The Immortal Player

Chapter 246: The Official Launch Update!

Chapter 246: The Official Launch Update!

There were few tentswhere the players/adventurers line up to obtain a wooden badge that would become their ticket into the village. That said, unlike the well-organized registration area that Pedro established on the Adventurer's Guild at the Tarala Kingdom, the few tents only served as a ticket booth.

There was no inquiry nor recording of personal information being done, making the management of the people entering the village ineffective. That said, Pedro knew that although their method of management was lacking, it was still something better than just casually allowing adventurers to roam around on important establishments in the village.

Truth be told, the case of other villages was way far worst than what is happening in the Axutar Village. It was only thanks to Neerak Axutar's early establishment of a management team was the Axutar Village able to restrict the entry on some vital establishments in the village.

That said, it does not mean that the current situation of the Axutar Village was good. They were barely able to control and manage the crowd, but it does not mean that things won't slip out of their control. 

Besides... Unlike the Adventurer's Guild, the Axutar Village's Management Team was not issuing quests to help relieve the threats posed by the monsters. So, their military was, in fact, being used to its very limits.

That is why if another band of adventurers wanted to revolt and take over the control of the village, doing so would be easy considering the current situation of the village. Something that Pedro wanted to avoid and was against because he knew that it would only cause unnecessary casualties on the NPCs' end. 

That was the reason why establishing the Adventurer's Guild across the continent was important. Not only does it provide benefits to Pedro and his men, but it also ensures proper management and development of players while preventing conflict between players and NPCs.

Well... The Adventurer's Guild provides a lot of positive notes and solves a lot of issues, problems, or threats. That is why, consequently, its establishment would not be easy as drinking tea.

Pedro still has trust issues against players. So, he can't easily entrust the management of an Adventurer's Guild Branch to someone he does not know well. While, on the other hand, his NPC manpower was not that big to be able to fill every single position and role on every single Adventurer's Guild Branch to be established across the continent.

In any case, Weyron took over the control of the Adventurer's Guild successfully. With that, Pedro needs not to shoulder such issues by himself. And for now, Pedro can focus on doing what he wanted to do.


At this moment, Pedro could not help but scratch the back of his head and glance towards the rest of the Advance Force. Then, he forced out a smile and asked everyone, "Are we really gonna fall in line just to get some shitty wooden badge?"

Pedro spoke in a tad bit loud toneconsequently making another player hear it. Then, that player walked towards him and said, "This is the line for getting a badge to enter important establishments inside the village! If you are not interested in obtaining the said badge, then Fuck off! And don't block the line for those who wanted to obtain a badge!"

Pedro frowned in response as he glared towards the player. That said, the player seemed to be weak as he was unable to even feel the pressure that Pedro exerted with his magical energy.

But before Pedro could utter a word in response, the player in front of them continue his scold to Pedro saying, "How long are you gonna stand there? Goof off if you have nothing else to say!"

In response, Pedro clenched his fist and was about to send a punch to the player. However, he was interrupted with a series of beeps from his Player Interfacewhich he checked immediately.

<Global Announcement!>

<Official Launch Update was complete!>

<Official Launch Update Details!>

1)      The Quest Information tab was upgraded. This time, only the information regarding the special quests were the only ones available and would be often displayed in the Quest Information Tab. This includes the rewards that might be obtained.

2)      A new generalize tab was established and was called the Player Statistics tab. Under this tab were three subcategories namely, the Basic Statsconsisting of important character factors like HP, Mana, Level, EXP percentage, Name, and rank. The Attributes tabwhere Pedro's basic attributes and special attributes are displayed. And lastly, the Skills tabwhere Pedro's skills were listed.

3)      The communication tab was also updated. Under the communications tab, game-to-game or game-to-outside the game messaging function was still retained. However, the call function was removed. Other than that, the Trade Function was also included in this tab for ease of access.

4)      A Special Feature tab was established for specific functions that are important to players. Under this tab, a new function called Inventory Bag Inspector is available. This function would allow the players to manage and determine the contents of an Inventory Bag that they have.

At the same time, under the Special Feature tab, the Vision Capture and the Gallery function were also available. These functions are often used for online streams and/or scouting/data or information gathering.

5)      The Basic Operation Functions tab is newly established to separate the Log out option, the Virtual Sync option, and the Ranking tab from the rest of the Major Tabs that were applied in the new update of the game.

6)      A simplified and generalized rating system was established.

Divine-rated ratings were changed into S-Rank to SSS-Rank Category Rating.

The Legendary-rated ratings were changed into A-Rank Category Rating.

The Epic-rated ratings were changed into B-Rank Category Rating.

The Gold-rated ratings were changed into C-Rank Category Rating.

The Silver-rated ratings were changed into D-Rank Category Rating. 

While the Bronze-rated ratings were changed into E-Rank Category Rating.

Changes were made in accordance with the observation of the majority of the players, concerning the different rating systems used in Dungeon or Quest Difficulty and the rarity of a weapon or an item.

7)      An Automatic Mental Calculator System was added to give ease to players on arithmetic computations. Results of the Calculation are displayed in the System Automatic Calculation Tab.

8)      The location of where the player interface would appear was changed from the direct front of the player to above either of the player's arms, hands, or palm. This is made to address the interruption made by the player interface on a player's vision.

In case, incapacitated, the player interface would be displayed in the default location, the direct front of the player.

9)      Lastly, the Official Launch Update marks the official launch of Bearth Online! So, to celebrate such a great occasion, another special event would be released for ALL SERVERS! 

Stay Tuned!

<End of Official Launch Update Details!>

Pedro could not help but smirk after reading the Official Launch Update Details. In fact, he was not the only one who was happy after reading the details about the update. The players around them had started to become noisy to the point that some of the players were even jumping out of excitement.

Most of the players were excited about the incoming special event. Whatever the event is about, together with the ongoing Continental Quest, the players on the Aquari Continent were blessed with a lot of opportunities. So, it was only natural for them to anticipate great things to happen in the future.

On the other hand, Pedro was also delighted by the fact that the majority of the conflicting or confusing features of the game were corrected. After all, the game would be played by Billions of people all over the world. It would be a huge problem if there are some inconsistencies in any of the game's features. So, it was a great move by the developers to choose a simple but organized and easy-to-navigate player interface.

That said, Pedro clapped his hands to get the attention of the players in the Advance Force, and said, "Enough daydreaming! Let's proceed as planned! Brother Faith Do you think you can handle your task considering the current situation that the village is in? The case of this village is different from a Kingdom. After all The Village's Teleportation Platform is located inside the village itself!"

Aldo stole a glance at the tents where the wooden badges were being distributed. Then, he rubbed the back of his head as he glanced back to Pedro with a frown on his face, while saying, "I'll see what I can do! Let's try going according to the plan, for now! If I noticed any possibility that our task would fail, I won't hesitate to contact you. So, don't worry!"

Pedro simply nodded in response. Then, he glanced towards Sabrina, Ragas, Clara, and Faunia before clapping his hands once again, while saying, "Then We'll separate from here! May you succeed and bring humanity glory!"

Aldo placed his right closed fist to his chest. Then, he bowed slightly to Pedro and said, "And so do you, Captain!"

Pedro simply nodded in response and smirked. Then, he led the Advance Force Team 1 towards the Baliu Mountain. He chuckled to himself, murmuring, "My attack damage farm Here I come!"

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