Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 305: The Real Plan

Chapter 305: The Real Plan

A day after the Clown Pirates arrived in Orange Town, Buggy explores it with his family. The training with his old partners has been delayed because the 2 of them think that it's too sudden. They also said that he needs to enjoy his time first since he has just come back after 3 years.

He agreed with them and now he explores the town with his family. His crewmates also do what they want as usual and the townfolks accept them really fast because they are their Buggy's crewmates. He is like everyone's favorite here that they don't mind him being a pirate.

When Buggy walks around with his family, a boy suddenly calls him from afar. He looks at the boy and recognizes the boy immediately. The boy is the one who was training with him when he lived here, Rio, which has turned 12 now.

"Bro Buggy!" shouts Rio from afar.

"Oh, look who's this? Isn't this the persistent brat, Rio?" asks Buggy while smirking.

"So it's really you, you've really returned," says Rio happily.

"You didn't know? I have arrived yesterday, you know," says Buggy.

"I was not in the town because I followed one of our ships selling items on the other islands. We've just returned, then I heard that you've come back," says Rio.

"Oh, no wonder. But what is this? You look happy after finding out that I've come back. Didn't you say you'll be a Marine and catch me? Then you shouldn't be happy seeing a pirate in your town," says Buggy while smirking.

"Well, that's true, and it won't change. But I never have a problem if the pirate who comes to my town is you. I will still catch you after I become a Marine though. Anyway, I'm excited seeing you've come back because I can finally show you the result of my 3 years of training," says Rio.

Buggy laughs and says, "HAHAHA, so you just want to show off. Fine, come at me, show me what you've got."

Rio nods and looks at Bellemere who takes the little girls away from the 2 of them. Then Rio focuses on Buggy and rushes to attack. Rio is attacking Buggy using a rapier with fast and agile movements.

He is very fast and agile for his age, which makes Bellemere impressed. His strength is also good, and at this level, Rio can defeat many adults already. However, Buggy isn't included among those adults.

"What's wrong? Is this all you've got? Do you want to show off to me with this level of power? If you only get this stronger in 3 years, then you will never catch up to me. Forget about catching me, you won't even be able to enter Grandline, or join the Marine HQ, and become an officer," says Buggy mockingly while avoiding Rio's attacks with slight movements.

Rio grits his teeth in frustration because none of his attacks hit Buggy. Buggy also dodges his attacks narrowly with minimal movements. It's like Buggy is taunting him, but he can't do anything about it.

In the end, Rio gets tired and falls to the ground because of fatigue after 8 minutes. Buggy grins and crouches in front of him before flicking his head. The little flick sends Rio flying a few meters away.

"ARGH! DAMMIT, IT HURTS!" shouts Rio in pain as he rubs his forehead.

Buggy just smirks seeing that, "Hah, if that kind of attack could make you cry, then you are still far from ready, kid. Don't be a marine, you'll just get killed."

"Oi, B, don't be like that to a kid, you are too harsh," says Bellemere.

"It's fine, that guy is not as fragile as you think," says Buggy.

Rio confirms that himself by shouting back & cursing at Buggy before going away to train harder. Bellemere is surprised to see Rio doesn't even shed a tear after hearing Buggy's mockery. He gets even more spirited and determined instead.

Buggy tells Belle that he has trained Rio this way in the past. He wants Rio to be not only strong physically, but also mentally. That way, Rio won't be corrupted by the twisted Justice in the Marine & World Government. He will stay true to his ideal justice, that's what Buggy hopes.

"A pirate is teaching a wannabe Marine, such a strange thing," says Bellemere.

"Heh, what's so strange about it? If even a pirate can marry an ex-Marine and even date her when she was still a Marine soldier, then him teaching a wannabe Marine isn't that strange, right?" asks Buggy while smiling.

Bellemere has just realized that she isn't in the position to say that, so she stops talking about it, and they continue their exploration. For the next 4 days, The Clown Pirates just enjoy their time in Orange Town. It's hard to find a peaceful place like this in New World, after all, so they will enjoy it as long as possible.

Then after that, Buggy starts Burton's & Jimmy's training. In the last 3 years, he has improved his teaching ability because he has trained a lot of crewmates. So he teaches Armament to Burton & Jimmy with better & easier methods.

Both of them understand it fast because they've learned Armament for almost 5 years now. So just in a few hours, they awaken their Armament Haki. Now, they just need to master it, and the fastest way to do it is by fighting.

So Buggy sets a sparring session for Burton, Jimmy, and even Bellemere. He sets them up with some of his crewmates so they can spar. It's also a good chance to see Burton & Jimmy's current level clearly, and it surprises Buggy a bit.

Both of them haven't been active for 3 years, but they don't get weakened at all. They've gotten stronger instead. Currently, they can even go toe to toe against high-ranking members below the executive level like Bastia the Owl man.

"Damn, they're good. I think they are better than Bellemere right now," says Cricket.

"Yeah, they are stronger and have more experience than her. It's a good thing for us because this means we can make our plans work," says Buggy.

"Hmm, I think you're right. With their strength and experience in this field, our plan will work here. Expanding our business to Blue Seas is not easy, after all," says Cricket.

"That's why we won't sell weapons on Blue Seas, it's very difficult to gain profit because our weapons have New World's standards. They are too powerful to be used on Blue Seas. Besides, we can't control the flow directly, which is dangerous because many organizations are already active in this business," says Buggy.

"So that's why you said we will only gather and sell information on Blue Seas, huh?" asks Cricket.

"Yeah, it will also help us get information from all over the world. The fastest way to get information is by gathering it ourselves. We will take over this business completely and be the biggest information broker in less than a decade," says Buggy while grinning.

"And our weapon business will be a good cover for that. We might just sell weapons to Pirates, affiliated Nations, and even Marine, but the scale is big enough to hide our information broker business," says Cricket.

"Yeah, we will make it so big until we know everything in this world, even the things hidden in the Land of Gods, Mary Geoise. Knowledge is power. Knowing everything on these Seas is something that I always want. For me, The King of The Sea is the one who knows everything in the sea. I want more than just reaching Laugh Tale like everyone else, after all," says Buggy while smirking.

Cricket also smirks and says, "Stop acting all cool and shit. King of The Sea my ass, you just like to know and learn new things. You are just not that smart and diligent to read books in the library or learn poneglyph like Robin & Oden, so you created an organization where people can do it for you. You can't fool your First Mate, Captain.

Buggy sweatdrops and says, "Hey, at least help me act cool even if you know it. I just want to impress my friends in this town."

"Hmph, you wish," says Cricket as he walks away, leaving the pissed Buggy.

Anyway, they keep doing the sparring & training sessions for a month. Buggy also talks to Burton & Jimmy about the business plan at that time. They agree because they are too free nowadays, so they want to do some work.

Then after a month, the Clown Pirates continue their East Blue exploration. They go to a lot of islands and fight many Pirate crews, bounty hunters, or Marine squads. Everything goes well for them, until 2 months after they left Orange Town, a piece of shocking news comes.

Manba runs hastily from the infirmary, "CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN! YOUR WIFE IS PREGNANT!"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 329 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 340 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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