had strange yet chilling demon markings carved on them. Accentuating their fierce looks is the assortment of weapons each man held. 

One man wielded a long white spear, another had a short saber, one had two short swords, and another had a small battle hammer.

But the most eye-catching weapon of them all was an overly long broad sword held in the hands of the man that had a long scar running right down the right side of his cheek. 

The broad sword was casually slung over his shoulder like it didn't hold any weight.

Each of the men's expressions was a mix of slight arrogance, jeering and subtle undisguised lust. 

What was causing their mix of chilling expressions were three gorgeous women in the center of them.

In contrast to the intimidating white armor-wearing men, these women exuded a beautifully pure, captivating elegance. All three of them wore just a gorgeous long pure white robe.

The white robes snugly fit their bodies, highlighting their sumptuous body and bewitching curves. 

Their faces beamed with graceful elegance and pride. And despite being completely surrounded, none of the women had the slightest expression of being scared.

They were indifferent, even going so far to have a slight disdaining expression to their current predicament. 

It was amazing for them to be so calm, considering the fact none of the five white armor men were weak.

On the contrary, everyone there was incredibly powerful! 

Each of the five white armor men was mighty fifth level Heavenly Transformation powerhouses!

As for the white robe women, two were at the fourth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm while the other was at the fifth level. 

Two powerful groups of cultivators, and there was an incredible tension between both sides.

The white armor man that slung the broadsword over his shoulder had the most prominent arrogant expression there. He was speaking in an unbearable slimy tone, telling the pure women,

"Well, Snow Angels? Are you still going to be so stubbornly obstinate? You know if you just smoothly cooperate with us, then there will be no harm, no foul. What'd ya say?"

"Heh!" All three of the Snow Angel women simultaneously scoffed. The fifth level Heavenly King woman stared right into the scarred face man arrogant eyes, plainly saying to him, 

"You White Demon group barbarians just can't seem to grasp that you're not the strongest nor will ever be the strongest Mercenary group. Even as you outnumber us and have slightly higher power than us, do you really think we'll simply lie down and submit?"

None of the White Demon men were annoyed by the women's lack of fear and confidence. 

The scarred face man smirk only got broader at their provocations.  "It'll be in your best interest. Just give us what we need, and we'll be in for a good time at the Mercenary Event." 

This time, it was the Snow Angels turned to boldly smirk at the men.

The fifth level Heavenly King woman spoke with a hint of mocking in her voice, "Hoh? Still fearing that the Golden Crow Circle will win again this year?" 

The Snow Angels' smirk increased, seeing the White Demon men's eyes twitch in slight annoyance.

"Really so desperate. Hmm.either way, whether we submit to you or not, you all have no chances of winning. Just like last time and all other events prior."

The White Demon men felt a small irk from the Snow Angel's blunt, cold words. But instead of letting annoyance run in their minds, the men simply smile. 

And this time, their smile turned even more malicious. 

The scarred face men so brazenly looked up and down the Snow Angels bombastic body, telling them in a slightly threatening tone, "Heh, you know what? That is such a reasonably good point to bring up. But.how about we convince you three through some.light persuasions."

Without warning, the five White Demon men unleashed the full force of their fifth level Heavenly auras! 

Immense waves of their combined auras swirled in the area for miles.

The whole air around them became turbulent, making it a bit hard to breathe for the Snow Angels. Furthermore, the immense combined auras crushing down on them was a real challenge to deal with.

On the outside, each Snow Angel woman kept their expressions neutral and calm. But, they for sure felt immensely suppressed by their auras. 

A mountain-like pressure threatens to crush their bodies. However, the Snow Angel woman kept their heads held up high.

"Hmmm? Still resisting, eh?" The scarred face men smugly called out. 

And the men who held a spear spoke up then, also saying, "Guess we need to up our light persuasions, eh?"

Right when both the White Demon men and the Snow Angels were about to move, 

"Flash!!" A sweet-sounding voice boomed into everyone's ears, and then, 


A blinding white flashbang accompanied the sweet-sounding voice, blinding everyone there! 

"Eh?? Ah-" 

Nobody, neither the White Demon men nor the Snow Angel women, could move.

They all were confused and felt an immense fear run through their veins! Down in each of their soul's core, a radiant glow covered their cores. 

It put both groups in a state of utter weakness. 

And the ambush wasn't over yet. Under the five White Demon men, a Darkness shadow spewed from each of their feet. 

Numerous Darkness tendrils shot out of their Darkness shadows, wrapping the five men tightly.

The five men couldn't react or struggle at all. Darkness Energy instantly invaded their Martial Veins. In no time at all, the Darkness Energy absorbs every last bit of Qi in their Martial Veins, zapping them away of all their stamina and Qi in their dantians.

Suddenly then, an immense dreariness washed over the five White Demon men. 

With all of their Qi and stamina drained, the Darkness Energy quickly forced the men to pass out.

The five White Demon men's eyes shut tight, and the Darkness tendrils disappeared from their bodies. Despite being free, each man promptly crashed into the gray mixed snow, completely knocked out.

On the scarred face man finger, his spatial ring glowed in a white light. His spatial ring had then slipped right of his finger and sailed towards the white flashbang.

When the five White Demon men passed out, the blinding flashbang finally cleared up. 

The three Snow Angels finally felt free from that soul-stopping force. But when they came to, they all immediately became gobsmacked.

Right before them, the five powerful White Demon men were all utterly knocked out, staying motionless in the gray mixed snow. 

It was an inconceivable sight to gaze upon.

Each of them alone is no pushover in the slightest. And what's more terrifying was there wasn't even a sign of struggle or any kinds of noise of an intense fight.

Slowly, the Snow Angels trailed their eyes just a bit ahead. And their expressions turned even more bewildered. 

Standing just a mere ten feet from them were three odd yet beautiful youths.

These three had an eccentric appearance. Their clothes were slightly tattered, but each of them carried a magnetic, mysterious vibe about them. 

The Snow Angels nearly got lost in the deep black eyes of the black-haired boy and long white hair girl.

Furthermore, the Snow Angels could only sense these two were in the True Soul Core realm. But they couldn't tell just how powerful they were. 

It was like they only radiated a Spirit Qi aura that couldn't be identified by even their Heavenly Transformation Spirit Sense.

Turning their eyes over to the third girl, she was equally as mysterious. 

They first took notice of her blue fox ears and two tails swinging out of her waist. A thought popped in their heads about this fox girl, but they quickly squashed it down, believing that would be too much of a coincidence.

Barring that thought, the Snow Angels also couldn't identify this fox girl's exact level. 

Just like with the other two, they could only sense an Innate Core aura radiating off from her. Her exact rank and power are just impossible to tell. 

There was a split second of silence. 

The Snow Angels were already tense while Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were entirely relaxed.

Aniela had even opened up with a charming smile to the Snow Angels. She friendly waved at them, saying, "Sorry for the intrusion! But, we are in need of some direction and help. You three also seemed to be in a pickle too!"

The three Snow Angels instinctively tried to tense up. Not only was this the same girl that caused that soul freezing flashbang, but they also somehow knocked five fifth-level Heavenly King in a matter of seconds!

Yet, despite such terrifying feats, the Snow Angels couldn't feel tense around the trio now. Aniela's voice just carried a warm, comforting feeling that soothed into their minds.

It made their guards drop a bit, believing that such a jubilant bright girl couldn't be so bad. And by extension, both Darcel and Masami didn't appear as threatening as before.

Still, the Snow Angels had some form of rationality in their minds. 

They couldn't believe anything that had just transpired, but they had no other choice but to accept reality.

In their wildest dreams, none of the Snow Angels would ever expect they needed to take immense cautiousness against a trio of juniors far under their realms.

The fifth level Heavenly King woman wearily asked first, "Before we continue, did you kill these three?" It was strange to the Snow Angels. 

None of them could sense any Qi in the five White Demon men like they were drained.

"Heh?" Masami snapped her fingers to the White Demons. "These guys? Not worth our efforts. We only came asking for directions, not really to help. These guys are still your own problem when we leave."

The Snow Angels couldn't help but feel this whole situation was a bit ludicrous. 

These youths just appeared out of nowhere with powerful, mysterious abilities. And all three of them don't even know where they are?

Yet none of the Snow Angels dared to question their origins. They can tell with just one wrong move, all three of them could end up exactly like the White Demon men.

"What is that you want to know?" The fifth level Heavenly King asked. 

"Simply just tell us where we are and what's going here, and we'll be out of your hair." Darcel calmly replied.

"You're all close to New Branch City. If you go directly behind us, you'll eventually see the road. As for what's going on.the Mercenary Exchange Event is starting soon in the City." Another one of the Snow Angels answered.

Masam's eyes immediately lit up then. Fervent excitement shocked through her whole body, and she quickly turned to Darcel and Aniela. 

"Guys.this is.perfect! We need to get to the City now for this event!"

"You three will be participating as well? If you don't mind me asking, what Mercenary group do you hail from?" The fifth level Heavenly King asked. 

Because of the tattered state of their clothes, the Snow Angels couldn't spot the Nobe's Fang badge on the trio.

"Well.you'll probably see soon." Darcel mysteriously smirked at the Snow Angels. "Oh, and like she said, do what you will with these guys. We're leaving now."

Without speaking another word, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami blasted off at incredible speeds! They shot right past the three Snow Angels like sonic missiles, tearing right to the icy road.

The Snow Angels had to shield their eyes as an intense, chaotic gust of wind gushed right past them. Still, none of the Snow Angels didn't sense any overwhelming power behind their speeds.

When the Snow Angels lowered their hands and turned around, the trio was already far long gone.

"Just.what the hell was that?" One of the fourth level Heavenly King confusedly blurted out.

The fifth level Heavenly King turned back around to the White Demon men, shaking her head about this whole encounter. "Not sure at all. But they just left us with a troublesome situation. Let's just deal with these barbarians and get back to our group."

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