Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 385: Eerie Gift

Chapter 385: Eerie Gift

After executing Golden Lion Pirates, The Clown Pirates get rid of their corpses. They sink the corpses of those who don't have bounties on their heads. As for those with bounties, they put them in a big box on their ship.

The Clown Pirates then leave the newly formed Archipelago without holding a party as usual despite the natives' pledge. They know these people don't have anything, so rather than holding a party, they rather donate rations and money to these poor people.

Also, it's better to leave the matter with these people to Revolutionary Army. They are better suited to take care of people, unlike Clown Pirates who can only take care of themselves. They are pirates, after all, not some kind people who like to help those in need, certainly not.

Anyway, The Clown Pirates go to Loguetown with the box filled with Golden Lion Pirates' higher-ups' dead bodies. They dock their ship at the port and gather people's attention. The Marines come but no one dares to attack Clown Pirates.

Buggy leaves the ship alone and goes to the execution tower while dragging a big wooden box tied with a rope. No one dares to stand in his path because they all feel terrifying pressure just by looking at him. Well, he releases a very small amount of Conqueror Haki just to make people get away from his path.

He arrives at the plaza where the execution platform is located. Buggy is quite surprised when he arrives because someone is standing right in front of the execution platform without any fear.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Isn't this the great Marine Hero, Monkey D. Garp? Are you on vacation?" asks Buggy while looking at Garp who wears an orange Hawaiian shirt.

"What are you gonna do while releasing that Haki, kid?" asks Garp seriously.

Buggy smirks and says, "I just came to send a gift for Captain, and maybe you can also think of this as a gift for Marine."

"Huh? What are you-?" Garp can't finish his question because Buggy suddenly throws the box at him.

He stops it with a hand and it lands in front of him. Garp suddenly smells blood and he punches the box immediately. It breaks and Garp is quite shocked to see what's inside the box. He looks at Buggy immediately but the man has walked away while waving.

Garp doesn't even try to stop him because he doesn't want to fight Buggy in this place. It's not that he doesn't dare to fight Buggy after his defeat. But their battle will surely destroy this island and kill everyone here.

So he just calls his assistant and orders the man to call the Fleet Admiral. This thing needs to be reported right away because this is a very big thing. A war between 2 Great Pirate Crews has just happened without the Marine's knowledge, after all.

"Damn kid always cause trouble while also helping us in a sense. I don't even know if he should be considered a criminal or not. Sigh, this damn justice system is as messed up as these pirates," says Garp frustratedly.

The news of Shiki's death spread all over the world in a short time. It's very shocking because the world thought The Clown Pirates went into hiding or just wanted to relax. But suddenly they destroyed a Legendary Pirate crew that has disappeared for more than a decade.

People even start to assume that Buggy is going after the older generations. He has destroyed Kaido and Shiki, so they think he will go after Big Mom and Whitebeard too. Although they are also confused why he didn't target Big Mom & Whitebeard who are easier to find.

Buggy doesn't care at all about what people think because now he just wants to enjoy his time at home. He spends his time with his family while also training swordsmanship to Leo & Kuina, teaching business to Nojiko, and navigation to Nami.

His crewmates are going around East Blue and the only one who stays is Brook. The skeleton guy wants to relax and teaches music to Leo after Buggy asked him to. Just training in swordsmanship is not good for Leo's development, and the boy likes music, so Buggy wants him to enjoy his hobby too.

But even with his battle training, music class, and playing with his friends, Leo still grows quite fast. He is growing to the point where Kuina even doubts her talent. Luckily, it motivates her even more rather than discourages her. She has a strong will, which is a must to be a great swordswoman.

Kuina is very competitive while Leo is quite nonchalant. So she thinks of Leo as her rival too, just like Zoro. But Leo doesn't even think of her as a rival, she is just a friend and a fellow apprentice for him.

He even likes to play with Kuina despite her unwillingness. If Buggy doesn't tell her to play to relax and rest, she won't even play with Leo. Resting is also important to get a better result, after all. Training nonstop will only make her tired and she won't get good progress because of it.

After she started playing with Leo, Nami, Nojiko, and other kids, she becomes brighter and her progress also becomes better. She isn't too stressed, after all, so her mind can absorb everything that Buggy taught easier.

In the past, she was too obsessed to get stronger that she even ignored her physical & mental state. She thought that to get stronger, she needed to train harder than anyone else. That's not wrong, but if she overworked herself, then her body and mind will break before she can even get a good result.

Buggy's secret to reaching his current level is not training as hard as possible, but as effectively as possible. He forces himself when needed, but he also rests well to give his body and mind time to recover which allows him to train even harder.

Buggy knew he isn't the most talented man in the world. So he needs to work better than anyone else and he knew that better doesn't mean harder. He learned everything he could learn and made the best way to train himself.

Then he found out that effective training is better than just hard training. He trains every day and rarely takes a rest, so his crewmates also call him a training maniac. But he knows when to rest and relax so that he can train again the next day.

He teaches this to his kids and Kuina not just for training, but for most things. Overdoing something isn't always the answer because it might give a worse result. That's why whether it's training or studying, they need to be moderate but also serious.

Anyway, he teaches them everything they need to know from his experience. He never asked them to be the best in their fields, but he always asks them to do their best in anything they want to do. Doing things half-heartedly often brings regret and disappointment, after all.

The Clown Pirates stay in East Blue until the year changes. There's nothing urgent in Grandline, after all, so they can take their time to relax. Besides, East Blue is very busy and dangerous now.

Shiki's former base islands that formed an Archipelago have caused a big ruckus. Marine and World Governments kept investigating it. Buggy can't just leave East Blue when those bastards are this close to his family.

The Revolutionary Army & Caribbean have looted every valuable on those islands, including Indigo's research data. They even saved the surviving Natives who now live in a new village on Conomi Islands under Buggy's protection.

Some natives who rebelled against Shiki and joined the execution actually joined Revolutionary Army after they know about the injustice happening all over the world. They are still young too, so they want to find purpose in their lives, and joining Dragon seems to be their answer.

It doesn't matter though, they can do whatever they want in their lives. As for those who want to live peacefully, Buggy gave them that opportunity. He took them to his place so that they won't be in danger again and can make a living for themselves.

Then after the year changed, The Clown Pirates decided to return to Grandline. The ruckus on East Blue has subsided and they also missed adventuring. They are ready to cause more uproars that will shake the world.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 409 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 420 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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