The Sage of Einar

Chapter 185 - The End Of Germanicus

Germanicus, who was fleeing on his horse along with his faithful knights, decided not to turn around in order to see the chaos in his army.

"When we get to the border with the duchy, you will have to send some messengers so that the dukes and counts prepare their armies to defend themselves.

While I prepare a new army to be able to expel all the damned traitors who are going to start attacking at the hand of my sister and Duke Gautier.

Although we have lost this battle, we haven't lost the war; we have to recover to be able to return with our heads held high, first, we destroy my sister and the duke, then we destroy the duchy.

Finally, we simply start our way to the capital, hoping to take it from my brother's hands if he has already conquered it. "

After saying those words, Germanicus kept riding through that road without stopping and it was not until at night that his horse began to release a white foam from its mouth.

So they had to stop because if he did not do it on the horse he could die once they stopped they decided to spend the night in that place.

Germanicus who was sitting on a rock watched as all his knights were setting up the tents and preparing a fire to spend the night.

'Stupid bastard sister, I'm going to promise you that I'll make you suffer enough so that you never forget the betrayal you did to me.


But don't worry, my revenge will be as fast as possible and no one will defend you sister, anyway I want to see your face when you have to ... '

Germanicus stopped his thoughts when he could hear a noise coming from some nearby trees. This not only alarmed him, but the knights drew their swords and began to protect Germanicus.

Well, they did not know what was going to come out of the forest. After a few seconds, they seemed eternal to you an arrow flew out and ended the life of one of the knights.

At that moment some screams could be heard and numerous dirty men began to emerge from among the trees, but armed with different weapons.

The knights quickly tried to do everything possible to be able to rescue Germanicus, but it was all useless because the horses were extremely tired, so it was not possible to use them without mentioning that they were outnumbered.

After a confrontation that lasted a few minutes, all the knights ended up being killed, leaving only poor Germanicus in a fetal position while he watched his attackers with fear.

No one approached him until a man with an eye patch and rusty armor came out of the trees.

"But who do we have on the ground crying like a helpless child..."

The man began to walk and when he saw Germanicus's face the smile on his face turned into a face of hatred.

"So is Germanicus himself in front of me crying like a bitch, who would say that God would allow me to have you in front of me, you fucking son of a bitch.

You know when my wife and children were killed in front of my eyes, all because of an order that you gave, I felt that something died inside of me.

But far from wanting to die, something motivated me to gather all those people who have hurt them, to be able to form a group of bandits large enough to be able to harm your army.

I am glad to know that everything I have done has a great ending and I thank God who I thought had abandoned me for allowing me to have my revenge. "

The man at that moment turned and clasped his hands while looking at the sky. This lasted for a few seconds before the tranquility was interrupted by Germanicus who spoke with fear.

"Damn… you bastard, if you don't let me go… it will be very bad for you… then my father will avenge me or the nobles will."

After hearing those words, the man just started laughing and held his stomach because the laughter was too much.

"But what the hell are you talking about, in case you didn't know, you rebelled against your father and are currently an enemy of the empire.

Your brothers are going to avenge your death, hahaha.

He should know better than anyone that none of your bastard brothers is going to defend you because your death serves him more than keeping you alive.

As for the nobles, I very much doubt that they will help you because the news I heard a few hours ago that your army was completely destroyed is true.

You will be completely alone like a dog and see absolutely no one who can defend you because who wants to have a stupid leader as an emperor.

As I have already told you, you are better off dead or commissioned to do, but first, you will suffer a lot of pain.

Just so you know, my wife screamed from morning until noon when they finished raping her, as did my daughters.

I am going to make you cry all damn day and I am not going to let you rest. Dying by my own hand is based on this forest. "

When he finished saying those words, the man walked towards Germanicus and kicked him in the head, causing him to lose consciousness.

When Germanicus woke up, he felt like his head was spinning, but he couldn't feel anything else because his whole body seemed to be numb.

So it was not until he turned his head that he could see how his left hand was completely purple because it was tied to a rope that seemed to hold him.

With some fear, he turned his head towards his feet and he could see how they were completely purple because they were tied in the same way as his hands.

Already feeling a real panic, he tried to move, but it was completely useless and the only thing that caused the numbness to turn into a pain that made him scream.

Hearing the screams coming from Germanicus, the one-eyed man walked towards where the son of Emperor Ludovico was tied up.

"Go it seems that you have woken up Germanicus, you are enjoying the torture I did to you because it was something complicated to do.

Because I had to remember how they made the army when a monk ordered it against the pagans of the east, but I will explain a little about how this torture works.

First, your hands and feet are tied with ropes, with the intention that your body has been supported only by those four ropes.

Later, because the ropes are holding all your weight, your hands will no longer get blood, so they will turn completely purple.

From what I can see, your purple limbs are not going to be functional anymore and that is why they are hurting a lot, but don't worry, the pain will only last until your body wants it.

After the pain, who will not feel that you have a limb, so we could say that you have been completely crippled.

But as I told you, Germanicus, this is only the beginning, each part of your body will pay for what they did to my family and all the families of those who are accompanying me!

I hope that with this pain you are feeling you can try to stay sane as it is only the beginning of your torture.

What follows is to castrate you without using anesthesia to later use you as a container of our lust, it is the least we can do to compensate for the damage you did.

If it survives in the end, we will decapitate you and burn your body so that it does not have a sacred burial, in this way I am sure that you will suffer in hell like the miserable rat that you are.

So keep screaming Germanicus, for your martyrdom is just beginning. "

After this Germanic continued screaming for hours and hours until his throat was injured to the point of coughing up blood so he could only make noises of pain that no one could hear.

While this was happening somewhere in the forest, on the battlefield, Gautier and Adelaide were watching as the soldiers began to burn the corpses of the traitors.

Making large piles of wood where the corpses were thrown to be consumed in the fire and although the aroma was too horrible, everyone endured it.

"What will we do after burning these corpses, Gautier?"

Gautier who was drinking a mug of beer sighed "First I will leave my son Aubin in charge of the duchy, for this we will have to occupy the army to eliminate the bands of bandits that are in the duchy.

After cleaning up educated bandits, we will advance fearlessly towards your brother's lands where we will begin a city-by-city capture until we reach the capital of his fiefdom where he will surely be hiding.

Although the ideal would be to assassinate or capture him, as that would bring too much pressure on the rebels since they would lose their exchange letter to be able to negotiate his surrender.

But anyway, we'll have to wait in my duchy for a week while we completely clean it of the bandits.

For they are a real danger if not controlled now, as they can attack our supply lines causing us to lose valuable war material.

Anyway, now we can only wait princess. "

Adelaide stretched out her hands and looked up at the sky where she could see the black smoke covering it.

'So many deaths just because of the lust for power, brother, you are a real idiot.'

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