The Immortal Player

Chapter 247: Aldo and the Advance Force 2!

Chapter 247: Aldo and the Advance Force 2!

"Now How are we going to proceed?" Aldo asked himself with a frown on his face. But in front of him, the players were still busy discussing among each other the contents of the game's update. Thus, Aldo got a chance to skip the line and head straight towards the Village Soldiers who were guarding the designated entrance leading to the Village Shop, Village Chief's Office, and the Village's Original Residence Area.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lony and Rovaltogether with the rest of the Advance Force 2, were attentive and focused in carrying out their mission, especially right after Pedro and the Advance Force 1 left. Thus, they simply followed behind Aldowhom they know was utilizing that momentary chaos to skip ahead of the players that were falling in line and get a chance to talk to the Village Soldiers on guard.

However, before he was able to reach the village soldiers, a man was able to notice the presence of the three demi-humans with themconsequently making him notice Aldo and the rest trying to go past everyone and approach the core area of the village.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Where do you think you guys are going?" The man cried loudly to the point that it was able to attract the familiar old man's attention! Well Familiar to Pedro.

The white-haired old man noticed the demi-humans behind Aldo and his group before his eyes landed on a very familiar figure. His eyes widened as he unconsciously took a step back and said, "I-Impossible!"

This, in turn, made Aldo and everyone else glance towards him because of his unusual reaction after learning about their presence. Then, after almost a minute of staring towards the white-haired old man, Aldo could not help but rub the back of his head and ask, "Do I know you"

However, just right before he finished his question, Aks charged towards the old man without a second thought. His fists were tightly clenched while the nerves on his hands seemed like it was about to burst. Then, in the next second, Aks arrived in front of the old man with his fist aimed towards his head.

"YOU BASTAAARD!" Aks howled in anger as his fist landed on the old man's face.

Aks' punch was so strong to the point that his fist got embedded half an inch deep into the old man's face. That said, the old man felt the intense pain because of Aks' punch before he completely lost his consciousness.

Aldo, on the other hand, could not help but simply watch Aks tackle the old man into the ground and pound his head with his fist, continuously, despite the fact that the old man had already lost his consciousness.

"THIS IS FOR ANTONIO! THIS FOR THIS IS FOR THIS IS FOR..." Aks kept crying names of the former residents of the Kagat Villagewho were killed by the United Asian Force and Werewolf Tam.

At this moment, everyone could only watch Aks smash the head of the old man. The murderous intent of Aks was so strong to the point that no one around them could even move a muscle as he brutally smashed the old man's head into a paste. Yes Not even the Axutar Village's Soldierswho were standing just a few meters from them.

Soon, Aks had seemingly said all the names of the NPCs who died in the hands of the United Asian Force. That said, Aks seemed like he was not yet satisfied for punching the old man to his death. Fortunately, at this moment, he was able to, at the least, get back some sense to himself and remember that they have an important task at hand.

A task that would ensure that no other stronghold would suffer the same fate that the Axutar Village did from the Mismanaged Adventurers. So, to avoid complicating things any further, Aks lifted his right fist and clenched it as tight as he can. Then, he sent his last punch to the old man's face while saying, "BASTARD XORAN! THIS IS FOR KAGAT VILLAGE!"

With a splat, Xoran's second-created character's head was mushed into the groundremoving any chance for him to recover or live after that. Consequently, the stink of blood, together with the gore scene, was too realistic to the point that some of the players could not help but vomit at that instant.

As for the other players, they could not help but simply watch Aks sigh and stood with blood covering his fists. They did not dare to make another move because they might be the next victim of the huge man in front of themwhom they can compare to a wild bear in the wild.

On the other hand, Aldo simply sighed in response as he approached Aks whilst taking out spare clothes that were looted from the corpse of the players that died during the war in the west. Then, he gave it to Aks and said, "Clean up! We still have a lot of work to do! You don't want Captain to come back just after he left, right?"

Aks simply took the clothes in response and cleaned the blood on his hands while saying, "I know, young man You don't need to tell me!"

Aldo simply ignored what Aks saidas if he did not hear it, and simply averted his gaze towards the Village Soldiers guarding a small entrance. Then, he said, "Let's go!"

Lony, Roval, Yuson, the demi-human slaves, and the human slaves had casually followed after Aldo as if nothing had happened. Well It's not because they were simply cold-blooded humans It was just that Lony, Roval, and Yuson even know personally the fate that the Kagat Village had suffered.

And after hearing from Aksone of the only two survivors from the Kagat Village, that the perpetrator was the said old man, Xoran They could not care less for the old man's well-being. In fact They even sympathize with Aks and was glad that he was able to, at the least, give justice to what had happened to the Kagat Village.

That said, they were currently the image of the Adventurer's Guild that Pedro had established. So, they can't just publicly show their satisfaction, even if they think that Aks' actions were a justifiable act. Fortunately, they were not the leader of their group, so they can just casually follow behind Aldo.

On the other hand, Aks picked up Xoran's Newbie Sword after cleaning his hands. It is probably a trophy of some sort that he wanted to keep as a sign that he was able to defeat one of the perpetrators why the Kagat Village was destroyed.

Then, he simply followed behind Aldo as if nothing happened. At this moment, the players working under Xoran started to flee, one by one, away from that area. This, consequently, made the other players run away from that area in response.

A few seconds later, Aldo and the rest of the Advance Force 2 arrived in front of the two village soldiers. Their faces wore a frown as they stare towards Aldo and his group. That said, the sweat dripping in their face had given away the fact that they were anxious or troubled by their presenceeither they are afraid of Aldo and everyone else with him, or they see them as a potential threat to their village.

Unfortunately, it was their duty to guard that entry point to the villageto limit the people going in and out of the isolated important establishments in the village. So, they had no choice but to confront Aldo and his group, whether they were a threat or not.

"What business do you have with the Axutar Village?" One of the village soldiers asked coldly.

At this moment, Aldo pulled out a badge from his inventory bag and showed it to the Village Soldiers. Then, he said, "I am Faith, an adventurer! I came here under the orders of Captain Aron to meet with the Village Chief and discuss cooperation regarding the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild's Branch. If you still have questions Let me remind you that the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild's Branch is a mandatory order as ordered by Duke Ersi Ester of the Tarala Kingdom! If you dare delay our entry and even hide the Village Chief from us, then consider the whole force of the Tarala Kingdom as your enemy!"

The other younger-looking village soldier could not help but force out a smile in response. His body was slightly tremblingprobably out of fear from the man right in front of him. Besides the brute strength of Aks, they did not expect that the status of this group of adventurers would be that high.

"T-Then Forgive us, young master! B-But, the village chief ordered us not to let anyone enter unless g-given an entry badge that was issued by the adventurer's management!" The young-looking village saidbarely able to finish his words out of fear.

"So It would be that way" Aldo said with a troubled expression. Unlike Pedro, Aldo was not that good in negotiations. He was more of a straightforward personthe reason why he only has Pedro as his friend in real life. It was not like he was hated or anything but it just hits a bit awkward to people when you say some things that should not be said straightforward, and it would just feel not right if it even happened as if it was normal.

That said, right after he said his last word, the other village soldier faked a cough and said, "I hope that you would understand us because we are just doing as ordered! However, if you really need to have a talk to the village chiefconsidering the village chief's badge in your hands, I could ask someone to go inside and inform the village chief, himself, about your presence. Would that be alright?"

Aldo could only rub the back of his head and sighed. Then, he said, "I guess you could do that. After all We are not here to fight, but to talk!"

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