The Sage of Einar

Chapter 266 - The Influence Of The Norse Kingdom

In one of the finest taverns in the center of Carcol, a group of Jewish and Anglo-Saxon merchants were enjoying an expensive new green drink.

"According to the head of the city, it was an alcoholic drink, especially bought to a group of pagans from the north.

Not only that, but my spies have found out about the recent auctions that have occurred during this time.

In those auctions a lot of extravagant materials were sold, that should belong to the same place where this drink comes from. "

A Jewish merchant who was listening to the conversation of the two merchants only smiled as he drank some herbal liqueur.

'Your spies have informed you well, however, they will not be able to advance further in their investigations, as the most advanced information is considered a state secret.

Unfortunately, that only applies to you, since I got the information before it became secret. '

After finishing his herbal liquor, he put the gold coin on the table and began to walk towards the port, having everything prepared to travel north before the son of the city of Carcol did.

On his ships he had more than 2000 slaves and different things to sell, all sponsored by a southern Anglo-Saxon kingdom that sought to start a trade route with the pagans.

For their tacit agreement, they were not interested in where the goods came from, only their use, as was the white and refined salt which became an obligatory necessity on the tables of the nobles and kings.

They were not interested in paying the high costs of a salt that was not bitter, because that alone changed the taste of the food.

In a world where things were limited, if something could improve the taste of food, it was a necessity.

When he arrived at the port, he met his Byzantine eunuch slave "Bardas, I want you to check the crew one last time.

This route must be kept secret for as long as possible in order to get more income, so I don't want any failures. "

Bardas simply nodded and began to do his job.

When the Jewish merchant saw his slave leave, he got on his ship and began to check the papyri, since he wanted to check his merchandise before the trip.

It was a way he had to ensure that his products were in order and that no one dared to steal his merchandise.

Since many times, the ant theft was more damaging than the theft of complete merchandise.

While this was happening in the city of Carcol, in Dublin, Vilhelm returned in triumph, taking with him a large quantity of his son-in-law's commercial goods.

At the port he was received as a true hero by his warriors, because he did it sitting on a throne that could float only using chains.

For a traditional Viking society where things had to be shown, to see their leader sitting on a throne that floated using only ropes.

It was a sign that his journey had been successful and that he had most likely encountered a miracle from Odin himself.

As the slaves put things down, a group of warriors under their leader's throne were extremely careful to avoid undoing the miracle.

Fortunately, the herald Einar had taught them how to do it, so they were able to reach the battlement tower in the city of Dublin without problems.

On the way, the slaves who were the old residents of the city looked in horror at the miracle that the Vikings were carrying out.

It was something that defied God, so every time they saw the throne they would bend down and pray, hoping that God would punish them for their daring.

Vilhelm, who was looking at this, could only smile as he remembered Einar's words.

Before, he would have killed those slaves for quitting his job, but he was sure that after they were sent to his son-in-law.

They would become people who would gladly work while keeping slaves.

When everyone reached the battlement tower, Vilhelm gathered all his advisers as he sat on his floating throne.

All his ministers only gulped, not understanding how the throne could float only using chains.

But also another thing that alarmed them was the fact that the missionary and Princess Laisa were not there, so they could intuit that it might have something to do with that throne.

"I'm glad everyone is together. I have three important things to report. The first is that my daughter Laisa found the best man there can be.

He is intelligent; he is a leader, and he is the herald of God Odin himself just as he is the messiah of the Christians.

His name is Einar, and he is my son, so he will take my place when I leave this earthly world and enter Valhalla.

I hope you respect my decision. As for the missionary, his destiny was to end up in the sea with the fish. During the outward journey a slave managed to throw him into the water, for which he died.

There should be no more questions on the matter, of course. "

All the ministers nodded in fear because they knew that asking too much could cost them their heads.

"The last matter has to do with the willingness to make war. I want you to prepare the militias and engineers because my warriors will initiate a series of conquests against the Christian kingdoms of this place."

One of the ministers gulped, "But Jarl, the treasure chest is almost empty as we will pay the troops."

Vilhelm smiled and tossed the minister a leather bag containing refined white salt.

"I want you to gather the merchants from all my lands. Tell them that for their gold they will receive products like these.

On this island, only I can trade with my son-in-law if someone dares to sell these goods without my permission will be punished. "

The minister opened the bag of salt and could see a white powder that looked like sea sand. When tasting it he realized that it was a salt completely free of bitterness.

Turning his head, he looked at Jarl Vilhelm "Jarl, this salt can pay for our war campaigns we could even ask in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms for more engineers.

But buy this salt is cheap for you? "

Vilhelm laughed and showed a big happy face "Haha, you are wrong, I get completely free as long as I can bring slaves to my son-in-law.

He needs labor and food as well as animals, all that we will gain by conquering the Christian kingdoms of this place.

Either way, if at any point the situation gets out of control, we can always ask Einar for help.

He will not hesitate to send his weapons and warriors to fight against our enemies, but for the moment prepare everything and have one of my servants bring some liquor.

While the welcoming banquet is being prepared. "

While this was happening in Dublin in the Faroe Islands, Kalevi was talking to the tribal leader Jarl Mikkel.

"We have to increase our attacks on all the coasts of the Christian kingdoms on the great island. If we want to continue receiving these items is the only way.

For our fortune, Jarl Sven and his son need only food, animals, and slaves.

All these things we can get and we can always trade with them, unlike any other trader.

We are relatively close, we just need you to let the Vikings do their job. "

Mikkel looked at young Kalevi before smiling "I can accept that condition, but you must know that I want a quarter of all the purchased material.

Half will be shared between the troops, and you will get the other quarter. I think that's a fair deal. "

Kalevi, who could not refuse, only forced a smile "On behalf of my father we accept the deal but we have to start getting slaves so that in December we can send an expedition.

Although the sea does not freeze like our ancestral lands, there will always be large blocks of ice that can cause damage. "

Mikkel nodded "You will have to prepare food for the trips back and forth. Remember to wash the bodies of slaves and animals using the soap that Jarl Sven gave you.

If they want clean slaves, we have to give them clean slaves free of parasites and dirt.

Also remember to set aside the most beautiful women for our warriors. We have to increase our population to keep raiding the Christian kingdoms.

Now get out of the great hall. I plan to spend time with my concubines. "

Kalevi walked out of the great hall and squeezed his hand hatefully, knowing she would lose some gold in the deal she made.

But even with that, he was willing to make the deal because the profits he would obtain would be enough to recover his investment.

In addition, he agreed to distribute the goods in a fair and balanced way so that he could always choose the best for himself and his family.

If any warrior wanted to buy, he should simply be able to pay the right price, since as a merchant profits come first.

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