The Sage of Einar

Chapter 184 - Germanicus The Commander

At noon two armies were meeting face to face on a great plain that was surrounded by a forest.


Germanicus who was sitting on his horse looked proudly at his army and pointed at his sister's army with his finger.


"I want the army that my father brought to defeat us, it is composed mainly of bandits and other scum from the north, they must remember that we have to win this battle because their leader is my bastard sister.


She must have said something to my sick father which brainwashed him into believing her words because it is not possible that a bastard can have an army by herself.


In addition, my father is also sick in his head since as you have heard, he has destroyed the cities he has conquered. Poor Duke Hippolyte died at his hands like many other good men.


So we have the moral work and with God to end the bad reign, which is doing very father before it worsens and also to depose my brothers who have risen up intending to steal what belongs to me.


But first one step at a time, so today my soldiers get ready because we will finish off my stupid sister and the traitorous Duke Hippolyte.


May God be with our army! "


After finishing saying those words, Germanicus' army began to shout with joy and raised their hands as a sign that they believed in victory.


For its part, Gautier's army remained calm and only prepared their weapons as they were sure they would win because Duke Gautier was an excellent commander.


Seeing that Gautier's army was not afraid, Germanicus only frowned for a moment before raising his hand and giving the order to begin the attack.


For this, the archers came out from among the soldiers and began to order themselves to be able to shoot their arrows, for its part Gautier's army gave the order that the cavalry split into two while attacking the flanks.


He also ordered the army to prepare its shields and advance while the archers followed them from behind, in this way when the soldiers reach where the enemy archers were.


There would be enough time to be able to initiate an attack of arrows against all of them and because the cavalry would be attacking them from the flanks, the Germanic army would be quite busy, and perhaps they would lose the battle.


Either way, this strategy was one of many that Gautier had been using and perfecting over the years, unlike Germanicus, who was just an inexperienced young man.


Seeing the strange, very well touch Gautier's army was performing, Germanicus was stunned for a moment and let his commanders handle the counterattack.


'Perhaps I do not know what I am doing with this army but my commanders I am sure they will know how to do something correctly, otherwise, they will only be useless and if we lose the battle, I will be in charge of punishing their families.


Because of the stain of defeat, but I think that's getting ahead of a result that I'm sure won't happen. '


As the soldiers advanced making the wall of shields avoiding the hundreds of arrows that Germanicus' archers were firing, the cavalry began to instigate the flanks.


Causing many casualties among the enemy as the cavalry had javelins in their hands, which were used to kill as many enemy soldiers as they could.


For her part, Adelaide, who was entering the forest with an army of more than 4000 soldiers, looked at Guido with some nervousness.


"Guido, do you think the troops we are leading through the Forest are enough to win the battle against my brother."


Guido who was riding gave the princess a smile and laughed a little "Your brother is too trusting with the great army he has, unfortunately, he has no training except for the little or no training that I was able to learn from your father.


But it really is very possible that he will lose the battle, mainly for three very important reasons.


The first is that he is too trusting and has too high an ego so most likely he thinks that Gautier and you are stupid and that he because he is one of the children who is supposedly going to inherit your father's empire, is superior to everyone.


The second reason is that he is in control of his army and I am sure that although from the axis of functions the important actions that could generate a victory will not be taken by him, because he has no experience of any kind.


Last but not least is that Gautier is one of the most powerful commanders within the empire, he has an infinity of knowledge due to the constant battles the ark has been participating in since he was a child.


Even at the time, your grandfather had a fairly high reputation, that is why your brother is going to lose, we princess are only responsible for preventing your brother from escaping.


But changing the subject Bastian a bit, you know how long until you reach the designated point in the rear of the army. "


Bastian who was in front of them on his horse turned his head and looked seriously at Adelaide and Guido.


"We are quite close, but since we have to make a detour to avoid being seen through the forest, it will take a little time.


But I am completely sure that we will arrive in time to attack Germanicus' army from the rear, we just have to keep walking through the forest.


When we arrive, it will be completely up to you to initiate the attack, I for my part will help as much as possible but I am just one more soldier. "


Adelaide sighed and stroked her horse "You are more than a Bastian soldier since you are helping us get to the right point to be able to give a big blow my brother.


Your participation will be well rewarded, that I can assure you. "


While this was happening in the Forest, the situation on the battlefield was quite chaotic, as the soldiers had started a massacre against the unsuspecting archers.


Also, the cavalry was doing great damage to the flanks of Germanicus' army, because due to the constant javelin throws someone killed too many soldiers.


For the javelins in most cases pierced the shields of the soldiers, causing them to silence the wounded on the ground, where they would be easy prey for the cavalry.


Germanicus, seeing that the situation did not favor him, gave the order that the soldiers advance, thus preventing the archers from escaping, leaving them completely at the mercy of the enemy or their own allies.


The archers, seeing that their leader had betrayed them because they were left in the middle of two possible enemies, decided to start a rebellion against the army, so they left their bows and decided to try to open a way to escape.


Gautier seeing what is happening with the enemy archers simply smiled and ordered his archers to fire their bows at the enemies as it was the right time to kill them more than they could.


The shields of the soldiers were being used to protect themselves from the attacks that the archers were making against them.


The archers upon receiving the order from the duke quickly raised their bows to the sky and began to shoot their arrows as fast as they could. The arrows flew out and began to create a real massacre for the soldiers and archers who were completely unprotected.


This situation was too sudden, so the casualties were quite high at the beginning, which was taken advantage of by the soldiers who began to advance with their shields, killing most of the archers who were there.


When the first soldiers were about to arrive with the first line of enemy soldiers, the arrows stopped at that moment to avoid firing at their allies.


Germanicus upon seeing the great damage that was occurring in his army became desperate enough for him to give the order for everyone to attack regardless of the formations.


This would be their undoing as it was immediately taken advantage of by Gautier, who, giving an order to his cavalry, began with an attack entirely on their flanks.


The soldiers who were no longer in formation were unable to stop the stampede of the horses against them, so the flanks were simply lost in a matter of minutes.


Germanicus at that moment clenched his fist with irá and began to shout "You are all a ball of idiots how is it possible that you have not been able to stop an army that is clearly inferior to yours.


They are a disgrace for me as the future emperor, so they must now fight with all their might to try to counter this blow because otherwise, I will be in charge of judging their families for treason.


I want you to remember ... "


Germanicus fell silent at that moment because he heard the noise of a war horn coming from the forest, so when he turned his head he could see an army still coming out of the trees.


Feeling for the first time a great situation of helplessness and fear, Germanicus screamed and glared at his sister before he ordered his cavalry to abandon the army.


For he clearly knew that he had lost that battle, so he had to escape and get to his fiefdom as quickly as possible to be able to prepare a few more soldiers to defend himself from the possible attack that his sister would make in the future.


It was at that moment that Germanicus' army entered a true state of chaos, as they no longer had a guide, so they all tried to escape to avoid the fate of being assassinated or captured.


Gautier and Adelaide only formed a smile on their faces as they knew that the end of Germanicus was near.

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