Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 755 In the ocean

Chapter 755 In the ocean

Li Wei’s voice sounded calmly inside the room, but anyone can hear the anger hidden behind it.

The happy expression on Song Jing Li’s face slowly turns into one of disbelief and his complexion turned pale. Even Qin Jun and Kira were no different.

Everything fell into silence before Qin Jun glares at Li Wei with eyes that can pierce through a person’s soul. His jaw clenched tightly and he grows threateningly with tightly clenched fists.

"I want all the details on what happened."

Standing behind Li Wei, Chun Hua’s eyes flash in alert, and reach for her gun. She has never seen these people before and was afraid that they would harm her brother.

Li Wei didn’t need to turn around to know what his sister was thinking. He had kept her hidden from many things and wasn’t surprised that she might act like this.

He calmly raises one hand and gestures for her to stop.

"It’s all right."

He inhales inside to steady himself. Once he felt like he was composed enough, he parts his lip to speak.

"When she left the underworld, she made her final message clear."

His gaze lowers and he stares blankly at the table in front of him.

"She will not cross the line with anyone in the underworld unless someone crosses her line first."

Leaning forward, he grabs a bottle of liquor and pours himself another drink. He needed another one to continue explaining.

"Ti Lung crossed her line when he kidnapped her brother. After she put an end to Ghost Gang, she kept Ti Lung alive. He was thrown in prison by Lu Tian to rot and pay for his sins. However, afraid, and paranoid by the thoughts of her coming after him to finish him off, he hung himself in his cell."

Filling his glass cup he held it with both hands and stares down at it.

"Everyone knows that Ti Lung and Chu Li Xiang are sworn, brothers. So, when Chu Li Xiang heard the news, he went after Lu Tian thinking he was the cause of Ghost Gang’s demise."

He closes his eyes and gently squeezes them as if to steady himself more before opening them again.

"Chu Qiang warned Chu Li Xiang not to be reckless, but he didn’t listen. He went after her without knowing who she is because he wanted to get back at Lu Tian. He had his woman, Julia kidnapped her after the fashion show, but Lu Tian and his men were one step ahead. As a warning, Lu Tian sent Julia’s dead body to Chu Li Xiang’s door."

Listening to Li Wei’s words, the expressions on all three men changed hearing that someone wanted to harm Yue Ling. The temperature in the room turned grave like the doors to Hell had been opened.

Qin Jun’s eyes turned murderous and he clenches his fists tightly until they tremble. The veins on Kira’s forehead popped like he was on the verge of going ballistic.

Song Jing Li slowly turns his head away from Li Wei and he stares at the window behind Kira. He could see the illuminating red lights from Black Dragon in the distance and it was as if he could see all the people inside the place.

However, despite the burning rage that was boiling inside them, they held their ground. They needed to listen until the end.

Li Wei could feel the change of atmosphere from the three men. The way they felt at this moment was no different from him when he heard.

He was ready to end everyone in Black Dragon for what they did, but Yue Ling stopped him. She told him not to end the lives of those who had nothing to do with it.

Lifting his gaze from the glass cup in his hand, he goes on to tell them about what happened. From the situation with the Nuo family to the vandalization of Uncle Zhi’s shop and Chu Li Xiang’s imprisonment.

"Chu Li Xiang was scheduled for a transfer to a more secured prison, but during his transfer..."

His voice pauses and his hands holding the glass cup tightens like he was going to shatter it.

"Everything followed as plan. Everything... until..."

He tried to explain as calmly as he could but chokes on his words. He raises one hand to rub his forehead as his eyes had turned moist from remembering what he was told.

"Until what?"

Qin Jun growls behind his gritted teeth when Li Wei doesn’t say anymore. He was usually the one who knew how to control his temper, but when it comes to those, he holds dear, it was another thing.

However, despite his threatening voice, Li Wei remains in silence.

Burning with anger now, he abruptly stood up from his seat. He took three big strides forward and grabs Li Wei by the shirt. Lifting the man from his seat, he roars.

"UNTIL WHAT?!!!!!"

His raging voice echoed like thunder on a rainy day. It terrified Chun Hua so much that she could feel her body tremble. However, terrified for her brother’s life, she quickly reaches for her gun and points it at Qin Jun.

"Let my brother go!"


At the same time her words fell, the tightly shut door burst open and the two men outside rush inside. Guns in hand, they aim it at the three men.

Only, they weren’t the only ones armed.

Kira was now standing, but he was not facing Li Wei. He was now turned to the two men. Both his arms raised in front of him, and a gun in each hand pointed at them.

Across from him, Song Jing Li stood with a gun aimed directly at Chun Hua. His facial expression was calm, but the second Chun Hua pulls her trigger, he won’t hesitate to pull his.

Ignoring the sudden change of situation in the room and gun pointed at him, Qin Jun clenched tightly onto Li Wei’s shirt.

"I asked you a fucken question!"

He turns into a crazy madman, but Li Wei glares at the floor with his lower lip slightly trembling. The rims of his eyes were red, and one would think he is afraid, but he wasn’t.

He was angry.

Angry at how Qin Jun dares to threaten him and ask about what happened.

These men were supposed to be her family, but when she needed them the most, they were nowhere to be seen. Now they suddenly want to show their faces and act like her family again?

He scoffs and his glaring eyes look at the man holding his shirt. He threw the glass cup viciously on the floor causing it to shatter into pieces and shoves Qin Jun’s arms away.

"You want to know what happened?"

He clenches his fists tightly and glares at the three men, one person at a time.

"Chu Li Xiang’s men struck Liu Shan’s car knowing that she was inside."

His entire being trembles as he suppresses the desire to beat the living crap out of these men.

"She lost her unborn child!"

Qin Jun’s eyes quaver and his face drained of all colors. He stumbles a step back and shook his head in disbelief. His mouth opened and close, but no word sounded from him.

Behind him, Kira felt like the guns in hands grew heavy and his arms slowly lower. He turns his head to look at Li Wei then finally at Chun Hua. Seeing the sad and painful look on the girl’s face, he did not need to ask to know that it was true.

Song Jing Li’s eyes gradually turned moist as thousands of emotions wash over him. He presses his lips together to keep them from trembling anymore than they already are.

"Where is that scumbag? Hiding? In prison?"

Qin Jun finally spoke a growl. He will make sure that Chu Li Xiang suffers a slow and painful death for what he did. If the bastard is hiding in Black Dragon, he will walk into the place and drag the bastard out even if he has to kill everyone.

Even if he (Chu Li Xiang) is locked away in prison, he (Qin Jun) will break inside and make the man pay.

"He’s somewhere in the ocean."

Li Wei stares at the three men and heaves a deep sigh. He raises one hand and rubs his buzz cut head.

"Lu Tian chopped him limb from limb and fed him to the sharks."

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