Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 756 Pass by quickly

Chapter 756 Pass by quickly

The night carried on for those in Retro as Qin Jun, Kira, and Song Jing Li left with a heavy heart. They had thought that since Yue Ling moved to Imperial and found happiness with Lu Tian, life would be good to her. However, never did they imagine that she had to suffer another loss.

Should they remain in the shadows or should they go see her?

As their car drives away, inside another room in White Tiger, Li Wei stood by an opened window. The room he was in is his office and allowed him to see the front of his territory.

Holding a cigarette in hand, he calmly raises it to his lip with eyes on the car driving away.

"Brother, who were those three men?"

Chun Hua spoke by the door as she enters the room. After seeing the three men out, she quickly returned to find her brother but realized that he had left for his office.

Thinking back to the situation that just happened, she was confused and curious. Any outsider who dares to enter White Tiger and take out their guns would have died on the spot. However, despite the three men breaking the rule, her brother didn’t kill them.

Li Wei doesn’t turn to look at her but stares down to the bustling seat. He knew that Chun Hua would ask since she has never met Qin Jun, Kira, and Song Jing Li.

That was because, at the time, he sheltered his sister like she was a bird locked in a cage. He didn’t want her to be affiliated with the underworld because she was still young.

However, she still found a way and proved herself worthy.

After a long minute, he takes another puff of the cigarette in his hand and blows the smoke out the window before answering.

"They’re old friends of mine."

As he takes another puff, he tilts his head back and shifts his gaze to the sky glistening with stars.

Life in Retro was always alive and loud no matter what time it was. However, no matter how much time he spends his life here, he always felt lonely.

"You may leave, I want to be alone."

Chun Hua wanted to stay with him in case he needed anything, but obliging to his order, she gestures a polite nod.

"I won’t be far, so call me if you need anything."

She turns around and leaves the room. As she opens the door, the music from outside enters the room, then it was quickly muted as the door closes again.

Having taken only three steps away from the door, she pauses and turns back to look in the direction she had come from.

A long sigh escapes her lips and looks away to continue towards the stairs.

Her brother is the leader of White Tiger, but he is a good man with a good heart. Those in the underworld would immerse themselves with alcohol and women every day, but not him.

The only time he ever picks up a glass of alcohol to drink is when he is frustrated about something. It was a way to help calm himself from doing anything he might regret later.

As for women, she has never once seen him with one or brought one over. Sometimes, it even makes her wonder if he swings the other way.

Then again, there are plenty of good-looking men in White Tiger and he doesn’t seem to look their way at all.

Oblivious about his sister’s thoughts towards him, Li Wei didn’t move from the window. He stood quietly and enjoys the cold brush of the night wind. After finishing his cigarette, he threw it away on a nearby ashtray and walks away.

He heads in the direction of his desk set up at the corner of the room. Scooting the chair back, he takes a seat then opens the bottom drawer on the right.

A safe comes into view and punches in the code. It soon unlocks and he opens it revealing a pile of confidential documents.

He stares down at it, then reaches for them, but only to move them aside. Underneath the documents was a picture inside a frame.

Picking it up, he leans back on the chair and his entire being turned soft.

The photo was him sitting on the sand at the beach, but when he was still a kid. He looked so happy with a huge grin on his face and a beach shovel in hand. There was a sandcastle in front of him that was half his size.

However, he wasn’t alone.

Sitting next to him with one arm placed over his shoulder was a little girl with black hair. Her eyes were truly mesmerizing like the Mediterranean Sea.

Like him, she looked so happy with a smile that outshines the sun and moon. Anyone who meets her would only want to protect her and never want to see her sad.

"Time really does pass by quickly..."

Others do not know but he has known the girl in the photo since they were children. She would often come over to his place with her grandfather to see him and his grandfather.

They were so young and carefree without any knowledge of how cruel life can be.

However, as time passed, he stopped seeing her.

When he saw her again, she had already grown into a fine and young lady. The only difference was, she smiles less and became colder. It was all because she came to understand how life really worked.

As memories of the past floated in his mind, Li Wei stares at the photo with a faint smile. His thumb caresses the girl in the photo like he was able to touch her.

"No matter how hard life hits you, I hope your smile remains the same as brightly as the sun and moon."

The grew darker outside and before anyone realized it, the sun had already risen on the horizon. Its rays of light shine over Imperial as it replaces shifts with the moon.

In the distance from Retro, the sunlight shone onto Yue Ling and Lu Tian’s home. It gave the house an illuminating glow like a barrier. The trees and grass coated with the morning dew and birds can be heard chirping as they welcome the morning.

Everything about this scene looked like it had come out from a fairytale.


Suddenly, the front door unlocks from inside the house and the door is pulled open. A slender hand is seen reaching out to hold the door frame.

Following after was the sound of heavy breathing like that of a beast in the forest.

However, when the figure steps into view, it wasn’t a beast but Yue Ling.

She wore a black wool coat tied at the waist. The collar of her black turtleneck peeks out at the top like a scarf and her mauve pleated pants flow out below similar to a dress.

Everything about her was full of warmth and made one understand why she was once one of China’s top supermodels.

However, there was something off about her posture.

"Damn Lu Tian."

She curses under her breath with her body slightly slouched forward. Holding the door frame with her left hand, her right hand held her lower back.

One can even see the faint dark bags under her eyes that could not be concealed.

"How can he have so much stamina?"

She lifts her aching legs and steps out of the house. Instead of the young woman she is, she had turned into an old grandma struggling to cross the street.

"He said one time. Ouch, then one more. Ouch, then again, ouch."

Her back was in pain and her legs no different. It was all because Lu Tian wouldn’t leave her alone last night.

Each step she took was painful and made her not want to go anywhere.

However, she had to fight it and force herself to leave.

After all, she was meeting Madam Lu, Aunt Zhao, and Zhao Ya’Er. If she doesn’t show up to meet them, they might think she is irresponsible and doesn’t care about the preparations for her wedding.

Climbing down the step of stairs in front of the house, she exhales heavily like she had climbed an entire mountain.

"Give him an inch and he will take a mile."

Taking a deep breath, she makes her way to her car. However, every so often she would steal a few glances back at the house.

The second she opened her eyes she didn’t hesitate to struggle out of bed. She knew that if she didn’t leave before Lu Tian wakes up, he will hold her captive again.

She knew this because he had slept and when he wakes up, it would mean that his stamina has been restored.

As she enters her car and drives towards the gate, she did not notice a figure standing by the window on the second floor.

A smile curls on Lu Tian’s face as he watches her leave.

He had been awake before the sun even came up. However, he didn’t do anything except hold her in his arms. He knew she was tired and decided to let her sleep.

When she woke up, he even put on a show for her by pretending to be asleep like a dead person.

Watching her car exit out the gate, he walks away from the window. There were some things he needed to take care of.

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