Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 284: Last Day on Wano

Chapter 284: Last Day on Wano

Buggy meets with the people that were detained in the submarine. They are gathered at the beach, surrounded by the Clowns who are keeping tabs on them. The submarine also can be seen in the water behind them.

There are 28 people there with different backgrounds. Pirates, rebels, soldiers, criminals, civilians, and even Marines. Their backgrounds make Buggy gets interested in them.

"Where's Deon?" asks Buggy.

"He & his team are inspecting the submarine now with Ruff & my team. Deon's team is looking for important documents while Ruff & my team are inspecting the ship's machinery," says Palu.

"Oh, that's good, they understand what to do. You can go too. I know you're itching to learn that submarine," says Buggy.

Palu smiles before he runs to the submarine.

"Tell Deon to finish it fast!" shouts Buggy to Palu.

Palu just raises his thumb before entering the submarine. Sometime later, Deon comes out of the submarine while carrying some papers. He walks to Buggy and then gives the stack of papers.

"I've read all of them and found something interesting. They came from different places & backgrounds but they have something in common. Either they went against the World Government or Celestial Dragons," says Deon.

"Hmm, Madison, 35 y.o, going against the order to become World Noble's possession, escaping with her lover and becoming pirates. I thought she is a civilian, so she is a pirate, and this baldie with the thick beard is her lover. Love Pirates, is it? Never heard of it," says Buggy.

"Well, these 2 are the only members in that crew," says Deon.

"Oho? That's impressive. They've escaped from World Government for 8 months just by themselves. Wait! I know someone who can escape for 20 years just by herself, so it's basically nothing. Well, it's still impressive for those without protagonist auras," says Buggy.

"Protagonist aura?" asks Deon.

"Uh, don't mind it. Anyway, these guys really have similar backgrounds. So there are 4 pirates, 1 civilian, 2 soldiers, 3 country rebels, 5 criminals of different types, and 3 Marine soldiers. What about the 2 agents?" asks Buggy.

"They are chained inside the submarine," says Deon.

"Alright, I'll take care of them later. Now, what should we do about these guys?" asks Buggy while grinning.

The captured people shiver when they see Buggy's grin. They don't know what he's thinking now but that grin seems evil.

"Don't make those faces, I won't eat you or chop your bodies. I actually have an offer for you guys," says Buggy.

The captured people look at each other and then a Marine man says, "What offer?"

Buggy grins again, "You know that we've just attacked 2 CP0 agents in the submarine, right? We've actually beaten the other agents first, that's why we know the submarine's location. Beating CP0 agents should've proved that we are WG's enemies and that we are strong. If that's not enough then I'll tell you that I've attacked a Celestial Dragon before."

The captured people get surprised and murmur among themselves.

"Then, let me tell you my offer. My offer is for you guys to join my crew. I offer my protection in exchange for your loyalties. How is it?" asks Buggy.

Now everyone gets surprised, including The Clowns. Sure, they need more people in their crew now, but they don't know these people's capabilities. Buggy also knows what they think so he explains his reason.

"These guys are wanted by the World Government to the point that they sent CP0. That means these guys know something or have dangerous skills, maybe," says Buggy.

Cricket sweatdrops and says, "So you're not sure about it."

"I just want to act cool. Anyway, you guys can accept it but you need to treat this as a trade. So you need to give me an equal exchange for my protection," says Buggy.

The 18 people then split into those who want to join The Clowns and those who won't. 15 want to join while 3 refuse. Surprisingly, the ones who refuse are criminals, not marines or soldiers of countries.

15 people who want to join tell Buggy what they can offer like their skills, knowledge, or even money. But offering money without useful skills is considered useless by Buggy. So he keeps interrogating them until they spill things that will be useful for him.

He smiles happily because they all can be useful for his crew. The Marine, Pirates, soldiers, & rebels surely have combat skills. They were just going against WG for various reasons, that's why they were captured.

But the civilians are actually scientists and the remaining 2 criminals are good at business. They aren't good at battles but their skills & knowledge are more needed by The Clowns. Buggy also has a future plan that will need their skills.

So he accepts the 15 of them and tells his crew to take care of their new crewmates. As for the 3 who refused, Buggy lets them go without asking anything. He even gives them a small ship and sends them out of Wano's border.

"I'm surprised that you sent them off easily and generously. You even gave them a ship," says Jude.

"Hey, I'm not a heartless man who will kill people just because they refuse to join my crew. Also, that ship is just something we took from Onigashima. The samurais don't want it and we don't need it, so might as well give it to the ones who need it. Besides, if they can cause more problems for World Government, then I don't really mind it," says Buggy.

"What if they become our enemies in the future?" asks Yamato.

Buggy & his crew is silent before they laugh, "That will be the dumbest thing they'll ever do, and also the last."

The Clowns return to Wano and that night, they have a big party with the people of Wano. It is so big that it looks more like a festival instead of a party. Oden makes the party very big to show that Wano is very grateful for The Clowns' help.

They all enjoy the night as they want. They drink, eat, dance, sing, fight, play games, cause trouble or even spend the night with local girls or men. All of them really do what they want but they know their limitations so it's still alright.

"Buggyjiro, what will you do after this?" asks Oden.

"I don't know. I would like to go back to East Blue but the World Government won't leave me alone for some time. So going there will just endanger those I want to meet. That's why I will stay in New World until the heat cools down," says Buggy.

"So what will you do in that time?" asks Oden.

"Well, maybe I'll annoy that old man to kill time," says Buggy.

"Ooh, Whitey-chan, huh? Tells him to come here sometime. Ah, and Redtaro too," says Oden.

"Sure, sure, after I beat the crap out of him," says Buggy.

Oden laughs and says, "You guys are always like that, aren't you?"

Anyway, the party keeps going on for the whole night. Everyone enjoys the night fully without holding themselves back. The Clowns will leave tomorrow, after all, so they all want to make this night memorable.

The next day, most of them are wasted, but they still need to move. They all are preparing for The Clowns' departure and gather on the beach. The Black Pearl has been filled with supplies and other things.

Buggy then bids farewell to the people of Wano but then some people run and kneel in front of him. They are Ronins who lost their limbs in the war and were given prosthetics by Ruff. These Ronins want to follow Buggy and serve him as their new lord.

"Are you sure?" asks Buggy.

"Yes!" they all answer firmly.

Buggy smiles and accepts them after seeing Oden nod. The Clown Pirates get a lot of new members on Wano. Now, the number of their crew members is 107 including Buggy & the executives.

The Clowns get on their ship and Buggy gives his order, "Alright, set the sail!"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 308 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 319 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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