Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 170 Ursa’s Mother

Then, unexpectedly, she voiced her confusion, "But... But... why are you kneeling down?" Ursa's expression betrayed her doubt as her eyes scanned my kneeling form up and down. "Isn't it obvious?" I responded, drawing inspiration from the tender and heartfelt atmosphere of my previous proposal to Sura. I wanted Ursa's moment to be equally special. "What better way to express the weight of my feelings for you than to humbly kneel before you, raising one knee as a symbol of my desire for you to be my partner?" In truth, it was a spur-of-the-moment idea, improvising due to the unexpected turn of events that thwarted my original plan.

Everything happened in a flurry of excitement and happiness. Ursa's radiant smile illuminated the moment as she swayed her head in disbelief. Before I could react, she leapt towards me, her arms encircling me tightly and pushing me to the ground. Her exclamation of "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!" filled the air with sheer joy. As we effortlessly absorbed the impact of our fall, I couldn't help but chuckle at her repeated affirmations. However, our laughter abruptly halted as the sound of something hitting the ground resonated in my ears, drawing our attention.

Startled, Ursa raised her head, and I craned my neck to catch a glimpse of what had captured her attention. "Mom!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with surprise. In an instant, I adjusted my position, still lying on the ground, to get a better view. There, I saw a woman struggling to rise from the ground, a shattered clay pot lying nearby, its contents of water spilt out. Ursa swiftly untangled herself from my embrace and rushed to assist the woman, her sense of urgency evident.

Meanwhile, seizing the moment, I swiftly rose to my feet, to see if I could lend a hand and offer assistance.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," the woman reassured Ursa, who had extended a helping hand. She swiftly adjusted her tulga, brushing off any sand that may have found its way inside, while her impressive breasts remained partially exposed. Sensing an opportunity to assist, I approached her and offered, "Let me help." Bending down, I carefully wiped away the damp soil from her smooth legs and thighs, ensuring her comfort.

As I raised my head, I noticed her gazing at me, captivated by the moment. Taking advantage of the situation, I gently adjusted her clothing, tucking in her large round breast and giving a final subtle squeeze, as if ensuring everything was properly arranged. Sura observed the interaction, shaking her head with a smile, and finding her mother's expression quite amusing.

Refocusing my gaze on Ursa's mother, I couldn't help but be captivated by her unique crimson and black hair, which added a touch of mystery to her appearance. As my eyes travelled down to her tulga, I noticed that she was wearing the traditional female tulga, distinct from Fiona's and the others. While I couldn't deny the alluring curves of her well-defined hips and slightly protruding buttocks, it was her large round milkers that truly caught my attention. I couldn't help but wonder how Ursa hadn't inherited such wonderful breasts, or if it would develop in the future.

My thoughts were interrupted when Ursa cleared her throat and introduced me, breaking the silence that had fallen between her mother and me. "Orion, this is my mother, Lyra," she announced, prompting her mother to snap out of her own contemplation and acknowledge my presence. "Mom, this is Orion, the boy I told you about," Ursa added, sensing the need to bridge the gap between us.


In an attempt to be polite, I extended a warm greeting, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lyra," accompanied by a friendly smile. I observed as she nodded in acknowledgement, her gaze travelling up from my toes to meet my eyes. Her piercing blue eyes locked onto mine as she posed a direct question, "So, you are the Orion?".

"Yes, my name is Orion," I simply replied.

"Did you just propose to my daughter?" she asked again, her expression betraying no hint of emotion as our eyes remained locked. I affirmed, "Yes, I did." She pressed further, her gaze narrowing with an intense level of scrutiny, "Are you toying with my daughter?" Before I could respond, Ursa intervened with a loud exclamation, "That's enough!" She firmly grasped her mother's arm and pulled her forward, leading her towards the compound and through the makeshift fence.

Lyra followed suit, seemingly taken aback by Ursa's actions and perhaps too stunned to react immediately. However, her gaze remained fixed on me as they disappeared into one of the three huts within my line of sight.

Observing the unfolding events, I couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing. However, my amusement quickly turned to dismay as I realized I had lost my way and had no idea how to get back home from where I stood. With a defeated sigh, I retraced my steps and returned to Ursa's compound, passing through the makeshift fence that surrounded it. I walked until I found myself standing in front of the very hut where Ursa and her mother had disappeared into earlier.

Just as I approached, loud shouts erupted from inside, making me hesitate. Nonetheless, I extended my hand and knocked on the door, instantly quieting the commotion. Ursa's voice broke the silence, saying, "I'll open the door." The door swung open, revealing Ursa's surprised expression. "Haven't you gone home yet?" she asked, clearly puzzled by my presence. From inside, Lyra's voice echoed, "Is that him? Is he still here?" Ursa swiftly closed the door after stepping outside, cutting off any further conversation.

With a fake cough escaping my lips, I looked into her inquisitive eyes and said, "I don't know my way home from here, and I was wondering if you could lend me a hand by flying me back?". Suddenly, her brows rose a bit as she looked at me with a questioning gaze, asking, "Are you serious?".

Knowing that only my family, the village chief, and those close to them were aware of my memory loss, I merely nodded my head. Ursa's smile grew wider, and without hesitation, she pulled the door open and shouted, "Mom, I'll be back in a minute...". Before I could hear Lyra's response, Ursa swiftly closed the door and activated her gift, lifting both of us into the sky.

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