The Sage of Einar

Chapter 265 - Konungar Einar's First Speech

When Einar had his two scepters in his hands, he rose from his throne and began to walk to the front of the platform.

On his left side were his father-in-law and Aila as representatives of the religion, while on his right side was his father as the highest ranking person in the kingdom.

When Einar came to the front of the crowd, the music fell silent, leaving a completely silent environment.

"Today, August 9, 8301, is an important day in the history of our nation.

The birth of the Nordic kingdom of Iceland is commemorated from this day. I want everyone to know that as king.

I will do my best to bring a stable and peaceful life to all of us, although I want you to know that although I will work hard to achieve that goal.

The enemies of our nation will only grow day by day, this because our growth will attract the eyes of the Vikings.

How the Christian nations because they will mark our religion as dangerous, why their church will not accept that we are independent from the city of Rome.

I want you to know that no matter what enemy comes to our nation, we will fight to the last drop of blood in order to bring peace to our families.

We are all Nordic, our land is our bastion that we have to defend against any enemy attack.

As king I am also committed to reforming the government to create a truly bureaucratic state with separation of powers.

You may not understand my words at this moment, but in the future I can assure you that no one in the world will have a government like ours.

We will be the creators and pioneers of democracy in this world full of monarchs who destroy only their kingdoms out of ambition.

I will not eat if my people are hungry, because the leader always has to set the example.

Being king means that I have to take care of all of you. It is the obligation of power.

Christian kings and nobles forget that they must work for the welfare of their people, but that they receive in return the peoples they rule.

Only slavery and decrees that destroy the lives of people, many of the slaves who came to our nation.

They were sold and treated as garbage by who was supposed to take care of them; the people put and the people take away.

If the kingdoms of the world are afraid of our nation, it is because we will shake its foundations; they believe that with religion they will be able to control their people.

I can tell you that they can believe their own lies, but all of us will see as time goes by that our ideology is the one that will dominate the world of the future.

While Europe lives in darkness, we Nordics will study and be free, while the people of Europe starve.

Our stomachs will be full and our fields full of seeds, while the people of Europe live among their own excrement.

We will enjoy soap and hot baths to avoid illness.

We Nordic people we will live without being prey to fear, each of us if we work hard can grow to be someone in life.

In the European kingdoms if you are born a slave you will die a slave, if you are a farmer you will stay as a farmer, if the nobleman cannot pay his stupid expenses you as a commoner will have no opinion and you will only be able to see how everything you love is taken away.

But we Nordics, with the help of the royal family, will create the first document in the world that will guarantee the rights of all of us.

If you become a slave, you can work to become a warrior or an important administrator of the kingdom.

You can even become noble each one of you, nobility is a reward for merit, if you show that you can do great things you can become noble.

But I want you to know that being noble does not mean that you will have large lands and slaves in your name, those backward ideas that stay in Europe.

Being noble means a prestigious status, the power to raise your face with pride and show off the title you have won.

You will have the right to a large property where you can found a mansion, palace or castle for your own family.

But always respecting the Nordic right to freedom and free will.

With the rights of all of you will also come the obligations, men and women of 16 years will have to participate in the army for 2 years.

It will be a compulsory and paid service, where they will learn how to defend the homeland from any attack.

Young people will also learn subjects with which they will improve their knowledge of the world and science.

When the compulsory military service is over, they will be able to choose whether they want to study at the military university or a civil university.

As Nordics, we will all have an obligation to attend school and we will have the right that it be free and of quality.

When they finish the civil university, they will be able to work in whatever they want while there are vacancies. If there are not, the state agrees to provide them with a job.

If they finish military university, they will have a rank in the army and if they advance in the army, they will be able to have a uniform like mine.

Serving in the military is the greatest honor you can have, as you will have a sacred duty to protect your land and your families.

All this will be recorded in a book that will be distributed free of charge to each family, so that you always remember your rights and obligations.

The constitution will be the pillar of our nation, democracy will be the pillar of our administration while the royal family will be the spiritual pillar of our nation.

I can promise to all of you and the gods that every man or woman in the royal family who holds the position of king or queen will have to go through mandatory military service.

They will have to know their people and they will have to live around the people, us as the family chosen by Odin and by God, our lord.

They must always be in contact with the real needs of all its inhabitants. The royal family will never spend the nation's money because it would be violating the sacred mission it has.

Never any member of royalty should violate the laws that are made, nor should they steal from their citizens.

The pillar of democracy and freedom is to guarantee the laws and properties of each one of you.

Private property is inviolable and sacred, just like our nation.

Tell me now, citizens of the kingdom, what we are. "

Everyone, regardless of whether they were slaves, children, or warriors, screamed at the same time.

"We are Nordic!"

Einar then gave the order for the national anthem to be played, while the national flag was raised on a wooden pole behind the platform.

Hearing everyone's voice loudly singing the hymn created a fanaticism in everyone's minds. Due to this the few differences that Christian slaves had with Norse slaves disappeared.

Before the King and Konungar Einar, they were all part of a large family that would take care of them, even the children, who could feel the pride of belonging to the Nordic nation.

They couldn't stop crying. Many of them had grown up and born slaves, but now they were free and had a sense of belonging.

Which was greater than any religion because they did not feel that their home was in conflict with their beliefs.

Without anyone present noticing, that day the first patriots were born who were willing to work and die for that cold land.

That day the first nation in the world was born, whose ideas were advanced by thousands of years.

No king or religion could compete against the fanaticism and love of each and every citizen of the Nordic Kingdom of Iceland.

Anyone who joined from that day on would end up developing a sense of belonging that would end up integrating them into that nation.

At the festival that followed after that speech, everyone enjoyed the party, food, music, and alcohol as a united family.

In the annals of history this day would be debated among different historians and philosophers of the moment, mainly for the idea that Einar creates in a time of darkness.

In the midnight when Einar was taking off his clothes because he was thinking of sleeping with his wives, he could feel Kassia's soft arms around his neck.

"You were fantastic tonight. Your words could create a very deep sense of belonging in me. That is what you called the most dangerous weapon for religion."

Einar turned his head and kissed his wife's soft pink lips "The creation of a nation and of nationalism or patriotism will always overcome any religion.

It does not matter if it is a religion that advocates supremacy or to coexist with other religions, religion is only a spiritual relief that tries to answer the oldest question of humanity.

What is there after death?

But feeling a sense of belonging will always be superior because of where you live, what you do and why you do it.

These are questions that you always ask yourself. It is something you cannot escape from. As human beings, we evolve to work in society.

The Nation is a union of interests to be able to grow together, as long as the population has a way of leaving its origin and being able to advance in society.

The sense of belonging will be greater. It is not something that I can explain in such a short time, but what I am doing is creating the foundations of a new world.

After the conquest of the British island, we will stop entering the troubled Europe and we will put our eyes completely on the rich land of America.

But as we do this, the world around us will begin to change, a time of revolutions and rebellions is approaching.

Being pioneers, we decide what the ultimate goal of the world should be. "

Was a mistake in last chapters tha show 836, the year its 830

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