Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 171 Surprising Encounter

"Is that it?" Ursa exclaimed, pointing towards the cluster of huts that formed our shared compound from a distance. While identifying my own hut from above would have been a challenge, given that they all looked quite similar, I knew that if we retraced our steps back to the village chief's compound, it would lead us on the path to my home. As we made our way back and followed the familiar route, it became increasingly clear which hut was mine, allowing me to easily pinpoint it as we approached the compound.

As such, I swiftly replied, "Yes, that's it. You can set me down here." Ursa nodded in understanding and descended back to the ground, landing a short distance away from the makeshift fence. As soon as we touched the ground, I expressed my gratitude, "Thank you..." However, before I could finish my sentence, Ursa surprised me by firmly grasping my cheeks with both hands and leaning in, pressing her lips against mine. Time seemed to stand still as we shared a passionate and unusual kiss. Caught off guard, I instinctively kissed her back, savouring the electrifying moment. After a brief but intense exchange, we reluctantly pulled away, Ursa giving my lips one last playful lick before swiftly taking to the sky, a wide smile illuminating her face.

Observing the scene before me, a wave of amusement danced in my eyes, accompanied by a mischievous smile. However, despite my initial intention to head straight to my hut, the peculiar sounds emanating from one of the empty huts in the compound piqued my interest. It was an unfamiliar noise, one that urged me to investigate further before settling down for the night. With my restrained movement, I lightened my footsteps and stealthily moved towards the source of the commotion, my anticipation growing. However, nothing could have prepared me for the surprise that awaited me as I laid eyes on the unexpected figure responsible for the mysterious sounds.

Right before my eyes stood the other elderly woman, her silver hair gleaming under the moonlight, reminiscent of the day she had surprised me and my mother during our backyard bath. She was now diligently sweeping away the accumulated clay sands around the vacant hut, her broom held firmly in her right hand. My gaze couldn't help but fixate on her irresistible tulga, barely sufficient to conceal her large curvaceous ass cheeks. With each movement, her protruding buttocks swayed seductively, captivating my attention and igniting a fiery response within me, rendering my penis anything but soft.


I couldn't resist the temptation any longer and discreetly reached beneath my tulga, my hand finding its way to my engorged penis. With gentle strokes, I succumbed to the pleasure it brought me, my desire strengthening with each passing moment. Unexpectedly, the elderly woman's grip on the broom loosened, causing her to lean forward to retrieve it, inadvertently lifting her tulga and revealing the full extent of her dick-erecting buttocks. As she resumed her sweeping, her tulga dangled enticingly, enticing me to abandon my covert actions and step out of hiding. Though my penis had now regained some composure, the lingering anticipation remained as it became semi-flaccid, providing ample support for my tulga as I boldly made my presence known.

I observed in expectation as the tempting aged woman abruptly exclaimed, "Who's there?" Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the area, trying to discern my presence. Then, her expression changed, a mix of surprise and recognition crossing her face as she called out my name, "Orion!"


After returning early from the farm, Grandma Ingrid couldn't shake off the weight of Meldra's words. It consumed her every thought, rendering her unable to eat without drifting into a daze. Determined to find clarity, she excused herself from the company inside the house. Even Grandma Celia, who had just returned from Celeste's hut and was resting due to early signs of pregnancy, couldn't sway her decision. With a broom in hand, Ingrid ventured outside, feigning the intention to clear her mind and sweep the compound. However, her true motive was to keep a watchful eye for Orion's return, as her mind was preoccupied with the idea of conceiving a child with him.

Unbeknownst to her hutmates, who would assume she was simply concerned for Celia's well-being and seeking solace in the open air, Ingrid skillfully masked her true intentions. Little did she anticipate that her absorbed state of sweeping and contemplating would be abruptly disrupted by the very person she had been keeping a watchful eye on. Startled, she quickly regained her composure and pondered her next move, while the boy, Orion, apologized, "Sorry for scaring you like that. I had no idea the strange noises were caused by your sweeping." As Orion spoke, his gaze involuntarily drifted down to the elderly woman's abundant bust, causing him to trail his eyes down before he refocused them back at her face.

As his eyes feasted upon the sight he had glimpsed the previous night, now presented before him in clearer detail, Orion felt a surge of blood rush towards his penis, causing it to throb with more anticipation. His gaze fixated on the beautiful elderly woman who stood in front of him, shaking her head in response to his apology. "Don't worry about it," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I should have known that sweeping in the middle of the night would raise some eyebrows." Orion nodded in agreement, realizing the peculiarity of her actions at this hour. However, despite the captivating, and fuckable view before him, he couldn't afford to linger any longer. He needed to return home swiftly before his family grew overly anxious, as they had been the day before.

"Alright, now that I've figured out the source of those strange noises, I should head back home," Orion declared, a satisfied smile gracing his face. He needed some time to relax and prepare himself for the challenges of the following day. As for his erect penis, he knew his mother's or sister's vagina would take care of it while he slept. While he couldn't deny the charm of the mature and serious-looking woman before him, he was aware that he could easily fuck their inner walls by asking or playfully pretending to play with their bodies. Thus, Orion contented himself with the present view, knowing that another opportunity to visit Grandma Celia's hut would arise when he craved the pleasures of an aged pussy.

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