Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 80: Overnight Change

Chapter 80: Overnight Change

Once Maria's manor was fully furnished with the things she bought and her luxurious bed was finally placed in her bedroom, she logged off because of the time.

When she went onto the forums, she noticed the hubbub caused by her recent actions. She only grinned playfully and let everyone's imaginations run wild. Maria wasn't one to disclose information to anyone she didn't know and she wasn't going to dump a log of her recent activities onto the forums.

She closed the forums and went to bed.

The next day when Maria logged back into the game after eating breakfast, she happily looked around her room and saw all the expensive and luxurious things decorating it. It suited her tastes when she went to buy things yesterday, she didn't think she could convert her gold to blood gold but it seemed that gold was a universal currency.

The Universal Gold that she kept getting was only expendable on faction related things. She opened up her faction menu and a long stream of notices bombarded her.


[10 Houses have been rebuilt!]


[2 Farms have been rebuilt!]


[The Eastern Wall has been rebuilt!]


[The Western Wall has been rebuilt!]


[The Northern Wall has been rebuilt!]


[The Southern Wall has been rebuilt!]


[The Market has been rebuilt!]


[20 Houses have been built!]


[1 Smithy has been built!]


[4 Watch Towers has been built!]


[4 Arrow Towers...]

Maria was shocked by the sudden notifications and she quickly closed the window and all of the ringings stopped.

"...What happened?"

Maria quickly rushed out of her bedroom and dashed over to the manor's front balcony. She hadn't yet noticed it, but 2 vampire maids were waiting for her outside of the door and they quickly chased after her when they saw her suddenly rush out.

"M-My Lady!"

"Your Highness, please wait!"

Maria ignored the calls and quickly arrived at the balcony. She flung the doors opened and looked around to an unfamiliar sight.

"What happened while I was asleep?!" Maria screamed in shock.

The view in front of her was shocking. What was once a ruined town had suddenly turned into a normal, fully functional one overnight!

Maria looked around and that wasn't all. The town hadn't just been rebuilt and repaired, she saw the tall ramparts in all 4 directions and the 8 towers scattered across them in an orderly fashion.


The two vampire maids finally caught up to her and what followed them was Lilah, "Hehehe, how is it, Master? I did great, didn't I?!"

"Huh? You did something, Lilah?"

"Of course!"

"...Is the ruined town turning into this splendid sight before me...what you did?"


Maria immediately questioned that, "H-How?! Weren't these people just ordinary citizens who lived in that sloppy town from the barony?!"

"Well, excuse you, Master! They're your people now!"

"That's beside the point! How could these people flip this ruined town overnight?"

"Well...anything's possible with money, Master~"


Maria quickly opened up her inventory and saw that she was missing more or less five hundred thousand gold coins and her faction currency was down to a thousand universe gold. In all, she had lost a little over 1 million currencies...


"Yes, Master? Are you ready to praise me now?! I've turned this shoddy place into our stronghold!" Lilah said with her chest puffed outwards in pride.

Maria felt a slight pain in her chest after seeing the loss of over a million gold, but she couldn't reprimand Lilah because the results were indeed worth the investment.

She looked out again and felt proud upon seeing the view before her. She didn't forget to take note that her mansion had suddenly turned into a castle that was overlooking everything below her.

"Sheesh, this is really a game. I go to sleep for a few hours and when I come back, everything's changed!"

Maria turned around and began stroking Lilah's head with her finger.

"You did good, Lilah."


"But next time...please tell me if you're going to use my money..."

"Sure thing Master! But I remember you giving me the authority of using as much gold as I want before you suddenly went to sleep!"

"I-I did?"



Maria couldn't remember what she did yesterday before logging out in her bedroom. She was too sleepy to remember but she did recall talking about something with Lilah. Maybe she really did give her permission.

Well, it was no use crying over spilled milk. The results were worth it and it wasn't like she had anything to complain about. She checked her [Quest] menu and saw the first main objective completed.

[Pioneer of the Universe

SS-ranked Chain Quest

You have come to a new world after being chased away from your previous one. With no faction or affiliation, you have decided to establish your own!

The first step to establishing yourself as an independent force is to first construct a base!

Main Objective 1: Rebuild the ruined town and turn it into your faction's stronghold! (Completed)

Main Objective 2: Achieve a Commerce, Military, Social, Security, and Happiness value of 70

NOTE: Subsequent quests will be unlocked after you completed the previous quest. Take notice that this quest is subject to interference by other factions and counter-quests will be issued against your quest!

Time Limit: None

Rewards: Faction Surprise Box (x10), 2,000,000 Universe Gold

NOTE: Rewards will be received and changed after completing the Main Objectives]


[Rewards have been received! Faction Surprise Box x5, Crown of the Dire and 1,000,000 Universe Gold]

"Oh! I got my money back!"

She received a few items inside her [Inventory] and was quite happy to see another million gold come back to her. Although it was only the faction currency, gold was still gold in Maria's eyes.

"Well, since my stronghold's built, I better name it?"


[Enter a name for your Town: ____]

This menu window had popped up earlier when she first opened up the [Faction] window, she reopened the window and inputted a name.

[Your Town has been named: Heltania]

"Hmhm~ a fitting name for a town that'll turn into the capital city of my faction!" Maria hummed in satisfaction.

She had purposefully named it Heltania following her last name, but it was pretty stupid since she had just basically advertised her real-life name. It was a good thing that for now, no other player was present on Vanhal.

If Maria's friends were here to witness her name her town, they would have immediately prevented her.

"Alright, now that the name's set, I should continue with my other quests. First off, let's go to the craftsmen and have them build Death's Church!"

One of the two maids waiting behind Maria quickly spoke up when she overheard her.

"My Lady, shall we go call the chief craftsmen?"

"Eh? Who're you two?" Maria said after turning around and seeing the two unfamiliar vampires.

[Amara Lv.40]

[Kisha Lv. 42]

The one who had spoken up was Kisha, the one who looked to be the older of the two.

"My Lady, a person of your stature does not need to go out of their way to visit the craftsmen. I'll deliver an audience request to them. They'll be the ones to come to the castle."

"Hmmm~ okay then. I'll leave it to you."

The maid bowed and was about to head out but Maria quickly stopped her, "Ahh, before you go introduce yourselves and tell me what you do. Although I can determine what you do base on your attire, I'd rather hear the specifics from you~"

"Yes, My Lady."

The vampire maid bowed deeply and introduced herself, "This one's name is Kisha Kimmura. I am the head maid who will be attending to your everyday needs while you are inside the castle and city. I'm also proficient in combat and many other things."

"I'm guessing Lilah hired you?"

"Yes, my Lady."

"And you?" Maria asked turned to the other one.

"Your Highness, my name is Amara. I will attend to you regardless of whether you are in the castle or while you're out on the field," Amara said with a deep bow similar to Kisha's.

"I see. Well, Kisha, you can go now and inform the head craftsman. I'll wait in the" Maria trailed off and looked towards Lilah.

"Master will wait in the audience room so bring him there!" Lilah quickly said.

"Yes. I will get to it. Excuse me, my Lady," Kisha said before walking back into the castle.

Maria stayed on the balcony and continued taking in the sights. She was actually feeling really giddy. It was her first time being in an actual castle and staring down at the town below. There was a novel feeling to it.

"Lilah, I want to build Death's Church somewhere in the town. That's why I called the craftsmen... I don't care where they build it, but keep the budget low."

"Eh? Are you sure it's okay not to make it grand, Master? Aren't you Death's Envoy?"

"..." Maria remained silent for a while before she opened her mouth to say, "I'm not sure anymore. The title's still there, but before I left for this world, I remembered that both church's factions were sent to hunt me down. This includes Death's Church in the Dark Faction..."

Lilah frowned and didn't say anything.

"I don't know why I got a quest to build his church, but it doesn't matter as long as I can complete it and get the rewards. Also, tell me where Ash is. He should be done by now."

"Ash had gone to the Glemen's Barony to finish up with the transportation of materials," Lilah reported.

"Once he comes back, make sure you tell him to come find me."

"Yes, Master!"

Maria stretched her wings out before walking back into the castle.


[Maria Lv. 55

HP: 7,300/7,300

MP: 211,300/211,300

SP: 746/746

EXP: 0/5,500,000

Race: Fallen Angel

Class: Dark Priestess

Sub-Class 1: Magus

Sub-Class 2: Queen

Titles: Wolf Slayer, Slime Slayer, Monster Bird Slayer, Sprite Slayer, Angel of Death, The Knowledgeable One, Fallen Priestess, Fallen Saintess, World Traveler, Queen of the Dire

ATK: 714 (+200~300)

DEF: 958 (+15)

M.ATK: 2219 (+20)

M.DEF: 11,093 (+15)

STR: 126 (+10)

AGI: 263 (-5)

VIT: 357 (+8)

INT: 4200 (+26)

LCK: 11

Free Stat Points: 0

Universal Currency: 128,412 Gold

Vanhal Currency: 600 Blood Gold

Faction Currency: 1,001,000 Universe Gold]

"Eh? When did I get a second sub-class?"

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