Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 384: Insult

Chapter 384: Insult

A new Archipelago appears on what once was a massive bridge, Tequila Wolf. There are still some parts of the bridge left and some ruins that didn't sink because they are too big for even the sea to swallow. A project of hundreds of years has been destroyed in an instant.

"The Celestial Dragons will be enraged," says Dragon while smirking.

"I don't think they will. I'm not even sure if they still care or even remember about this," says Buggy.

"You don't know those animals too well, aren't you? They will get angry if someone takes or destroys what is theirs even if they don't care about that thing," says Dragon.

"Well, they can be angry at me and I couldn't care less. I dare them to come at me with everything they have. The day they decide to do that will be their first day knowing what hell is," says Buggy with a cold expression.

Dragon is quite surprised by Buggy's change of attitude because he always jokes around when they talk through Denden Mushi. Both of them never met in person before this, so Dragon doesn't really know Buggy's character except from the reports he got.

Buggy doesn't want to talk about it again and floats to the nearest falling island. The ships with parachutes almost reach the ground, after all. He needs to know if his crewmates and the people they saved are fine.

When the ships finally land, Buggy can see many people on those ships. All his crewmates are there and even the Golden Lion Pirates are there too. The Clown Pirates are watching them closely though, so they don't dare to do anything and their ships are different from the ones the natives use.


Something suddenly fall in front of Buggy after Cricket threw it from a ship. It's a tied-up Shiki who's already awake but restrained by a seastone handcuff.

"How long has he been awake?" asks Buggy while looking down on Shiki.

"Since you left," says Cricket while walking toward them.

"So he won't stop the falling islands even though he has woken up. That means I don't need to hesitate, right?" asks Buggy before stomping Shiki's face to the ground.


His stomp is so strong, stronger than any attack he used on Shiki before. Shiki can feel his skull crack as blood comes out of his nose & mouth. Even without Haki, Shiki's body is already tough, but Buggy can damage it easily with just a pure physical attack.

"Mantis, take those poor people away. Half of you help her, the rest take those pieces of trash here," says Buggy.

All the women immediately help Mantis guiding the civilians to leave. They get on the biggest ship and Magnus pulls it to the sea so that they can get away first. Manba's medical team also gets on that ship to check on them.

The rest are taking the Golden Lion Pirates to Buggy. They use their guns to force the pirates to move without any resistance. The Clown Pirates have become very serious now, so these guys don't stand any chance at all.

Almost all the civilians leave the place, but some stay behind. All of them who stay are the ones with a deep hatred for the Golden Lion Pirates. They've lost family members and friends in the last decade because of Shiki's oppression, so they want to see Shiki's end with their own eyes.

"Are you sure you want to stay? I'll tell you first that this may traumatize you greatly," says Buggy.

"Thank you for the warning, but you don't need to worry. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing the man who murdered my father right in front of my eyes," says a teenage girl.

Buggy can see the despair, hatred, and anger in her face & voice. The others don't say anything, but Buggy can see that they have similar experiences with the girl. They really want to see Shiki's end themselves so that they can finally start a new page in their lives.

"Give them the guns," says Buggy.

"Excuse me?" asks the teenage girl confusedly.

"You know how to use guns, right?" asks Buggy.

"Ah, y-yes, we have some stolen guns to fight against them. We were a small rebel group," says the girl.

"Good, then I will lend you my guns so you can kill them yourselves. You have more rights than me to end these assholes' lives," says Buggy.


Shiki is really angry because Buggy is letting the rebels who are obviously far weaker than him to kill him. He was very angry when he knew Roger would be executed in the weakest sea and wanted to kill Roger himself because he thought it was an insult to someone great like Roger.

But now, not only he will get executed in East Blue too, Buggy even let weak people to execute him. For Shiki, this is a very great insult that he can't accept. But what can he do? He is not the decision-maker here.

"Even Captain Roger died at the hands of weak executioners. So you should be honored to die the same way as the Pirate King. I will send your corpse to Loguetown as a present for Captain Roger too," says Buggy while giving the rebels a signal.

They shoot the subordinates first with the assistance of Clown Pirates' gunners. Their guns are very strong which also creates strong recoils. If these people use the guns themselves, then they will fly because of the recoils, and they can't aim well with such recoils.

So the Clown gunners assist them to shoot the subordinates first. The others who are free also help to finish it faster. There are a lot of Golden Lion Pirates, after all, so they need to use all their guns.

It doesn't take long for them to finish the shooting round. All the subordinates are dead because no one can resist the guns' power. The rebels are shocked because, in just a few minutes, the only ones left are Shiki and Dr. Indigo.

Dr. Indigo was also the main target in this operation because he is the one who creates those monster animals. Deon was the one who caught him and it was very easy that it's not even worth mentioning. Deon just sneaked up behind Indigo in the lab while being invisible using his Chameleon ability and captured him.

"Enel, are you detecting the mutated animals now?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah, I think they are still alive because you reduced the falling speed before," says Enel.

"Alright, lead the others to capture them later. For now, let's end the tale of a Legend. Well then, Shiki, this is goodbye. Tell Captain Roger that this world is still interesting today. Then, let's end it here," says Buggy while snapping his fingers.


Buggy doesn't listen and just walks away as the others are aiming. Everyone starts shooting at both Shiki and Dr. Indigo. Both of them can't retaliate at all with the seastone handcuff and ropes restricting their movements.

So they take the rounds of the powerful shots released by Clown Pirates' advanced guns. Even Shiki's tough body can't handle the bullets and he gets pierced by numerous bullets. Indigo died first before Shiki follows him shortly afterward.

Buggy looks at Shiki's corpse coldly and says, "One Legend fall, another will rise. An old Lion that has lost some of its fangs and claws won't be able to keep its throne in the wild. A young and powerful Lion will usurp its throne and replace it."

His crewmates are stunned hearing Buggy's attempt to make a poem or something. But they don't say anything and just look at the dead bodies. The war against Golden Lion Pirates ended with a massacre.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 408 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 419 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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