Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 285: Fishbaits

Chapter 285: Fishbaits

The Clown Pirates leave Wano with a big achievement on their hands. Buggy has decided on their next destination and it's not your average place. Their next destination is a Marine Base closest to Wano, which is 3 days away.

Buggy chooses to go to a Marine Base because he wants to do something big. They will show Marine & World Government what they've done on Wano. Things will become hectic after this, but it will be fun.

"Are you sure about this, Captain?" asks Deon.

"Of course, we need to warn them that they shouldn't mess with us. It's also a warning for other pirate crews or organizations. I know there are many that will go after us, but we will use them as our footholds as one of the strongest crew," says Buggy.

"Sigh, it will be troublesome, but what can I do? You're the Captain," says Cricket.

"Hahaha, just hold on for some months. Anyway, how much loot that we got, Dela?" asks Buggy.

"Hmm, for the valuables like treasures & money, we estimated their worth to be around 8 billion Belly after we split them with Wano Country. That makes us have a total of 13 billion Belly in our treasury. We also get a lot of valuable documents & research data that can't be measured with money," says Dela while reading her note.

"Good, that will be enough to fund our next big plan. We will shake the world with that much money," says Buggy while grinning.

Palu then approaches them while wiping his hands, "Captain, we're ready."

"Alright, let's get to work," says Buggy before walking to the main deck.

On the main deck is a very big ball of chopped body parts. Buggy has merged the bodies of Kaido, King, Queen, other Beasts Pirates' executives who are still alive, and the CP0 agents. Their heads aren't here, but being tied in the prison room inside the ship.

Buggy touches the giant meatball and splits it into millions of very small cubes. He even tries to split them even smaller into millimeters sized. It is a good chance to train his newly awakened devil fruit while playing.

After playing around for some minutes, he mixed matches them randomly and repeat the process tens of times until he is satisfied before shaping them into millions of 1 cm cubic cubes. Well, it's just the estimated size & shape that Buggy tried to make, not their accurate size.

"They look like cube-shaped fishbait," says Enel.

"It's a good thing that the kids are not here. They'll be horrified," says Mantis.

"Yeah, might as well kill these guys, this is worse than torture," says Deon.

Some of them are disgusted by the sight of these meat cubes while some are entertained and some feel indifferent. Brook even sings about these cube-shaped fishbaits while some people like Ruff play using them.

"Alright folks, throw the fishbaits," says Buggy while grinning evilly.

The Clowns then take the cubes and throw them to the sea. They don't throw them all at once but slowly to spread them nicely. Just like proper fishbaits, the cubes bait a lot of fish and get eaten by them.

"Damn, those fish eat some high-quality meat," says Enel.

Kaido & co can feel the fish eating their bodies. They are very strong, so it just feels ticklish, but it still feels unpleasant. Also, they feel weakened a little because their body parts get in contact with seawater.

"F*ck, what did that Clown bastard does to our bodies?" curses Queen.

The CP0 agents also get angry and one of them says, "I'll kill him and inflicts as much pain to him as possible. Just you wait, you Clown."

"Say that after you have your body back and get silent, you all. My ears are bleeding because of your blabbers," says Kaido while releasing his Conqueror Haki, making the others shut their mouths.

That Conqueror Haki also spread from Kaido's body parts, making the Clown Pirates' weaker members pass out. The fish that ate Kaido's body parts also pass out, so their number reduces. He is still a monster even when his body is chopped to pieces.

The ones who are still conscious help their crewmates. They stop throwing the cubes for now and rest. They will throw the cubes again later and tomorrow as well so that the cubes will spread nicely in the sea.

"We are like psychopaths," says Palu.

"Maybe we are," says Buggy.

"You're the one who made this happen though," says Cricket.

Just like what they've planned, they throw the cubes in a small amount every once in a while as they sail. Fish and even Seakings are eating the cubes. If they don't get eaten, then they'll sink to the bottom of the sea and will surely get eaten in the future.

No one will be able to find all the pieces because they'll spread all over New World, maybe even to other seas. It can be said that this is the end for Kaido & co even though they are still alive. This is a worse punishment than death.

3 days after leaving Wano, the Clown Pirates finally arrive at the closest Marine Base. Their arrival causes a big uproar in the base and all Marine soldiers come out. They all are ready to attack the Clown and wait for Black Pearl to get into range.

The Black Pearl enters the Marine's attack range and gets bombarded by attacks. But all those attacks get stopped by a shield of lightning on the left and a shield of ash on the right. Then the Clowns shoot their cannons for a few rounds, hitting all the Marine base's cannons.

All their shot hits the Marine's cannons, showing that their skills have improved. It's also supported by their upgraded cannons that have stronger power, better accuracy, and longer range. They could shoot earlier, but shooting from a longer range is difficult and only a few people can do it, so they only attack at normal range.

The Marine soldiers and officers get very wary now. They have contacted the Marine HQ but all of them doubt they'll survive before the reinforcement come. However, The Clowns don't have any intention to destroy this base or kill any Marine, unless they need to.

Buggy is now standing on the ship's front rail while holding a metal javelin. All the Marines look at him nervously as he raises the javelin. The reporters on the base are busy taking pictures of him because this will surely be a headline.

Suddenly, Buggy throws the javelin and it flies to the base. There are chains tied to the javelin and some round things are attached at the end of those chains. The javelin hit the base's fortress wall and pierces it quite deeply.

Everyone looks at it and they all widen their eyes when they see what is attached to the javelin. They all see Kaido's & co's heads hanging there like some key chains. They get even more surprised when the heads yell angrily at Buggy, showing that they are still alive.

"Oh my god, they are still alive. How's that possible?" asks a Marine Captain.

"That, isn't that Kaido of Hundred Beasts?!" says a reporter with a shocked tone.

Everyone who knows things in New World surely knows Kaido. He is a very infamous pirate of a big crew. People said that Kaido's crew will reach Whitebeard & Big Mom's level soon, but now his head is hanging here.

Now they all realize that The Clowns have defeated Beasts Pirates. None of them know this because Wano is a closed country without connection to the outside world. Well, the WG actually knew it already through their spies, but they didn't spread it yet because they want to hide their failed attempt to remove the Clowns.

But now the whole world will know it because there are CP0 agents among the key chains. A crew with less than 100 members defeated a crew with more than 10 thousand members. They also defeated CP0 agents on top of that.

This really becomes a worldwide headline the next day. It's an almost impossible feat, after all, and they show it with a BANG. People even start to say that The Clown Pirates have become a crew on par with Whitebeard & Big Mom Pirates now.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 309 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 320 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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