Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 306: Pregnant

Chapter 306: Pregnant

"What?!" asks Buggy with a very surprised tone before he rushes to the infirmary.

Manba was checking Bellemere because she got a stomachache. But then he found out that she is actually pregnant. Of course, the news surprises the entire crew that is sailing on the sea without any destination set yet.

Buggy looks at Bellemere who sits on the infirmary bed while smiling. His eyes are widened and his face is stiff because he is too surprised. He wants to say something but his words are stuck in his throat.

"What is it, B? You aren't happy?" asks Bellemere with a fake sad expression.

"I-I'm happy, I'm just too happy that I don't know what to say," says Buggy hastily as tears flow out of his eyes.

Now it's Bellemere who gets surprised seeing Buggy cries. The nurses are surprised too because they never see their strong Captain cry for real. He is someone who will smile & laugh when he's dying, yet he is crying now, but it's understandable, and it makes him look more human.

It's just Manba in that room who ever saw Buggy cry like this. He cried when he parted with his first ship, The Little Hunter, on Water 7. But the tears that come out of Buggy's eyes are different now. It was tears of sadness on Water 7, but it is tears of happiness now.

Buggy runs to Bellemere and hugs her which makes her smile. She hugs him back while patting his back to calm him down because his tears just keep increasing and his expression is getting weirder. He still doesn't let out a sound though and keeps crying silently.

Buggy finally calms down after half an hour, making his & Belle's clothes soaked in tears. They don't really care though as they just keep smiling at each other happily. Both of them will finally have their firstborn, after all.

Well, they have 2 daughters already, but they haven't had their biological child yet. So, of course, they are happy to finally get one now. Their family is getting bigger and they are happy about it.

*BANG* Buggy slams the door opens very hard that it makes a very loud sound that gathers everyone's attention. They all look at him to confirm the news that they've just heard.

"CLOWNS, SPREAD ALL THE SAILS! WE GO FULL SPEED TO COCOYASI VILLAGE. There is a pregnant woman on the ship. Sailing and exploring islands aren't good for her health," says Buggy while smirking.

The Clowns who hear it smile because they know who's pregnant. "AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!"

They all immediately work and Black Pearl moves at its highest speed since entering East Blue. Staying on the sea might affect Bellemere's pregnancy badly, after all. Well, it's just what Buggy thinks, but she indeed prefers resting on land than the sea.

The Clown Pirates arrive in Cocoyasi village just in 10 hours even though they were quite far before. They sailed as fast as they could, after all, and East Blue's weather is very predictable. So they could move very fast, faster than when they were on Grandline.

It's midnight when they arrive, so only a few people notice their return. Buggy immediately takes Bellemere & their daughter back home to rest. Nojiko & Nami are excited too because they'll have a little sibling.

"I hope we'll get a little brother," says Nojiko after they arrive at their home.

"Heh, I'm sure you'll get a little brother as handsome as me," says Buggy narcistly.

"No! I don't want my brother to have a big red nose like you," says Nojiko strongly.

Buggy feels a strong stab in his heart and falls to the floor. Not even his awakened devil fruit can defend against emotional damage. He gets even more hurt when Nami pats his head, copying what he often did to her when she cried.

Belle giggles seeing their interactions because it shows that they've become very close. Nojiko & Nami have fully accepted Buggy into their family, so it makes her happy. It was her biggest worry when she adopted Nojiko & Nami, after all.

"B-But I think your blue hair is okay, so he can have blue hair," says Nojiko in a hurry because she feels bad.

"Really?" asks Buggy hopefully.

Nojiko nods shyly, and then Bellemere asks, "Are you sure it's not because you have blue hair as well, Nojiko?"

"Well, there's that, but... Anyway, blue hair is okay, but the red nose is not," says Nojiko before taking Nami to their bedroom.

Buggy & Bellemere look at them leaving before he says, "It's not like we can control the baby's appearance. We can only wait."

"Haha, it's just her hope, let her have it. It won't be a matter how our baby will look like later," says Bellemere.

"Yeah, no matter how they look, they are still our children, and we will love them," says Buggy.

The next day, everyone in the village knows about their return. They were also told about Buggy's & Bellemere's marriage which surprised them. The news about Bellemere's pregnancy has surprised them even more.

"That tomboy girl has really gotten married and now she is even pregnant? I won't believe it if it was a few years ago," says Genzo after hearing the news.

"You were just as shocked when she adopted Nojiko & Nami. She will be fine now because she has enough experience to raise children. Her only problem was money, but now she has a lot of it since her pirate lover arrived. They are the richest family on this island, you know," says the village doctor.

"That's what makes me worried. I can't believe she gets married to a pirate while she is a former Marine soldier," says Genzo.

"What can we do about that? She loves him and he also loves her & her adopted daughters. That's what matters, right? Besides, he & his crew aren't brutal pirates that do atrocities. We have investigated using whatever we have and found no news about them involving civilians in their piracy. They've just fought Marines, other pirates, bounty hunters, or criminal organizations. They are different from other pirates," says the doctor.

"Sigh, I guess you are right. I worried too much, but what can I do about that? She is like a daughter to me, so I would keep worrying about her," says Genzo.

"Daughter? I know you look like an old man, but you are just 8 years older than her. So you are her big brother at most, even though your face makes you look old. Don't be overdramatic," says the doctor.

Genzo feels a stab in his heart and stops saying anything. The doctor just needs to mention that he has an old man's face, after all. Buggy has turned 21 this year and Bellemere is 22, so Genzo is 30, but he looks like a middle-aged man already.

Well, Buggy called him old man before because he looks like one. And he didn't even refute it because he was used to being called that. Buggy only knows that they are just 9 years apart after he left Cocoyasi village & Bellemere explained it to him.

Anyway, Buggy throws a party that day to celebrate Bellemere's pregnancy. The whole village is bustling with people, music, anything. They've invited the other villages too, after all, so it's really cramped here.

The party is also very big because Buggy is very happy right now. He throws a lot of money into this and made the party very big. Bellemere is happy too, but she is also annoyed because she isn't allowed to drink liquor.

"You really go all out, huh?" asks Bellemere at Buggy.

"Of course, we will have our firstborn, after all," says Buggy.

"Sigh, it's okay for now, but don't do it again next time. I feel like you will celebrate anything if you can, so don't do it. Keep it moderate, alright?" asks Bellemere.

Buggy looks disappointed, but he agrees nonetheless. He plans to celebrate anything like what Bellemere said. He & his crew like parties and they'll use anything as a reason to throw parties. But he knows he can't do that in his family.

"Well, we can at least make birthday parties for the kids, right? Just small birthday parties, once in a while," asks Buggy.

Bellemere sighs and nods, making him happy. So he joins the big party and it lasts for a day.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 330 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 341 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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