Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 81: New Plans

Chapter 81: New Plans


Unique Sub-Class

You are an inspiration to your people. Your presence alone invigorates and influences the mood and attitude of your people!

As a person of power, all of your actions will be taken under scrutiny of your subjects!

Depending on your actions, allies receive positive or negative boosts to their stats when around you.

Note: Unique Class rewarded to the player who created the first Faction]

After reading through the description, Maria looked over at her sub-class' skill grid. After receiving her second sub-class, her main class' skills and sub-class' skills were divided into 2 different categories and each category was separate from each other.

Before the skills were in the same category so her skill slots were almost full, but now that her skills were separated between her main class and sub-classes, her skill slots had opened up by quite the amount.

"Neat, I don't know what happens if I had all of the slots full, but I'm guessing it means that I wouldn't be able to learn anymore skills, how convenient that my slots just split in two."

Maria was elated at this, but she didn't forget to check her sub-class skill slots and saw that there were only 10 slots.

All 10 of those sub class slots were already filled while 6 from her Main slots were freed up. There were 4 new skills that she hadn't seen before but they seemed quite useful.

[God Save the Queen

Rank: Epic

As a Queen, you are blessed by God and cannot easily die.

When receiving fatal damage, you will be granted 5 seconds of immunity to all damage and you are immune to all Instant Death Skills and the Death Sentence debuff.

Cooldown: 24 Hours]

[Royal Decree (0/10,000)

Rank: S

By your authority, you are able to mobilize your army anywhere and at any time.

Summons 50 random soldiers from your Royal Army to your side.

Mana Cost: 1,000 Mana/Soldier

Note: This skill cannot activate if you do not have a Royal Army]

[Royal Army Lv.1 (0/10,000)

Rank: S

As a ruler standing above many, you naturally need an army to protect yourself and your domain!

You can bestow the following Sub-Class to any NPC and Player:

1. Soldier (Max. 50)

2. Sharpshooter (Max. 40)

3. Engineer (Max. 10)

4. Medic (Max. 20)

5. Cavalry (Max. 30)

6. General (Max. 1)

Recruited NPCs cannot exceed 10 levels above you while there are no restrictions to Players.]

[Queen of the Dire

Rank: S

As the queen of your faction, you are able to instantaneously move to whatever location that is within your faction's sphere of influence.

While out of combat, teleports to a destination inside of your faction's territory

Mana Cost: 10,000 Mana/Person

Cooldown: 12 Hours]

"Ohoh~ I can raise an army? That's nice~" Maria grinned devilishly when she saw her newly acquired [Royal Army] skill.

From what she counted, she could have a total of 151 soldiers under her command. The level constraint was a bit hurtful since she would perpetually be under the average level of everyone else in the player base, but it wasn't like the needed to only use her army against players.

"Hmmm... there's also the Dire's Faction Army, so looks like I can create 2 armies? That's nice. However, from the looks of things, I can only directly control the Royal Army while the Dire Army can only be used for faction wars..."

Maria had quickly opened her [Faction] window after looking at her new skill. She had already taken notice about her faction's option to raise an army, but she didn't think that because of one of her sub-classes, she herself could raise a personal army of her own.

"Hehehe, I can do a lot with this~"

After jumping worlds, things have only been looking up for Maria. She couldn't help but smile in a pleasant mood.

Too bad that mood was soon about to be ruined. Ash was running a little late, and Maria was beginning to grow impatient from the waiting. The craftsmen that she had ordered Kisha to go fetch were also running late.

One of the things that Maria hated the most in the world was waiting. By nature, she was a very impatient person and she herself knew this. It wasn't a surprise that she would suddenly jump the gun and go out exploring in the game only to get lost.

Actually, she was feeling that impulse right now because her so-called subjects were being slow.

Lilah could already see the imaginary patience meter on her master running low so she quickly said, "Master, to pass the time, why don't you take a look at your quest rewards!"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about them."


Maria quickly opened up her inventory and began looking through her rewards.

[Crown of the Dire

Lv. 55 (Level increases according to user's level)

Rank: Epic

Category: Unique Faction Accessory

DEF: 100 ~ 200

All stats +5% (Locked)

Luck + 5 (Locked)

EXP Gain: +50% (Locked)

Drop Rate: +50% (Locked)

The first player faction's crown, it is a unique existence that can grant a player or an NPC authority over the Dire. There is currently only 1 jewel on this crown so many of its options have been locked.]


"What's wrong, Master?" Lilah asked after seeing Maria's shocked expression.

"This item is exactly what I needed!"


Maria jumped out of her seat and cheered when she saw the locked options of her new accessory. Although it was still locked, Maria was still excited by it. If she could find the way to unlock the option, all of her leveling problems would immediately be resolved.

"It says here I have to find jewels? Hmmm, it doesn't say what jewels I have to find and I don't think I can slot in just anything random."

Maria was deep in thought when she heard someone knock on the door to the audience room.

"Come in!" Lilah quickly said.

"My Lady, the craftsmen are here."

Maria nodded and her maid, Kisha, quickly ushered in a few people. If Maria didn't see wrongly, they were pale looking dwarves.

"Vampire Dwarves?"

Maria involuntarily said that but the leading dwarf quickly stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, it is an honor for you to recognize our race."

"Oh, so I was right!" Maria exclaimed before she started frowning.

These people were late, and she hated waiting. She was about to say something about that, but the dwarven vampire quickly spoke up after quickly detecting Maria's dissatisfaction.

"Ahem, we apologize for our tardiness, Your Highness," The dwarf quickly said while getting onto one knee.

The other two dwarves behind him quickly followed suit and the leading dwarf continued, "As Your Highness knows, it is currently daytime, and our kind...well, our weakness is"

"I'm well aware of that. I just hate waiting. I'll inform you people ahead of timeactually, that's inconvenient. I'd have to wait again!"

"Your Highness, if I may propose"

"Wait, what was your name again?"

"Ah, forgive my rudeness, Your Highness. I forgot to introduce myself," The dwarf said. "My name is Danor Dwarfsong, the head craftsman of Your Highness' faction."

"For now, at least..."

Hearing Maria's words, the vampire dwarf's already pale face, paled even further. He knew that Maria was dissatisfied with his tardiness so he quickly tried to amend his mistake.

"Your Highness, if you would be merciful and listen to my proposal. I'm sure it will abate your anger and give us all a solution to our day time plight."

"Say it."

The dwarf quickly stood up and walked over to Maria before kneeling down on both knees in front of her and presenting her a scroll.

After Maria opened the scroll, she took a look at the schematic of what seemed to be an underground passageway.

"Underground tunnels?"

"Yes, Your Highness. This way, even during the day, your subjects will be able to move around."

Maria was about to nod her head, but she suddenly had an even better idea.

"Hey, dwarf."

"Y-Yes, Your Highness?" Danor flinched when he saw the devious smile on Maria's cute face.

"How about you make an underground city instead of just some underground passageways?"

"P-pardon, Your Highness? An underground city?"

"Yes, is it doable?"

"W-well, I won't say it is impossible, but it would take a long time!"

"Well, you better start working then!"

Maria's words left no room for arguments. The dwarf quickly took back the scroll Maria had handed to him and retreated.

"I want a possible schematic of the underground city delivered to me within a week. Also, I want you to create a church somewhere in the corner of our town. It doesn't have to be anything grand, just make it somewhere. Discuss the budget with Lilah."

"Y-yes, Your Highness. We will immediately start building the church after we've discussed the budget and decide the place."

"Get it done within a week and make sure you finish the underground city's schematics."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"As for the workers, don't worry, we'll get some more~" Maria said with a smile before continuing, "For now, you guys are dismissed. Lilah, I'm going to go hunt some monsters."

"Okay, Master."

Maria turned towards the head maid and said to her, "Kisha, when Ash comes back, tell him to look for me in the field or just wait here in the castle until I get back."

"Yes, My Lady."

"Lilah, I leave things here to you. Amara, you don't have to follow since its day time. Just stay here and look after the castle with Kisha!"

Amara looked a little conflicted because her duty was to take care of Maria but she couldn't go against her queen's orders. In the end, she could only nod her head.

Maria waved good bye to everyone in the room and quickly went towards the balcony. Now that she could go out and adventure alone, she quickly took the chance. There was a new planet out there just waiting for her to explore it.

Once she got to the balcony she spread her wings and quickly took to the air and flew away from the town. While looking down, she could see the entirety of her newly repaired domain.

She could finally see the fields outside of the city walls after she passed above it. Maria did notice that there were some watch dogs and ghouls patrolling the fields and walls, but there were no signs of any vampires outside.

"Well, I guess that's a given. Even with the Blood Fountain, I guess they all should be asleep right now."

Maria silently forgave Danor and continued flying in whatever direction she chose.

"Ahh~ for some reason, the air isn't stifling anymore and I can fly freely again~ I wonder why?"


Back in the castle, Lilah was currently busy dealing with the budget for the church and the underground city. First off, they planned to create an underground town first instead of a city since the funds they currently had on hand weren't enough to create a city.

They'd just expand the town into a city after they acquired enough funds. Lilah was so busy with her work before she remembered something very crucial.


"W-what is it?" Danor quickly asked.

"M-Master...did she just say she was going to go hunting?"

"Yes, Her Highness did say that..."

"NO! S-Someone, quickly go after her! She's going to get lost!"


While everyone was panicking inside the castle, Maria was already far away from the town and was currently hunting down a giant grey troll.

"Hehehe~ hunt, hunt, hunt~ give me your EXP!"

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